Translation of Maulana Muhammad Ali.
This 2003 index is has been expanded from the index in the 1951 version.
Letters a and b after the verses refer to notes, or commentary, of that verse.
Important subjects in the Index:
Allah, Civic Life, Human Soul, Intellectual Development, Knowledge, Man, Morals, Muhammad, Muslims, Nature, Prayer, Quran, Revelation, Science, State Polity and Women.
# A
Aaron Moses' request for help of, 20:29–34, 29a, 48a; 26:13; 28:34; is made a prophet, 4:163; 6:84; 10:75; 19:53; 21:48; 23:45; 25:35; leader of Israelites in Moses' absence, 7:142; not guilty of making the calf, 2:51b; 20:85a, 90, 90a, 95; his excuse, 7:150, 151a. See also Moses.
Abbas 9:19a
Abbreviations (MuqattaAt) 2:1a; explanations of, given by companions, 68:1a
Abd-Allah the Prophet's father, 93:6a
Abd-Allah ibn Shuraih 80:2a
Abd-Allah ibn Ubayy 9:84a; 24:11b, 33c; 59:2a; desire of, to become a leader, 2:8a; deserts the Muslim army, 3:121a; funeral service of, 9:80a
Abd al-Masih 3:61b
Abd al-Muttalib the Prophet's grandfather, 93:6a; prayer of, 105:1a
Abd al-Uzza 111:1a
Abel 5:27a
Ablution 5:6; total ablution, when necessary, 4:43b
Abrahah 105:1a, 5a
Abraham entire submission of, to Allah, 2:124, 131; 3:67; 4:125; 16:120; 37:83–84; made a prophet and model of virtue, 2:124, 130; 16:120–122; 21:73; 38:45–47; prophethood granted to descendants of, 3:33; 29:27; 37:113; 57:26; preaches against idolatry, 6:74; 19:42–48; 21:52–56, 62–67; 26:69–82; 29:16–17; 37:85–96; 43:26–27; preaches against worship of heavenly bodies, 6:75–83, 75a, 76a; 37:88–89, 89a; breaks the idols, 21:57–67, 58a, 63a; 37:91–93; plans against, to cast into fire, 21:68, 69a; 29:24, 24a; 37:97; is delivered, 21:69–71; 29:24–26, 26a; 37:98–99; controversy with a sun-worshipper, 2:258, 258c; is promised a great kingdom, 2:258a; seeks to understand law of rise and fall of nations, 2:260, 260a; expedition of, against king of Elam, 21:70a; sire of, 6:74a; asks forgiveness for his sire, 9:114; 19:47; 60:4, 4a; is the progenitor of Arabs, 90:3, 3a; prays for a righteous son, 37:100; given good news of Ishmael, 37:101; vision of, to sacrifice his son, 37:102, 102a; settles Ishmael near the Kabah, 2:126a; 14:37, 37a; prays for a secure city to be raised there, 2:126; 14:35; 90:1a; prays for Makkah to be made the spiritual centre of the world, 14:37–38; enjoined to purify the Sacred House of idols, 2:125; 22:26; prays for a nation keeping up prayer to be raised in Arabia, 2:128; 14:37, 40; prays, with Ishmael, for a messenger to be raised in Makkah, 2:129; with Ishmael rebuilds Kabah, 2:127; covenant made with, 2:124, 124a; Place (Maqam) of, 2:125, 125b; 3:97, 97a; scriptures of, 87:19; messengers come to, 11:69–70; 15:51–52; 51:24–25; informed of birth of a son, 15:53–56; 37:112; 51:28–30; and a grandson, 6:84; 11:71, 71a; 19:49; 21:72; 29:27; pleads for Lot's people, 11:74–76; enjoins Unity on his descendants, 2:132; 43:28; severs connection with enemies, 60:4–5, 4a; an exemplar, 16:120; 60:4; to be remembered with goodness among later generations, 37:108–111; Islam as the religion of, 3:67; Muhammad and his followers are nearest to, 3:68; faith of, followed by Muslims, 2:135a; 4:125; 16:123
Abrogation doctrine of, in the Quran, refuted, 2:106a; 16:101a; of previous scriptures, 2:106a
Abu Amir 7:175a; 9:107a
Abu Bakr pp. I-26, I-57, I-59; 30:3a (4th); 36:20a; 54:45a; collection of the Quran by, in writing, pp. I-26, I-59, I-73 to I-77; accompanies the Prophet in his flight, 9:40, 40a; 22:58a; enjoined to show forgiveness, 24:22, 22a
Abu Jahl 27:48a; 28:56a; 37:62a; 96:7a
Abu Khuzaimah p. I-59
Abu Lahab 27:48a; 111:1–3, 1a, 3a; wife of, 111:4–5, 4a; her end, 111:5a; curses the Prophet, 26:214a
Abu Sufyan 5:54a; 8:5a; 16:75a
Abu Talib 93:6a; on death bed, 28:56a
Abuse must be borne with patience, 3:186, 186a; 20:130, 130a; 33:48, 48a; 50:39; 73:10; withdrawing from company of abusers, 4:140, 140a; 6:68; turning away from the ignorant, 7:199; 28:55; showing forgiveness in face of, 2:109, 109a
Accessions made in war see Muslim Wars.
Actions each responsible for own, 3:30; 4:111; 6:52, 52a; 10:41; 29:12; 52:21, 21b; see Burden, Deeds, Evil, Good works, and Life after death.
Ad tribe of, 7:65a; deities of, 7:65a; successors of Noah's people, 7:69, 69a; tallness of stature of, 7:69b; their punishment, 7:72, 72a; see 7:65a for full refs.; see also 9:70; 50:13
Adam created to rule on earth, 2:30, 30b; is created from dust, 3:59, 59a; 7:12a; 15:28, 27a; 17:61; 38:71, 71a; is taught the names, 2:31, 31b; is made complete and granted inspiration, 15:29; 38:72; angels ordered to make submission to, 2:34, 34a; 7:11; 15:28–29; 17:61; 18:50; 20:116; 38:72, 71a; Iblis refuses to submit to, 2:34; 7:11; 15:31; 17:61; 18:50; 20:116; 38:73–74; is made to live in the garden with Eve, 2:35, 35a; 7:19; 20:117–119, 119a; both forbidden to approach the tree, 2:35, 35c; 7:19; is misled by the devil, 2:36; 7:20–22; 20:120–121; result of tasting the tree, 7:22, 22a; 20:121, 121a; clothing of which he was divested, 7:27a; new condition in which he is placed, 2:36b; fault of, due to forgetting, 20:115, 115a; is made conscious of the fault, 7:22a; repentance of, 2:37, 37a; 7:23; excels the whole creation, 2:34, 34a; allegorical nature of the story of, 2:30b; 20:121a; standing for man generally, 2:34a; 3:59a; 7:11a; as a prototype of the perfect man, 38:71a; how Eve was created from, 16:72a; Adam and his descendants chosen, 3:33; two sons of, 5:27–31
Addas 16:103a
Adi 5:106a
Adoption 33:4, 4b
Adornment 7:31, 31a; not prohibited, 7:32, 32a
Adultery punishment for, 24:1–2, 2a; light view taken of, in modern society, 24:2a; interdict against, 24:3, 3a; strong evidence required to establish the charge, 24:4, 13, 13a; preventives against, 23:5–6; 24:27, 30–31; 70:29–30; punishment for indecency short of, 4:15–16, 15a; see Morals : chastity.
Æsop 31:12a
Agreement fulfilment of, 5:1, 1a; 16:91–92, 92b; see Morals : true to promises; may be repudiated in case of treachery, 8:58, 58a
Ahmad prophecy about, 61:6, 6a
Ahzab see Allies.
Aish 16:103a
A'ishah 2:180a (2nd); 33:50a (3rd); 66:1a; 68:4a; slander against, 24:11–20, 11a; the chief slanderer of, 24:11b
Alcohol see Intoxicants.
Ali p. I-57; 2:180a (2nd); 22:58a; 38:24a; collection of the Quran by, pp. I-72, I-73
Allah proper name, ch. 1 : note b; is above limitations, 6:103; 42:11, 11a; has the best, most beautiful names, 7:180, 180a; 17:110; 20:8; 59:24; 16:60; 30:27; everything in universe glorifies Him, 17:44, 44a; 24:41; 59:24; 16:60; 30:27; everything submits to, 3:83; 13:15; 16:48–49; 22:18; evidence for the existence of, 2:28, 28a; 7:172; 10:31–35; 27:60–64, 62a; 35:3, 11–14; 40:61–68; 52:35–36; 56:57–73
— Unity of : is One, 2:163; 6:19; 14:52; 16:22; 21:108; 22:34, 34a; 37:4; 38:65; 41:6; 112:1; no god besides, 2:255; 3:2; 4:87; 47:19; 52:43; 64:13; not two or three gods, 16:51; 4:171; 5:73; has no associates, 6:163; 17:111; 25:2; has no son, 6:101, 101a; 17:111; 25:2; 112:3; see also under Sonship; error of ascribing daughters to, 37:149–158; see also Feminine divinities; service is due to Him, 1:4; 13:36; 18:110; 36:60–61; 39:64–66; pray to Him alone, 1:4; 10:105–107; 25:68; 26:213; 28:88; 72:18–20; doctrine of Unity, borne witness to, 3:18, 18a; is the basis of all religions, 3:18b; inherent in human nature, 6:41a; Unity of law bears witness to, 21:22, 22a; declared by diversity in nature, 2:164, 164a; 13:4a; absolute Unity proclaimed, 112:1–4, 4a; see also Gods and Polytheism.
— is Loving : 11:90; 85:14; loves those who do good to others, 2:195; 3:134, 148; 5:13, 93; loves those who turn to Him, 2:222; loves the steadfast, 3:146; loves the dutiful, 3:76; 9:4, 7; loves those who trust in Him, 3:159; loves the equitable, 5:42; 49:9; 60:8; love of, gained by following Holy Prophet, 3:31, 31a; loves and is loved, 5:54; created man out of love, 96:2a; to be loved by man, see Human soul : man to love God; is pleased with the righteous, and they with Him, 5:119; 9:100; 58:22; 89:28; 93:5; 98:8
— is Merciful : (every ch. except 9th starts with this declaration); has ordained it upon Himself to show mercy, 6:12, 12a, 54, 133; most Merciful of all merciful ones, 7:151; 12:64, 92; 21:83; 23:118; mercy is preponderant quality of, 6:160, 160a; 17:54, 54a; embraces all in mercy, 40:7, 7a; 6:147, 147a; 7:156, 156a; all should rejoice in mercy of, 10:58; has created all for mercy, 11:119, 119a; none should despair of His mercy, 12:87; 39:53; mercy of, to wrong-doers, 3:128, 128a; two portions of mercy of, 57:28, 28a
— is Forgiving, 39:53, 53a; 40:3, 3a; 42:5, 5a, 25, 30, 34, 34a; 74:56, 56b; 3:135, 155; 4:64, 99, 106, 110, 149; 5:101; 6:54; 7:153, 155; 12:98; 14:10, 36, 36b; 20:82; 25:70; 33:71; 53:32; 57:28; accepts repentance, ibid., and see also Repentance
— is Compassionate : to all, 2:143; 22:65; to believers, 2:207; 3:30; 9:117, 128; 24:20
— is Good to all, 2:243, 251; 10:60; 12:38; 27:73; see meaning of Beneficent, ch. 1 : note c
— is Omniscient : knows all things, 2:29; 6:101; 24:35; 29:62; 42:12; comprehends all things in knowledge, 6:80; 7:89; 20:98; His knowledge covers heaven and earth, 2:255; 29:52; 57:4; knows unseen and seen, 13:9; 32:6; 35:38; 49:18; knows atom and less than that, 10:61; 34:2–3; 57:3–4; knows what is in hearts and minds, 2:235; 11:5; 29:10; 33:51; 35:38; knows suggestions of mind, 50:16; knows the secret and yet more hidden, the subconscience, 20:7; knows secret thoughts and open words, 2:77; 6:3; 11:5; 16:23; 27:74; knows the Hour and all in wombs, 13:8; 31:34; 41:47; knows every falling leaf, 6:59; knows secret counsels, 13:10a; 58:7
— is Omnipotent : has power over all things, 2:20, 106, 284 etc.; 25:54; is Knowing and Powerful, 30:54; 35:44; 42:50; powerful to give spiritual life, 75:4, 4a, 40; 36:81, 81a; 42:29; powerful to change old order, 70:40–41, 41a; powerful to send sign, 6:37; 23:95; powerful to chastise, 6:65; controls all, 4:85
— is Omnipresent : nearer to man than life-vein, 50:16; is nigh, 2:186, 186a; 11:61; 34:50; is with you wherever you are, 57:4; 58:7; in all directions you face God, 2:115; none can hide himself from God, 4:108; is the fourth in every three, 58:7
— is the Creator : Creator of all things, 6:101; 13:16; 20:50, 50a; 25:2; 39:62; none else can create, 13:16; 16:20; 31:11; 35:40; 3:49a (1st); created what you know not, 16:8; 36:36; created heavens and earth, 6:1; 14:32; 27:59–60; created with truth, 6:73; 16:3; 29:44; not fatigued by creation of, 46:33; 50:38, 38a; see also under Heaven; as sending down things for man, 7:26; 15:21; 39:6, 6a; 57:25, 25b; Creator, Maker and Fashioner, 59:24; creation not instantaneous, 2:117b; 3:47a; see Evolution; Creator of man, 55:3; 39:6; see also under Man; creates then reproduces creation, 10:4; 29:19–20; 30:11, 27; 85:13; Creator and Sustainer, 56:58–74; Sustainer of all, 11:6; for other acts of creation, see under Pairs and Nature.
— gives life and causes death, 2:28; 7:158; 9:116; 23:80; 57:2
— above every need, 6:14; 29:6; 35:15; 39:7; 47:38; 51:57
— man's relation with, see Human soul;
— ever-enduring, 28:88; 55:27; ever-living, 2:255; 3:2, 2a; 20:111; 25:58; 40:65; the First, Last, Manifest and Hidden, 57:3, 3a; the Truth, 31:30; ultimate cause of all things, 6:1, 1a; pleasure of, exercised according to His laws, 74:56a; other attributes of, 59:22–24; meeting with, 84:6, 6a; 36:81a; remembrance of, sets heart at rest, 13:28; coming of, 2:210, 210a; 6:158, 158a; no change in course of, 17:77; 35:43; 48:23; meaning of "in the way of", 2:154a; does not lead man astray, 2:26b; 9:115, 115a; 13:27, 27b; 14:27, 27a; 16:37, 37a
Allegiance oath of, 5:7, 7a; 48:10, 10a, 18, 18a; from women converts, 60:12, 12a
Allies Battle of, 33:9, 9a; assistance of angels at, 3:125, 125a; prophecy relating to, 6:65a; 38:11, 11a; 67:17, 17a; 85:4, 4a; prophecy fulfilled, 33:9, 9b, 22, 22a
Amalekites 27:39a
Amin Al-, Prophet known as, 6:33a; 10:16a; 68:4a; 81:21a
Aminah the Prophet's mother, 93:6a
Ammar son of Yasir, 16:106a
Amran 3:33, 33a, 35, 35a
Amr ibn Lohay 71:23a
Amr ibn Salamah p. I-62
Ancient House (Kabah) 22:29, 29a; see Kabah.
Angels significance of belief in, 2:177b; as bearers of messages, 2:30a; existence of, 2:30a; Allah's speaking to, 2:30a; submit to Adam, see Adam; opponents' demands for coming of, 6:8, 8a; 15:7–8, 8a; 25:21–22, 21a; 17:94–95; meaning of coming of, 2:210, 210a; 6:111, 111a, 158, 158a; 16:33, 33a; could not be messengers to people, 6:8–9, 9a; assistance of, 3:123–125, 124a; 8:9–10, 10a; 33:9, 9c; make believers firm, 8:12; ask forgiveness for people, 40:7–9; 42:5, 5a; coming of, with inspiration, 16:2, 2a; descend upon believers, 41:30–31, 31a; coming with revelation to the Holy Prophet, 19:64, 64a; guardian angels, 13:11, 11a; recording angels, 82:10–12, 12a; the wings of, 35:1, 1a; looked upon as female divinities and called daughters of Allah, 37:149–159, 158a; 43:16, 16a, 19, 18a; 53:27–28, 27a; 17:40; and see Feminine divinities.
Animals benefits for man in use of, 16:5–8, 66, 80; 23:21–22; 36:71–72; 40:79–80, 80a; 43:12–13; 5:4; 6:142, 142a; 39:6, 6a; welfare of, 4:36b; 6:118a; 51:19a; slaughter of, see Food.
Ansar and Muhajirin 8:72, 72a; 9:100, 100a, 117; 59:8–9, 8a, 9a; muhajir women, 60:10–12, 10a
Antichrist 18:1a; 40:57a; shall not enter Makkah, 3:97a
Apostates 2:217; 5:54, 54a; were not put to death or punished, 2:217b
Aqabah oath of allegiance taken at, 5:7a; 22:39a; 48:10a
Aqbah ibn Abi MuAit 27:48a
Arabia Prophet to appear in, 2:124a; mentioned in Bible, 2:125c, 144b; subjugated to the Prophet temporally and spiritually, 27:87a; granting of life to, 29:63, 63a; insecurity in, 29:67, 67a; towns destroyed on borders of, 46:27–28, 27a; prophecy of its regeneration and subjugation fulfilled, 110:1a; transformation of, 2:129a
Arabs wonderful memories of, p. I-60; better followers of truth than Jews and Christians, 6:156–157; bearers of Prophet's message to other nations, 16:89, 89a; called Ummi, 7:157a; made masters of mighty empires, 18:31, 31a; to be raised to eminence through the Prophet, 84:18a; Bible prophecy about, 26:199a; Abraham was progenitor of, 90:3, 3a
— pre-Islamic Arabs : in a state of mutual warfare, 3:103, 103b; compelled wives to obtain divorce, 2:231a; denied inheritance to women and children, 4:7a; 89:19, 19a; took women as heritage, 4:19, 19a; married mothers, 4:22; causing injury to women, 4:19b, 20a; custom of zihar among, see Zihar; deciding important affairs by arrows, 5:3c; liberating animals in honour of idols, 5:103, 103a; setting apart part of produce for idols, 6:136a; making sacrifice to idols, 6:137, 137a; superstitions of, 2:189b; 6:138–139, 143a; auguring evil from birds, 7:131a; 17:13a; practice of postponing pilgrimage, 9:36, 36a; birth of daughter regarded a misfortune, 16:58–59; 43:17; 42:50a; buried daughters alive, 6:137, 137a, 140; 16:59, 59a; 81:9a; powerful tribes set agreements at naught, 16:92, 92b; denied resurrection, 17:51a; denied beneficence of God, 17:110, 110a; 21:36, 36a; 25:60; prostitution among, 24:33c; killed each other for trivial offences, 42:40a; belief in astrologers (q.v.), 52:38a; brought idols from Syria, 71:23a; belief of, that devils listen by stealth, 81:25a; evil of drink among, 2:219a; fairs for trading purposes, 2:198a; boastful gatherings, 2:200a; see also Polytheists.
— Arab (desert Arabs), 9:90, 90b, 97–99, 101; 48:11–12; 49:14–17
Araf 7:46–47, 46b
Arrows used to divide flesh of animals and for divining purposes, 5:3, 3c; dividing by, forbidden, 5:90
Arsh 7:54b; 11:7a; bearers of, 40:7, 7a; 69:17, 17a
Asad 4:91a
Ascension (Mi`raj) of the Prophet, ch. 17 intro., 17:1, 60; a spiritual experience, 17:1a, 60b; signified his future triumph, 17:1a, 60b
Ashab see Muhammad : Companions of.
Ashab al-fil 105:1a
Asma' daughter of Nu`man Kindi, 33:49a
Astrologers 52:38a; 67:5a; 72:8a; see Soothsayers.
Atom see Science.
Atonement refutation of the doctrine of, 5:18, 18b; 6:164, 164a; 17:15, 15a; contradicted by Lord's prayer, 19:92a; how sins are forgiven, 29:7, 7a; see also Burden.
Aus and Khazraj tribes of, quarrel between, 2:85b; 49:9a
Azar 6:74, 74a
Aziz (al-) 12:30, 30a
# B
Backbiting 49:12
Badr prophecies relating to battle of, in Bible, 3:13a; in the Quran, 8:7, 7b, 11a, 42e; 25:25–27, 25a, 27a; 30:5a; 34:26a; 44:16, 16a; 54:44–48, 45a, 46a, 48a; 64:9–10; 78:18–20, 20a; prophecy as to when it will take place, 34:30, 30a; appointed time of punishment of enemy, 18:58, 58a; force of persecution to be broken at, 20:128–130; enemy demanded a judgment in the battle of, 8:19, 19a; afforded a distinction, 2:53a; 8:41; sign in the battle of, 3:13; numbers of the opposing sides, 3:13a; Divine help at, 3:123; 8:9; encounter necessary to manifest truth, 8:6–8; Muslims not to meet invading army at, 8:5a; position of, and encounter at, 8:5a; Muslims strengthened at, 8:11, 11a; Allah's hand in the fighting at, 8:17, 17a; situation of parties at, 8:42, 42a; as a proof of truth, 8:42, 42e; unbelievers marching to, in exultation, 8:47–48, 47a; how unbelievers were smitten at, 8:50–51; release of prisoners at, 8:67a; prisoners of war at, to be released, 8:70; Quraish leaders slain at, 27:48a
Badr al-Sughra 3:173–175, 174a
BaiAt al-Aqabah see Aqabah.
BaiAt al-ridwan 48:10a
Bakkah 3:96, 96a
Bal 37:125, 125a
BalAm 7:175a
Balance the, of good deeds, 7:8–9, 8a; 23:102–103, 102a; 101:6–9; 21:47; as meaning measure and justice, 42:17, 17a; 55:7–9, 7a; 57:25, 25a
Bani Abd al-Muttalib 8:41a
Bani Bakr 9:15a
Bani Damrah 9:4a
Bani Ghanam 9:107a
Bani Harithah 3:122a
Bani Hashim 8:41a Bani Kananah, 9:4a
Bani Mudlaj 4:90a
Bani Mustaliq 33:50a; 47:4a
Bani Nadir 2:85a, 85b; 5:11a; 33:9a; banishment of, ch. 59 intro., 59:2, 2a; destroyed their own houses, 59:2, 2b
Bani Qainuqa 59:15a
Bani Quraizah 2:85a, 85b; 33:9a; treachery of, 33:26, 26a; besieged, 33:26a; punishment of, 33:26–27, 26a
Bani Salimah 3:122a
Bani Tamim ch. 49 intro. (2nd)
Banks interest on deposits in, 2:279a; see Usury.
Baptism the Divine, 2:138, 138a
Barzakh 23:100, 100a
Begging disapproved, 2:273, 273c
Belief fundamental beliefs of Islam, 2:3–4, 3a, 4a, 4b; 2:177, 177b, 177c; 2:285, 285a; 4:136; significance given to, in Islam, 2:177b; belief in Allah and all revelation, 2:136, 136a; and see under Revelation; in Allah and all messengers, 4:152; and see under Prophets; in Allah and Prophet, 7:158; 47:2; 57:7; 61:11; 64:8; in Allah and Last Day or Hereafter, 2:4b, 8, 62, 62b, 126; 4:39; 9:99; novices in belief, 49:14, 14a; waverers in, 4:137, 137a, 137b; true believers, 8:2–4, 74; 9:111–112; 23:1–11; 32:15–16; 49:15; spiritual distinctions promised to, 8:29; 10:2; 14:27; 39:33–35; 46:16; 48:5; 58:11; see also Faith and Good works.
Benjamin Joseph's brother, 12:76b
Bequest for charitable purposes, 2:180; law of, not abrogated, 2:180a, 182; 2:240, 240a; 4:11–12, 11b; 5:106
Bible not a full or trustworthy record of Israelite history, 2:249a; silence of, on resurrection, 10:37a; as a guidance is second to Quran, 28:49a; corruption of, 2:75, 75a, 79, 79a; 3:77–78, 78a; 4:46, 46a; 5:13, 44–47, 44a–44c, 46a, 48a, 68, 68a; for differences with Quran, see Quran; see also Gospel and Torah; for prophecies about Prophet in, see Muhammad : Prophecies about.
Bilal 16:106a
Birds as indicating ill-luck, 7:131a; as signifying vanquishment of enemy, 16:79a; 67:19a; in Abrahah's invasion of Makkah, 105:3–5, 5a; as signifying actions, 17:13a; significance of the speech of, 27:16a; subjugated by Solomon, 27:17, 17a; standing for cavalry, 27:17a
Bi'r MaUnah murder of reciters at, p. I-63
Bismillah ch. 1 intro. (3rd, 4th); omission of in ninth chapter, ch. 9 intro.
Black Sea the, 18:86b
Black Stone as a symbol, 2:149a
Blind and deaf metaphors used in spiritual sense, 22:46, 46a; 7:179, 179a; 8:22, 22a; 17:72, 72a, 97; 2:18, 171; 5:71, 71b; 6:39; 7:64; 25:73; 41:17, 17a; sealing of ears and eyes, 2:7, 7a; 6:46; 16:108, 108a; 45:23, 23a; 47:23, 23a; Prophet's rejectors do not see or listen, 7:198; 10:42–43; 27:80–81, 80a; 30:52–53; 43:40; 21:45; 36:9, 9a; 67:10; blind compared with those who see, 6:104; 11:24; 13:16, 19; 35:19; 40:58; see also under Dead and Heart.
Blind the lame and the sick and the, 24:61, 61a; 48:17
Blind man incident of the, ch. 80 intro., 80:1–4, 2a
Bloodwit 2:178, 178b
Book as signifying laws of nature, 6:59b; 10:61, 61a; 11:6; 22:70; 27:75; 35:11; 57:22; as signifying previous revelation, 2:85, 177, 177c; 3:78; 5:15, 15a; 10:37, 37a, 94, 94b; 13:43a; Book of Deeds, 17:13–14, 13a; 18:49, 49a; 23:62; 34:3; 36:12; 39:69; 45:28, 28a; 50:4, 4a; 54:52–53; 69:19–20, 25–27; 78:29; 83:7–9, 7a, 18–20, 18a; 84:7–15; and see Life after death : grows out of …; as signifying Quran, see Quran.
Book People of the, see People of the Book.
Books circulation of, prophesied, 81:10, 10a
Bracelets of gold brought to Muslim conquerors, 18:31, 31a; 22:23, 23a; 35:33, 33a
Bribery 2:188; 5:62a
Brotherhood of man, see Humanity; of Islam, see Muslims.
Budail 5:106a
Buhairah the monk, 16:103a
Bull-worship 2:51b
Burden what constitutes a man's, 6:164a; each one to bear his own, 29:12–13, 13a; 35:18; 39:7; 53:38; on the day of Resurrection, 6:31; 16:25; 20:100; 29:13, 13a; see also Actions and Atonement; imposed on man only to extent of ability, 2:286; 6:152; 7:42; 23:62; 65:7; prayer for relief from, 2:286; of law, lightened in Islam, 4:28, 28a; removed by Prophet, 7:157; of anxiety for humanity, felt by Prophet, 94:2–3, 3a
Burnt-offering 3:183, 183a
Bushra (Gospel)
# C
Caesar prophecy regarding palaces of, 33:22a
Cain 5:27–31, 27a
Caleb 5:23a
Calf the golden, 2:51, 51b, 54, 54a; 7:148, 148a, 152; 20:87–97, 88a, 90a, 96a, 97a
Camels 7:40; 22:27, 36; prophecy relating to their abandonment, 81:4, 4a
Cave story of the dwellers of, ch. 18 intro.; and Inscription, companions of, 18:9, 9a, 13a
Charity regularized by Islam, 2:3b; as a basic principle of Islam, 2:177; 4:36–37; 30:38–39, 38a; 32:16, 16a; 51:19, 19a; 70:24–25; to withhold is to deny religion, ch. 107; fruit of, 2:261; 30:39, 39a; leads to success, 2:274, 274a; not to be followed by reproach or injury, 2:262–264, 262a; strong condemnation of giving in order to be seen, 2:264; 4:38; the Gospel injunction, 2:264a; for Allah's pleasure, 2:265, 265a; for love of Allah, 76:8–9, 9a; 2:177; only good things to be given in, 2:267; the things one loves, 3:92; open and secret, 2:271, 274; 13:22; 14:31; 35:29; for public welfare, 2:271a; object of, for public good, 2:272a; charity for non-Muslims, 2:272a (2nd); object of secret charity, 2:273, 273a; 4:114; various acts of charity : feeding the poor, 76:8–9; 90:14–16; 36:47; 69:33–34; 89:18; 107:3; caring for orphans, 4:5–6; 17:34; 89:17; 93:9; 107:2; and see Orphans; speaking kind words, 2:83, 83e; 2:263; 4:8; 17:23, 28, 28a; charity towards dumb creation, 51:19, 19a; contrasted with usury, 2:274–276, 276a; 30:39, 39a
— Zakat (Poor rate), as basic principle of faith, 2:110, 177, 277; 9:11, 18; 22:78; 31:2–5; 98:5; enjoined on Israelites, 2:43, 83, 83f; as enjoined by Islam, 2:275a; objects of expenditure of, 9:60, 60a
Charmers 75:27a
Chastity 24:2a; 4:24b; see Morals.
Children as a worldly gain, like wealth, 18:46; 17:6; 18:39–40; 23:55–56; 68:13–14; 71:12, 21; as a source of trial, 8:28; 64:14–15, 14a; no difference if one has females only or males only or cannot have any, 42:49–50; no disgrace in birth of female, see Daughters; to be loved, 25:74; bearing and bringing up of, 31:14; 46:15; suckling of, 2:233; killing of, prohibited, see Infanticide; not to divert one from duty to God, 63:9; possession of, cannot avail against Allah and His Judgment, 3:10, 116; 26:88; 31:33; 58:17; see also Parents and Relationship.
Chosroes II 30:3a
Christianity based on wrong interpretation of allegorical statements, ch. 3 intro., 3:7a; belief in death of Christ on cross, fundamental doctrine of, 4:159, 159a; denies beneficence of God, 19:92a; self-contradictions of, 19:92a; connection of with cave, ch. 18 intro.; as Dajjal, 18:1a; history of, referred to in story of dwellers of cave, 18:9–26, 9a, 13a, 18a, 19a, 19b, 21d, 22a, 25a; early followers of were Unitarians, 18:14, 14a; as a persecuted religion, 18:25a; persecution of followers of, in Yaman, 85:4a; decrepitude of, before advent of Islam, 30:41a; saint-worship in, 17:57, 57a; 18:21d; early refutation of by Quran, 112:3, 4a; see also Atonement, Trinity and Sonship.
Christians (See also People of the Book.)
as leaving the middle path, 1:7a; how they can attain salvation, 2:62, 62b, 111–112, 112a; love of life of, 2:96, 96a; 5:114b; commanded to fast, 2:183a; challenged to test truth of claims by means of prayer, 3:61, 61b; lodged in mosque by Holy Prophet, 3:61b; invited to common principles for mutual understanding, 3:64; take a man for God, 5:17, 17a, 72; 18:102, 102a; exceeding bounds in deifying a mortal, 4:171; only following earlier people in deifying a man, 5:77, 77a; 9:30, 30b; belief of, in Jesus as son of God, 9:30; 18:4–5; and see Sonship; worship of Mary by some, 5:116, 116a; take their religious leaders for gods, 9:31, 31a; 17:57, 57a; invented monkery, 57:27, 27a; try to control God's grace, 57:29, 29a; narrow views of, on grant of revelation, 16:84a; deny beneficence of God, 17:110a; how they can receive God's love, 3:31a; told of true baptism, 2:138, 138a; covenant with, 5:14, 14a; nearest to Islam, 5:82, 82a; humility of, ibid.; compassion in hearts of, 57:27; professing Islam, 5:83, 83a; prophecy of acceptance of Islam by later generations, 5:118, 118a; 18:99a; 21:97, 97a; 72:3a; wealth of, contrasted with Muslim poverty, 18:32–44, 32a; lethargy of, in early history, 18:18a; commercial activities of, ch. 18 intro., 18:19b; engrossment in materialism and neglect of spiritual needs by modern Christians, 18:102–104, 102a, 104a; chastisement of, for pursuit of materialism, 5:115, 115a; 18:7–8, 8a, 99–101, 99a–101a; world-domination by Christian nations prophesied, 18:98a; 21:96–97, 96b; mutual enmity and hatred of, 5:14, 14b;
Christmas date of, taken from Persian cult, 19:25a; date not accepted by Quran, ibid.
Civic Life work and striving : no good work is wasted, 3:195; 12:56, 90; 18:30; striving shall be rewarded fully, 53:39–41; for good and bad ends, 6:135; 39:39–40; 79:34–41; 92:4, 4a; striving hard even to meet the Lord, 84:6, 6a; going deep into matters, 79:1–5; reward of labourers is excellent, 3:136; 29:58; 39:74; earning of wealth, 2:267; 4:32; 30:23; 62:10; 78:11; travelling recommended to earn wealth, 34:18; 67:15; 73:20; wealth to be obtained from the sea, 16:14; 17:66; 35:12; from cattle, 16:5–7; from mountains, 16:15–l8; 79:32–33; trade to be carried on, 2:198, 198a, 275, 275b; 4:29; wealth not to be earned by false means, 2:188; 4:29; 5:62; earth is full of abundant resources, 4:100; 7:10; 15:20; inheritance of wealth, see Inheritance; proper use of wealth : wealth neither to be squandered nor withheld, 17:26–29; 25:67; hoarding of wealth denounced, 9:34; 70:18; 104:1–3; see Niggardliness; to be given away for love of God, 2:177; to be spent for parents, offspring, kindred, needy and wayfarers, 2:215; 30:38; spending of wealth for others brings abundance, 2:268; see Charity; love of wealth, 89:17–20; 100:6–8; diverts man from real object of life, 62:11; 102:1–2; attention drawn to higher values of life, 3:14; 18:46, 105; 57:20–21; 63:9; honesty in dealing, 7:85; 17:35; 83:1–6; contracts, debts, security, 2:280, 282–283; evidence, see Evidence; social relations with other communities, 5:2, 5; 60:8 Clothing, of inner piety, 7:26, 26b; purification of, as well as heart, 74:4, 4a; required of women, see Women; of evil-doers as symbolising punishment, 14:50; 22:19
Comforter spoken of by Jesus, 3:3b; 3:31a; 7:143a; 61:6a
Companions see Muhammad : Companions of.
Concubinage 4:25a; 24:32a
Contracts writing of, 2:282
Controversy principle of, 16:125, 125a; 29:46, 46a, 46b
Counsel necessary in all important matters, 3:159, 159b; 42:38, 38a; see also Secret counsels.
Court of wards 4:5, 5a; see also Orphans.
Covenant of Allah, 2:27, 27a, 83a; 3:77, 81, 187; 6:152; 13:20, 25; 16:91, 95; 33:15, 23; 48:10; covenants with people, see Morals : true to covenants.
Cow slaughter of, in Mosaic law, 2:51b; sacrifice of cows, among Jews, 2:67a; worship of, ch. 2 intro., 2:67a
Creation see Allah : Creator, Earth, Heaven, Man and Science.
Cyrus 2:102f, 259a (4th); 18:83a
# D
Dabbat al-ard (creature from the earth) 27:82, 82a; 34:14, 14a
Dacoits (armed robbers) punishment of, 5:33, 33a
Daniel vision of, 18:83a
Darius I 18:83a, 90a; ch. 18 intro.
Daughters (See also Children and Parents.)
given by God, just like sons, 42:49–50, 50a; condemnation of those who feel ashamed at birth of, 16:58–59, 59a; 43:17; killing of, at birth, among pre-Islamic Arabs, see under Arabs; idolators' ascribing of, to God, see under Angels and Feminine divinities.
David kills Goliath and is made king, 2:251, 251a; made a prophet and granted scripture, 4:163, 164a; 6:84; 17:55; granted wisdom, knowledge and judgment, 2:251; 21:78–79; 27:15; 38:20; curses Israelites, 5:78, 78a; curses his enemies, 17:55a; significance of mountains and birds being made subservient to, 21:79, 79a; 34:10, 10a; 38:17–19; making of coats of mail by, 21:80, 80a; 34:11, 11a; iron made pliant to, 34:10–11, 10b; and the two litigants, 38:21–26; false charge against, 38:24a; sings praises of the Holy Prophet, 2:253a
Day meaning of, 1:3b; as equal to a thousand years, 22:47; 32:5; of fifty thousand years, 70:4, 4a; see Heaven for creation in six periods; days of Allah, 14:5, 5a; 45:14, 14a
Day and night alternation of, 2:164; 3:190; 10:6; one passing into the other, 3:27; 22:61; 25:62; 31:29; benefits of the two, 28:71–73; 30:23; 40:61; 78:10–11
Day the Last, (see also Belief, Hour and Life after Death), of Judgment and Requital, 1:3, 3b; 26:82; 37:20–21; 51:12–14; 56:56; 82:15–19; of Gathering, 42:7; 64:9; of Reckoning, 14:41; 38:16, 26
— of Resurrection : God will judge differences of religion on, 2:113; 10:93; 16:92, 124; 22:17, 17a, 69; 45:17; happy position of believers on, 2:212; 3:185; 7:32, 32b; punishment for evil-doers on, 2:174; 3:180; 11:98; 16:25, 27; 17:97; 18:105; 20:100–102, 124–127; 22:9; justice done on, 3:161; deeds brought before man on, 17:13–14; relationships will not avail on, see Relationship; see also 7:172; 19:95; 23:16; 28:61; 30:56; 39:15; 75:6–13
Dead the physically, cannot return to life in this world, 21:95, 95a; 23:100, 100a; 39:42, 42a; the spiritually dead, 27:80, 80a; 30:52; 35:22, 22a; as speaking, 6:111, 111a; raising of, to life, 6:36, 36a, 122, 122a; 13:31a; 22:7, 7a; 30:19, 19a; 41:39, 39a; 75:40, 40a; dead nations raised to life, 2:258–260, 258b–260a; those killed in Allah's way, not dead, 2:154, 154a; 3:169–170; reward of, 3:156–158; 4:74; 22:58–59
Deafness spiritual, 31:7; 41:44; see also Blind and deaf and Heart.
Death man must face, see Man; see also Dead and Life after death.
Debts see Usury.
Decius 18:13a
Deeds (See also Actions and Good works.)
all bear results, 31:16; 99:7–8, 8a; 21:47; and see under Book of deeds and Life after death; how rendered null, 3:22, 22a; 7:147; 9:17, 69; 25:23, 23a; 47:1, 1a, 8–9
Defamatory speech 4:148, 148a
Defaulters 9:90–98; 48:11–17; ch. 83 intro., 83:1–6, 1a
Democracy see Counsel and State Polity.
Derbent 18:94a (6th)
Desert dwellers of, see Arabs : Arab.
Devil the, in human form, 2:102a; 3:175, 175a; 8:48, 48a; 14:22, 22a; 22:3, 3a; as signifying leaders in unbelief, 2:14a; standing for wicked opponents, 23:97, 97a, 99a; evil-doers are forces of, 17:64b; as applied to foreign tribes, 38:37–38, 38a; signifying divers, 21:82a; applied to soothsayers, 15:16–18, 18a; 37:7, 7a; 67:5, 5a; as meaning a serpent, 37:65a; significance of disbelief in, 2:177b; creation of, from fire, 7:12, 12a; 38:76, 76a; sees man but man does not see him, 7:27; is open enemy to man, 12:5; 17:53; 35:6; 36:60; has no authority over man, 14:22, 22c; 15:42, 42a; 17:65, 65a; has no authority except over those who befriend him, 16:99–100; 34:20–21; friend of unbelievers, 2:257; 7:27, 27b; promptings of, cease to affect with growth of spiritual life, 7:14a; 15:36a; 38:79; stealing a hearing, 15:16–18, 18a; compared to a coward, 17:64a; respited, 7:14–15; 15:36–37; 38:79–80; made abject, 7:13, 13a; is disappointed, 7:16, 16a; misleads both Adam and Eve, 2:36; 7:20; 20:120; leads man to evil, 2:36a; 36:62; as a tempter, 7:17; 15:39; 17:64; suggests evil practices, 4:119–120; changes the natural religion of man, 4:119, 119b; gives false promises, 14:22, 22b; 17:64; disowns responsibility for having misled, 14:22d; 59:16; sharing in wealth and children, 17:64c; threatens to mislead humanity, 15:39; 17:62; 38:82; sows dissension among people, 17:53, 53a; incites unbelievers, 19:83; descends upon the sinful, 26:221–223; opposes prophets, 22:52–53, 52a; causes mischief against the righteous, 41:36, 36a; makes evil deeds look attractive, 6:43; 16:63; 27:24; 29:38; 27:4a; 35:6–8; whisperings of, 114:1–6, 6a; struggle of, shall fail, 4:76, 76a; seeking refuge from, 7:200, 200a; 16:98; 23:97–98, 97a; 41:36, 36a; visitation from, how guarded against, 7:201, 201a, 201b; party of the, 58:18–20
Devil of the desert 8:11b; 38:41a
Dhu-l-Kifl 21:85, 85a; 38:48
Dhu-l-Qarnain 18:83–98, 83a
Dhu Nawas 85:4a
Ditch the Battle of, see Allies.
Diviners 15:18a; 52:38a; 67:5a; 68:47, 47a
Divining see Arrows.
Divorce cannot be pronounced in menstruation, 65:1, 1a; to be resorted to only in exceptional circumstances, 2:227a (3rd); discouraged by the Prophet, ibid.; causes of, not limited, 2:227a (2nd); arbiters to be appointed as preliminary to, 4:35, 35a; witnesses of, 65:2; period of waiting, 2:228, 228a, 228b; 65:4, 1a; may be revoked twice, 2:229, 229a; must be given in case of dissension, 2:229b; full payment of dowry as a check, 2:229c; wife's right to claim divorce, 2:229d; not individual's right, 2:229d; when it becomes irrevocable, 2:230, 230b; liberality to be shown when divorcing, 2:231, 231b; becomes necessary if injury is caused to wife, 2:231, 231a; remarriage with first husband allowed, 2:232, 232a; provision for divorced women, 2:236, 236a; in case of ill-usage or desertion of wife, 4:128; before consummation of marriage, 2:236–237, 236a; 33:49, 49a; abuse of, 65:1a; divorced women to be treated kindly, 65:1–2, 6–7, 7a
Dowry (Mahr — given by husband to wife on marriage)
necessary to be settled on wife, 4:4, 4a; not to be taken back, 4:19, 19b; amount not limited, 4:20, 20a; remissible in case of Khul`, 2:229, 229d; when not payable in case of divorce, 2:236; when half is payable, 2:237, 237a; in former marriages with unbelievers, 60:10–11, 10a, 11a
Dualism 6:1a
Dumb the spiritually, 2:18, 171; 6:39; 8:22; 17:97; see also Blind and deaf.
# E
Earth creation of, in six periods, 41:9–10, 10a; made after heaven, 79:30, 30a; seven earths, 65:12a; see also under Heaven; a resting-place for man, 2:22; 27:61; 40:64; 43:10; a wide expanse, 20:53; 71:19; 78:6; made subservient to man, 67:15; 2:29; 22:65; man grows out of and returns to, 71:17–18; 77:25–26; bringing out of treasures of, 99:2, 5a
— spiritual transformation of : life given to, after death, 57:17, 17a; 7:57, 57b; 16:65, 65a; 22:5, 5e; 29:63, 63a; 30:19, 19a, 50; 35:9, 9a; 36:33, 33a; 41:39, 39a; changing into a different earth, 14:48, 48a; beaming with Divine light, 39:69, 69a; cleaving asunder of, 13:31, 31a; 50:44; 80:26; crumbling of, 89:21, 23a; and mountains, quacking and crumbling of, 56:4–5, 5a; 69:14, 15a; 73:14, 14a; stretching of, 84:3–5, 3a; inheriting of, by righteous, see Land;
— earthquakes, as indicating great transformation, ch. 99 intro., 99:1, 5a; 79:6, 6a; as signifying war, 22:1a
East and West Allah is master of both, 2:115, 142; 26:28; 70:40; 73:9; Islam to illumine both, 24:35, 35a; meaning of facing, 2:177, 177a; two of, 43:38, 38a; 55:17, 17a
Eber 7:65c
Egyptians a superstitious people, 12:31c; gods of, 26:29a
Ela 7:163a
Elephant possessors of, 105:1, 1a; year of the, 105:1a
Elias 6:85
Elisha 6:86
Enoch see Idris.
Eve see Adam.
Event the, 56:1
Evidence should be given truthfully without fear or favour, 4:135, 135a; 5:106, 106b; 6:152, 152b; 70:33; to be given justly even if it favours enemy, 5:8; sin of concealing, 2:140, 283; circumstantial, is admissible, 12:26–28; for contracts of debt, 2:282; for divorce, 65:2; for charge of indecency or adultery, 4:15; 24:4; of non-Muslims, 5:106, 106a; witnesses not to suffer loss, 2:282, 282e; rebuttal of, by opposing evidence, 5:107; of ears, eyes and skin, 41:20–22, 20a; of tongue, hands and feet, 24:24, 24a
Evil hampers progress, 83:7a; 91:10a; degrees of, 16:90a; consequences of, 2:81, 81a; 30:9–10; removal of, 4:31, 31a; 64:9, 9b; 2:271; 5:65; 8:29; 66:8; annuled by good deeds, 11:114; 25:70; should be repelled with good, 13:22, 22b; 23:96, 96a; 28:54, 54a; 41:34; requital of, 2:98a; 4:123; 27:90; 28:84; 37:39; 53:31; punishment should be similar to, 6:160; 9:35a; 10:27; 40:40; forgiveness of, 42:40, 40a; and see Allah : is forgiving and Morals : forgiveness; hatred for, 40:10, 10a; evil inclinations, not punishable if suppressed, 2:81a, 284a; 53:32a; doers of, must not be supported, 4:85, 85a, 105–107; 5:2; 11:113; 24:16; see also Good Works.
Evolution, 1:1, 1a; 2:117b; 71:14, 14a, 17, 17a; 87:1–3; 22:5, 5c; travelling in earth to find first creation, 29:20
Exalted chiefs 38:69, 69a; 37:8, 8a
Exodus 2:243a
Exultation 17:37; 31:18
Ezekiel 21:85a; vision of, 2:259a
Ezra called son of God, 9:30, 30a
# F
Faith endeared to true believers, 49:7; impressed into their hearts, 58:22; heartfelt faith in God, 67:29; see Human soul : faith in God; increase in, 3:173; 8:2; 9:124; 33:22; 48:4; 74:31; not wasted, 2:143, 143e; possession of knowledge and, 30:56; the Crier calling to, 3:193; prayer for brethren in faith, 59:10; initial stage of, 49:14; forced denial of, 16:106; selling faith for disbelief, 3:177; those loving disbelief more than, 9:23; when faith does not profit, 6:158, 158b; 32:29; 40:85; when it does, 10:98, 98a; turning back from, 2:108–109; 3:100, 106; 9:66; see also Apostates; light of, see Light; see also 6:82; 40:28; 42:52; 52:21
Fasting enjoined, 2:183; a universal institution, 2:183a; meaning introduced into, by Islam, 2:183a (2nd); those exempt, 2:184–185, 184b; limits and requirements, 2:187; rigour of, under previous laws, removed, 2:187b; where the day is of long duration, 2:187c; brings blessings, 97:1a; as expiation, 2:196; 4:92; 5:89, 95; 58:3–4
Fatalism not taught by Islam, 10:49b; see also Predestination; necessity of striving to attain object, see under Civic Life.
Fatihah sublime ideal of, ch. 1 intro.; Divine attributes in, ibid.; as essence of the Quran, ibid.
Fatimah 59:7a
Fatrah ch. 74 intro.
Female slaves marriage with, 2:221; 4:3b; conditions for marrying, 4:25, 25a; must not be forced into prostitution, 24:33, 33c
Feminine divinities 4:117, 117a; 6:100; 16:57, 62, 62a; 53:19–23, 21a; see also under Angels.
Fidk 59:7a
Fig 95:1; as a symbol of Mosaic dispensation, 95:3a
Fire Abraham saved from, 21:69, 69a; seen by Moses in a vision, 20:10a; burnt offerings, 3:183, 183a; parable of one who kindles, 2:17, 17a; from the green tree (photosynthesis), 36:80; illegal gain likened to eating of, 2:174, 174a; 4:10; in heart of man, 104:6–7, 7a; see also Hell; creation from, 7:12, 12a; 15:27, 27a; 38:76, 76a; use of, by man, 13:17; 56:71–73, 73a Flight, the, (Hijrah), 9:40, 40a; 16:41a; 22:58a; 28:85a; 8:33, 33a; prophetical reference, 17:80, 80a; 25:54, 54a; 43:89, 89a
Food good and lawful things to be consumed, 2:168, 168a, 172, 172a; 5:4–5, 87–88, 96; 16:114; of People of the Book, 5:5, 5a; moderation in, 7:31; forbidden foods, 2:173, 172a, 173a; 5:3, 3a; 6:121, 121a, 145, 145a; 16:115; allowed in case of unavoidable necessity, see all last refs.; reasons of prohibition, 6:145a; as affecting morals, 2:168a; forbidden to Israelites, 6:146, 146a, 146b; slaughter of animals, 6:118, 118a, 121, 121a, 142, 142a; 2:173, 173a; 5:3a, 5a
Forgiveness see Allah : is Forgiving and Morals : forgiveness.
Fornication 17:32, 32a; 24:2, 2a; 25:68; see Adultery.
Friday service 2:65a; 62:9–11, 9a
Furqan 2:53, 53a; 2:185, 185c; 3:4, 4b; 8:41, 41a (3rd); 25:1a
# G
Gabriel 2:97–98, 97a; 26:193a; 66:4; 81:21a; 94:1a; conveys Divine messages, 2:87a; 42:51, 51a; see Spirit.
Gambling 2:219, 219b; 5:90, 90b; reason of prohibition, 5:91, 91a
Garden standing for success, 2:214a; 36:26, 26a; 55:46, 46a; see Paradise .
Ghanimah see Muslim wars.
Ghassan king of, 9:118a
Ghatfan 4:91a; 33:10a
Ghost the Holy, 2:87a
Ghulam Ahmad, Mirza p. I-11; 24:55a
Gideon 2:249a
God see Allah.
Gods false : no proof of existence of, 6:19; 21:24; 23:117; 35:40; 46:4; and see Polytheists : have no authority; disorder if any existed, 21:22, 22a; 23:91; are falsehood, 22:62; 31:30; can neither harm nor benefit, 5:76; 10:18; 22:12–13; 25:55; 39:38; do not hear or answer, 13:14; 18:52; 19:42; 28:64; 35:14; 46:5; 7:148; 20:89; cannot guide, 7:148; 10:35; cannot judge, 40:20; cannot avail or help, 6:40, 94, 94a; 7:197; 11:101; 34:22; 41:48; cannot create anything, 7:191; 10:34; 13:16; 16:20; 22:73, 73a; 35:40; 46:4; have no faculties, 7:195; cannot give life or cause death, 2:258, 258b, 258c; 25:3; 30:40; are slaves to laws of nature, 7:194, 194a; have no power, 16:73; themselves seeking nearness to God, 17:57, 57a; not to be feared, 6:81; the Prophet to dissociate himself from, 6:19; 10:104–105; ch. 109; Muslims must not abuse, 6:108, 108a; see also Idols, Polytheism, and Polytheists.
Gog and Magog ch. 18 intro., 18:94, 94a; effigies of, ibid.; prophecy of prevalence of, over whole world, 18:98–99, 98a, 99a; 21:96, 96a, 96b
Goliath 2:249–251, 249b
Goodness degrees of, 16:90a; as goal of creation, 11:7b
Good works doing of is essential corollary to belief, 2:25, 25a, 82, 82a; 4:173; 7:42; 10:4; 13:29; 28:80; 34:37; 64:9; 103:3; success attained by those who believe and do, 20:75–76; 24:55; 29:7; 35:10; 38:28; 41:8; 42:26; 47:2; 5:12; doing good to others, 2:112, 195; 3:134; 16:90; 29:69; 39:34–35; 51:15–16; vying with one another in doing, 2:148, 148a; 3:114; 5:48; 21:90; chosen ones must be foremost in doing, 35:32, 32a; feminine word for, 52:20a (3rd); help progress of man while evil retards it, 91:9–10, 10a; 92:5–10; doing of, benefits one's soul while evil harms it, 2:265, 286; 10:23; 17:7; 30:44; 41:46; 45:15; reward for, is good, 16:30, 97; 39:10; 53:31; 55:60; bring ten-fold and more reward, 4:40, 40a; 6:160; 10:26, 26a; 27:89; 28:84; 42:23; annul evil deeds, 11:114; 25:70; contrast between good and evil, 14:24–26; 16:75–76; weighing of good and evil, 7:8–9, 8a; 23:102–103; 101:6–9; man's choice of, 90:10a; abide for ever, 18:46; 19:76; motive in doing is to seek pleasure of Allah, 92:19–21; 2:207, 265, 272; 4:74, 114; 5:16; 6:162; 60:1
Gordyoei 11:44a
Gospel revelation of, 3:3–4; is the revelation of Jesus Christ, not of the apostles, 3:3b; significance of the name, ibid.; current gospels not the Gospel spoken of by the Quran, ibid. and see Bible : corruption of; as a guidance, 3:4a; as containing light and guidance, 5:44a, 46–47, 46a; promises success for sacrifices made, 9:111, 111a; prophecies of, relating to world-wide conflicts and calamities, 18:8a, 99a; its doctrine of returning good for evil, 23:96a; 42:40a; gives good news of Holy Prophet's advent, 3:3b; 5:14a; and see Muhammad: prophecies about; see also 3:48, 65; 5:66, 68, 110; 48:29; 57:27
Gossip 17:36, 36a; gossip-mongers, 24:23, 23a
Government to be entrusted to fit persons, 4:58, 58a; government by parliament, 42:38, 38a; see also State Polity.
Grail 18:13a (3rd)
Graves those in, as referring to the spiritually dead, 22:7, 7a; 35:22, 22a; 36:51; 54:7–8, 8a; 70:43–44, 44a; 82:4, 4a; see also Dead.
Grove dwellers of the, 15:78, 78a; 26:176; 38:13; 50:14
Guardian and ward law 2:282, 282b
# H
Hadith writing of, when prohibited, p. I-58; authority of, 4:59, 59a; called as Wisdom, 33:34, 34a; 2:151; 3:164; 62:2; Prophet as exemplar, 33:21, 21a
Hafsah 33:50a (4th); 66:1a
Hagar blessed, 2:124a; cast forth, 2:126a; 14:37a; 37:105a; monument of the patience of, 2:158a
Hajj see Pilgrimage.
Halal ibn Umayyah 9:106, 106a, 118, 118a
Halalah illegality of, 2:230b
Haman 28:6, 6a, 8, 38; 29:39; 40:24, 24a, 36
Hamra' al-Asad 3:172a
Haqqah, al- 69:3a
Harut and Marut 2:102, 102f
Hasan Prophet's grandson, 3:134a
Hawazin 9:25a; prisoners of the, 9:27a; 47:4a
Heart meaning of its being sealed, 2:7a; 10:74a; 16:108a; 30:59a; 45:23a; 63:3a; see also 4:155; 6:46, 110, 110a; 7:100–101; 9:87, 93; 40:35; 47:16; veils and coverings on, and deafness in ears, 17:46, 46a; 18:57, 57a; 41:5, 5a; 6:25, 25a; blindness of, 22:46, 46a; 41:17, 17a; those not using it to understand, 7:179, 179a; 47:24; taking heed by heart and hearing, 50:37; hardening of, 2:74, 74a; 57:16, 16a; 5:13; 6:43; 17:51a; 22:53; 39:22; contentment and tranquillity of the, 13:28; 2:248, 248a, 248c; 3:126; 5:113; 8:10; 48:4; see also Tranquillity; a sound heart, 26:89; 37:84
Heaven (sama', physical heaven)
different significances of the word, in the Quran, 2:19a, 22a, 29b; a vapour, 41:11, 11a; a structure, 2:22a; a canopy, 21:32a; vastness of, 55:7; 57:21, 21a; 79:28, 28a; 88:18; significance of punishment coming from, 2:59b; coming down of portion of, 34:9, 9a; 52:44, 44a; sustenance coming from, 40:13, 13a; significance of reaching, 72:8a; rolling up of, 21:104, 104a; bursting asunder of, 25:25, 25a; 73:18, 18a; 77:9, 10a; 82:1, 4a; 84:1, 1a; 19:90–91; 55:37; 69:16; commotion of, 52:9, 10a; removal of covering of, 81:11, 11a; opening of, 78:19, 20a; 15:14; 54:11; creation of, in six periods, 7:54, 54a; 10:3; 32:4; 41:9–12, 10a, 11a, 12a; see also Science and Allah : Creator; the seven heavens, 2:29b; 65:12a; 17:44; 23:86; 67:3; 71:15; called seven ways, 23:17, 17a; described as being full of paths, 51:7, 7a; raised without pillars, 13:2; 31:10; rotation of heavenly bodies, 21:33; 36:40, 40a; livings beings in, 16:49; 17:44; 19:93; 27:87; 42:29; 55:29; 65:12a
Hell nature of, 2:206a; who shall go to, 2:81, 81a; 23:103; not eternal, 6:128, 128b; 11:107, 107a; 66:8a; 78:23a; purges of evil, 11:119b; 57:15, 15a; necessary as a treatment of spiritual diseases, 66:8a; fitting man for spiritual progress, 101:8–11, 9a; a manifestation of spiritual realities, 39:48, 48a; 69:32a; 76:4; 104:7a, 9a; is hidden from the eye, 26:91, 91a; compared to spiritual blindness, 17:72, 72a; 20:124–126; life in, begins here, ibid.; intense regret for evil done is hell, 2:167, 167a; a state of being gnawed by grief, 14:17, 17a; 22:22, 22a; being disgraced is, 16:27a; being debarred from the Lord is, 83:15, 15a; 3:87–88, 88a; fire of, arises within the heart, 104:6–7, 7a; is neither a state of life nor of death, 20:74, 74a; 87:12–13, 13a; a punishment corresponding to sin, 78:21–30, 26a, 30a; as signifying the evil plight of the wicked, 37:68a; manifestation of, in this life, 14:49, 49a; 32:21, 21a; 40:77a; 54:48, 48a; 79:36, 34a; 89:23, 23a; as applied to punishment of this life, 29:54, 54a; 81:12, 12a; righteous shall not go to, 21:101–102, 101a; only for the wicked, 19:68–72, 71a; continuance of the punishment of, 4:56, 56a; seven gates of, 15:44; seven different names of, 15:44a; the parable of nineteen relating to, 74:30–31, 30a; inmates of, call out to dwellers of garden, 7:50; covering of, 77:30–33, 30a; various forms of punishment in, 11:106; 18:29, 29a; 21:100; 22:19–22; 38:56–58, 57a, 58a; 40:71–72; 73:12–13; 88:2–7
Heraclius 3:64a; 5:54a, 116a
Hereafter see Life after death, Resurrection, Hell, Paradise , and Day, the Last.
Hijrah see Flight.
Hind 86:3a
Holy Ghost the, 2:87, 87a; see Spirit.
Homicide see Murder.
Homosexuality denounced, 4:16, 16a; 7:80-81; 26:165-166; 27:54-55; 29:28-29, 29a
Hour the, as signifying doom of opponents, 6:31, 31a; 7:187, 187a; 16:77, 77a; 18:36, 36a; 19:75, 75a; 20:15, 15a; 22:1, 1b; 43:66, 66a; 47:18, 18a; 54:46, 46a; 79:42–44, 44a; as signifying Day of Judgment, 21:49; 25:11; 30:12, 55; 40:46; knowledge of the, 7:187; 31:34; 33:63; 41:47; 43:85; as departure of prophethood from Israel, 43:61, 61a
Hubal 71:23a
Hud 7:65–72, 65c; 11:50–60, 89; 26:123–140; 46:21–26
Hudad 27:20a
Hudaibiyah truce at, was a victory for Muslims, 48:1, 1a; large increase in converts after, 48:3a; oath of allegiance at, 48:10, 10a, 18, 18a; terms of truce, 48:24, 24a; truce was necessary for safety of Muslims in Makkah, 48:25, 25a; Prophet's vision later fulfilled, 48:27, 27a Hudhud, 27:20, 20a
Human sacrifice 6:137a; 37:107a
Human soul Divine Soul is breathed into man.15:28–29, 29a; 32:7–9, 9a; 38:72; purity of, 30:30, 30a; 95:4; 7:172, 172a; 14:22, 22c; 15:42; three stages in progress of, 12:53, 53a; 75:2, ch. 75 intro.; 89:27–30, 30a; man to love God, 2:165, 165b, 177, 177d; 3:31, 31a; 5:54; 76:8–9, 9a; man pleased with God, see under Allah : is loving; faith in God, 2:256–257, 257a; 10:9, 9a; 19:96; 33:47; 48:18; 49:7; 57:12, 19; 58:22; trust in God, 3:159, 159c; 9:51, 129; 11:88, 123; 12:67; 13:30; 14:12; 25:58; 42:36; 60:4; 65:3; refuge in God, ch. 113; ch. 114; 2:67; 7:200; 16:98; 23:97–98; 41:36; contentment in God, 13:28; 57:23; 89:27–28; meeting with God, 2:45–46, 223; 6:31; 32:10, 23; 33:44; 53:42; 84:6; God is man's friend, 2:257; 3:68; 4:45; 5:55–56; 6:14; 10:62–64, 62a; 45:19; whom God loves, see Allah : is loving; whom God does not love, 2:190; 3:57, 140; 5:64; 6:141; 8:58; 16:23; 28:76; 57:23
Humanity oneness of, 2:213, 213a; 4:1; 10:19; diversity of, 30:22; 35:28; brotherhood of, 49:13, 13a; service of, 2:177; 4:36; 51:19; 76:8–9; 89:17–18, 18a; 90:11–16, 16a; ch. 107
Humility see under Morals.
Hunain battle of, 9:25–27, 25a
Hunting by trained beasts and birds of prey, 5:4, 4a; game killed by shot, 5:4a
Hur 52:20a; see also Paradise .
Hypocrites detailed accounts of, 2:8–16; 3:154–180; 4:60–147; 9:38–127; ch. 63; who they were, 2:8a; head of the, see Abd-Allah ibn Ubayy.
— evils of : practise deception, 2:9; 4:142–143; false oaths of, 9:56, 62, 74, 95–96; 58:14–19; 63:1–2; dishonesty of, 4:105–112, 108a; fears of, 4:77; 5:52; 9:64, 74; desire to run away, 9:57; break promise with God, 9:75–76; 33:15; enjoin evil and forbid good, 9:67; do not accept Prophet's judgment, 4:60–64; 24:47–50; secret counsels of, 4:81, 81a, 114; 9:78; spread false reports, 4:83; spread evil reports, 33:60–61, 61a; slander A'ishah, 24:11, 11a, 11b; efforts of, to destroy Muslims, 4:113; 63:7–8, 8a; bear ill-will towards Muslims, 9:50; molest the Prophet, 9:61, 61a; their plots, 9:48; their carpings, 9:58–59; their mocking, 2:14–15; 9:65; they taunt believers, 9:79; their opposition doomed to failure, 4:115; 5:53, 53a; acting as spies, 5:41; seeking friendship with enemies of Islam, 4:139; 5:52; obey enemies of Islam, 47:25–26; build mosque to cause harm, 9:107–110, 107a
— and battles : desertion of, at Uhud, 3:121a, 122b; refuse to fight, 3:167–168; 4:77; 47:20; do not go to Tabuk, 9:42–45; their presence a source of weakness, 9:47; are glad to remain behind in battles, 9:81, 86–87, 93; false excuses of, 9:90, 94; 48:11–12; show cowardice on account of strength of allies, 33:12–20, 10b, 12a, 14a; refuse to bear hardship, 9:49; untrue to their promise to Jews, 59:11–14
— punishment of, from God, 2:10; 4:137–139, 141, 145, 145a; 9:52, 63; 48:6; must be separated, 3:179; 29:11; 47:29–31; their uncleanness increased, 9:125, 125a; their trials, 9:126, 126a; their hearts turned away, 9:127; their spending not acceptable to Allah, 9:53–54; are cursed, 9:68; works rendered null, 9:69; 33:19; 47:28; their property and children a source of torture, 9:55, 55a, 85; are deprived of light, 57:13–15, 13a; shall not be forgiven, 9:80; 63:6
— how dealt with by Muslims, 4:88–91; punishment given by the Prophet, 9:52a; not to be taken as friends, 4:144; relations with, cut off, 9:80a, 83a, 95a; prayer not to be offered for, 9:84; poor-rate not accepted from, 9:83a; not allowed to go forth with Muslims in wars, 9:83; 48:15; not punished with death, 9:84a; punished twice, 9:101, 101b; meaning of jihad against, 9:73, 73a; 66:9, 9a
— those who confessed their faults, 9:102–103, 102a, 103a; repentance of, shall be accepted, 4:146–147; 33:24, 24a; a party of them pardoned, 9:66, 66a
# I
Iblis meaning of, 2:34b; stands for the powers of evil, ibid.; refuses to make obeisance to Adam, see under Adam; is not an angel but one of the jinn, 18:50, 50a; see also Devil.
Ibn MasUd copy of the Quran of, p. I-72
Ibn Umm Maktum 80:2a Ibrahim, Prophet's son, 66:1a; death of, 7:188a
Idols stones set up for, 5:3, 3b; practice of devoting animals to, 4:119a; 5:103a; superstitions of worshippers of, about cattle, 6:138–139, 143–144; offerings to, 6:136, 136a; 16:56, 56a; belief in the intercession of, 10:18; 30:13; 36:23; 43:86; bedecked with ornaments, 43:18, 18a; are only names, 12:40; 53:23; are only a lie, 29:17; filth of, 22:30; worshipped by Abraham's people, 26:70–74; see also Gods, Polytheism and Polytheists.
Idris 19:56–57, 57a; 21:85
Immunity declaration of, 9:1–3, 1a; necessity of, ch. 9 intro.
imran see Amran.
Incarnation doctrine of, refuted, 42:11, 11a; 112:4a
Individual responsibility doctrine of, see Actions and Atonement : refutation of.
Infanticide forbidden,6:152; 17:31; 60:12; as custom of idolators, see under Arabs; among civilized nations, 17:31a
Inheritance law of, 4:7, 7a, 11–12, 176, 176a; only actual relatives to inherit, 33:6, 6b
Injil see Gospel.
development (See also Knowledge.)
man urged to use reason and understanding, 2:73, 242; 3:190–191; 6:151; 30:24; 45:5; 67:10; to reflect and ponder, 3:191; 7:176, 184; 10:24; 16:44; 30:8; 34:46; 59:21; 4:82; 23:68; 38:29; 47:24; signs in nature for those who reflect, 2:164; 3:190; 13:3; 16:11–13, 67–69; 30:21–24; 39:42; 45:5, 13; see also Signs : in nature; blind following condemned, 2:170–171; 5:104; 7:179; 9:31a; 31:21; 43:22–23; condemnation of failure to use reason, 2:44; 5:58; 8:22; 25:44; 36:62; proof required to establish truth, 2:111; 6:143, 150; 27:64; 37:157; 46:4
Intercession 2:48b, 255, 255a; 4:85, 85a; 43:86, 86a; only by Allah's permission, 2:255; 10:3; 19:87; 20:109; 21:28; 34:23; 53:26; entirely in Allah's hands, 6:70; 32:4; 39:44; 40:18; see also Idols; for foes, 110:3a
Interest from banks, 2:279a; see also Usury.
Intoxicants prohibited, 2:219, 219a; 5:90, 90b; evil miraculously swept off from Arabia , 2:219a; 5:90b; reason of prohibition, 5:91, 91a; first step in the prohibition of, 4:43, 43a
Iram see Aram .
Iron 57:25, 25b; 34:10, 10b; 18:96, 96a
Isaac see 2:125c (3rd) for refs.
Ishmael (See also Abraham.)
2:125, 127–129; covenant made with, 2:124a; blessed along with Isaac, ibid.; rebuilding Kabah along with Abraham, 2:127, 126a, 127a; 90:3a; settled in Arabia, 14:37, 37a; Abraham's prayer for, ch. 14 intro., 14:39–41; 2:128; Abraham's vision of sacrificing, 37:101–107, 102a, 105a, 107a; was a prophet, 19:54–55, 54a; see 2:125c (2nd) for other refs.
Ishmaelites inherit Abraham, 2:149a; 4:176a
Islam (See also Belief, Faith, Muslims and Religion.)
significance of, 2:112, 112a; 3:19, 19a, 85, 85a; 4:125; 6:162–163, 162a; 31:22; fundamental principles of, 2:3–4, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b; sublime idea of Divine Unity in, 9:62a; principle of brotherhood of man laid down by, 49:13, 13a; as an international religion, 2:213d; as the natural religion of man, 3:19a, 83; 29:49, 49a; 30:30, 30a, 38a; 34:6; religion of all prophets, 2:132; 3:19a; 42:13, 13a; accepts all the prophets of the world, 2:4, 4a; high ideal of, 6:162, 162a; a perfect religion, 5:3, 3d; 98:3a; compared to a seed sown, 48:29; 80:24–32; carpings of enemies of, 3:186a; 33:21a (2nd); principles of, benefiting non-Muslims, gaining ground, 9:33a; 21:107a; propagation of, made obligatory, 3:104, 104a; 9:122, 122a; unparalleled tolerance of, 22:40, 40a; regularizes prayer, 2:3b; regularizes charity, ibid.; forbids compulsion in religion, see Religion : freedom of; inculcates humility in the hour of triumph, 2:286a (5th); 110:1–3, 3a; leniency of the martial and criminal laws of, 5:34, 34a; does not impose hardship on man, 2:286; 22:78; 2:185; 5:6; gives man scope to frame laws himself, 5:101–102, 101a; recognizes a law being given to every people, 5:48, 48b; levels all distinctions, 6:52, 52a; superstitions swept off by, 2:189, 189b; 6:136–139, 137b, 143–144, 143a; introduces a new meaning into the principle of sacrifice, 22:36–37, 34a–37a; highly develops idea of resurrection, 24:24a; disallows vows of celibacy, 24:32, 32a, 33a; moderation inculcated by, 42:40, 40a
— success of : opposition to, shall be brought to naught, 61:8, 9a; steady progress of, notwithstanding severest opposition, 41:53, 53a; progress of, at Makkah after the Prophet's flight, 60:10a; signs of the advancement of, 7:57–58, 57b; prophecy that the Arabs would accept Islam and become a great nation, 68:32a; victories promised for, 48:21, 21a; prophecy relating to its experiencing great difficulties twice and being ultimately triumphant, 94:6a; world-wide triumph of, 75:9a; progress of, shall be hampered for 1000 years, 32:5, 5a; prophecy of its firm establishment, 32:5, 5a; prophecy of its spread in remote corners of the earth, 41:53a; prevalence of, over all religions, 9:33, 33a; 48:28, 28a; 61:9, 9a; sacrifices necessary for the triumph of, 2:261b; 61:10–13; prophecy of establishment of the kingdom of, 5:52b; 24:55, 55a; 28:5, 5a, 58, 58a; 67:1, 1a; great future of, ch. 24 intro.; resplendent light of, 24:35–38, 35a; light of, shall be spread in East and West, 24:35a; 95:3a; see also Light.
Israelites (See also People of the Book.)
History of : favours bestowed on, 2:40, 40a, 47, 47a, 122, 122a; 28:5–6; 44:32; 45:16; subjected to severe torment by Pharaoh, 2:49, 49a, 49b; 7:127; 28:4; 40:25; 44:30–31; not allowed religious liberty, 10:87a; pray to be delivered from persecution, 10:85–86; made to cross the Red Sea, 2:50, 50a; 7:138; 10:90; 20:77; 44:24; made rulers in the Holy Land, 7:129, 129a, 137, 137a; 17:104, 104a; 28:5, 5a; granted kingdom and prophethood, 5:20, 20a; refuse to march on Holy Land, 5:21–24; in the wilderness, 5:26; go after false gods, 7:138, 138a; how raised to life after death, 2:243, 243a; make and worship a calf, 2:51, 51b, 92–93; 4:153; 7:148, 148a; led astray by Samiri, 20:85–97; repent of calf-worship, 7:149, 149a; not punished for calf-worship, 2:54, 54a; 7:152–153; demand sight of Allah, 2:55, 55a; 4:153; cloud giving shade to, 2:57, 57a; 7:160; receive manna and quails, 2:57, 57b; 7:160; settling in a city, 2:58, 58a; depravity of, 2:58a, 59a; punished with plague, 2:59, 59b; 7:161–162; ask for water in the wilderness, 2:60, 60a, 60b; 7:160; demand for food in wilderness, 2:61, 61a; abasement of, 2:61, 61d; twelve leaders and tribes of, 5:12, 12a; 7:160; seventy elders chosen from, 7:155, 155a; covenant of God with, 2:40, 40a, 83; 5:70; making of covenant and raising of mountain, 2:63, 63a, 93; 4:154; 7:171, 171a; break the covenant, 4:155; 5:12–13; overtaken by earthquake, 2:55, 55a; 4:153; 7:155, 171, 171a; break Sabbath, see Sabbath; made apes, 2:65, 65b; 7:165–166; made apes and swine, 5:60, 60a; incontinence of, 2:65b; cow-worship of, 2:67a, 71a; malign Moses, 33:69, 69a; 61:5, 5a; ask for a king to be raised up, 2:246; hundred years' death of, 2:259, 259a; try to kill prophets, 2:61, 61e, 91, 91b; 3:21, 21a, 112, 183; 4:155; 5:70; falsely charge Mary with adultery, 4:156; reject Jesus, 3:52; 61:14; attempt to kill Jesus, 3:54, 54b, 55a; 4:157; 2:72, 72a, 72b; believe that Jesus was cursed, 4:159, 159a; turn blind and deaf to truth twice, 5:71, 71b; make mischief twice, 17:4, 4a; cursed by Moses and other prophets, 2:159a; cursed by David and Jesus, 5:78, 78a; resettling of, 17:6, 6a; kingdom of God departs from, 3:26–27, 27a; 4:53, 53a, 176a (2nd); 17:104b; 43:61a; prophecy of persecution of, by tyrants, 3:112, 112a; 7:167
— evils of : incurring Divine displeasure, 1:7a; hard-heartedness of, 2:74; corruption of scriptures by, 2:75, 75a, 79a; 4:46, 46a; 5:13, 41; hypocrisy of, 2:44; ignorance of, 2:78, 78a; claim of, to exemption from punishment, 2:80, 80a; 3:24; 5:71, 71a; claim to be favourites of God, 2:94; 5:18; 62:6; insolence of, 2:88, 88b; love of life of, 2:96a; hate Gabriel, 2:97, 97a; look upon Michael as a patron, 2:97a; hatred of swine, 2:173a; forbidden foods to, 3:93, 93a, 93b; 4:160; 6:146, 146a, 146b; iniquity of, 4:160; take usury, 4:161; devour property falsely, 4:161; sinful utterances and doings of, 5:62–63; treachery among, 2:85; 5:13; deny resurrection, 60:13, 13a; likened to ass carrying books, 62:5; the good among, 3:113–115; 4:162; 7:159, 168
— and Islam : invited to accept the Prophet, 2:40, 40a, 41a; hopes of, in the Promised Prophet, 2:89, 89a; recognise but reject the Prophet because not an Israelite, 2:89–91, 91a; 26:198–200, 200a; learned men of, know about prophecies relating to Prophet, 26:197; persist in rejection of the Prophet, 2:101, 101a; hatred to the Prophet, 2:104, 104a; plans against the Prophet, 2:61e, 87, 87b; 3:21–22, 21a; 5:27a, 32a; alliance of, with the Prophet, 2:84a; two tribes of, betray alliance and punished for backing enemy, 33:26–27, 26a; 59:2–4, 2a; given a chance at the Prophet's advent, 17:8, 8a; their law abrogated by Islam, 2:106, 106a; plots of, to make Muslims apostatize, 3:72, 72a; acting as spies, 5:41; hypocritical towards Muslims, 2:76, 76a; 5:61; call Allah poor, 3:181, 181a; mock Muslims for raising subscriptions for national defence, 5:64, 64a; do not like good to befall Muslims, 2:105, 105a; worship Arab idols, 4:51, 51a; befriend idolaters, 5:80–81; most stern in hatred towards Islam, 5:82; Muslims should pardon and forgive, 2:109, 109a; 5:13; Jewish wife of Prophet taunted and Prophet's reply, 19:28a I`tikaf, 2:187, 187d
# J
Jabir son of Abd-Allah, 21:95a
Jabr Christian slave, 16:103a
Jacob prophecy of birth of, 11:71, 71a; enjoins Unity and true religion on his descendants, 2:132–133; was a prophet, 6:84; 19:49, 49a; 38:45–47; religion of, 2:140; 12:38; and forbidden food, 3:93, 93b; revelation of, 2:136; 3:84; 4:163; 21:72–73; told of dream by Joseph, 12:4–6; removal of Joseph from, 12:11–18; represented differently in Quran and Bible, 12:18a; sends Benjamin with brothers, 12:63–68; had knowledge from God about Joseph, 12:67a; has hope in grief, 12:83–87; did not become blind, 12:84a, 93a; goes to Egypt, 12:99
Jafar 19:92a
Jamilah divorce of, 2:229d
Jeroboam 38:34a
Jerubbabel 2:102f
Jesus Christ prophecy of birth of, 3:45, 45a; 4:171, 171a; 19:19; significance of word from God, 3:45a; 4:171a; only a messenger, 4:171; 5:75; 43:59, 59a; a servant of God, 19:30; 21:26, 26a; 43:59, 59a; compared his advent to that of a thief, 86:3a; why called Messiah, 3:45b; birth of, 3:47, 47a; 19:22–26; conceived and born in ordinary manner, 3:44a, 47a; 19:23b; time of birth of, 19:25a; comparison with Adam, 3:59a; mentioned among prophets who had fathers, 6:85–87; an ordinary mortal, 3:59, 59a; 5:75, 75a; a mortal according to Negus, 5:83a; speaking in the cradle, significance of, 3:46, 46a; 5:110; 19:29–33, 29a, 30a, 31a; nature of miracles of, 3:49, 49a–49d; 5:110, 110a; strengthened with Holy Spirit, 2:87, 87a, 253; 5:110; taught Torah and Gospel, 3:48; 5:110; verifies Torah and modifies Mosaic law, 3:50, 50a; 5:46, 46a; 61:6; taught same basic principles as other prophets, 42:13, 13a; 3:51; 5:117; 19:31, 36; 43:63–64; revelation of, like that of other prophets, 2:136; 3:84; 4:163; sent only to Israelites, 3:49; 7:158a; 61:6; holding swine in abhorrence, 2:173a; kept fasts, 2:183a; 97:1a; was not rude to his mother, 19:32, 32a; signs of, not the work of Satan, 26:212a; preaches against storing of wealth, 3:49d; denies claim to Godhead, 5:116–117, 116a, 117a; belief in divinity of, denounced, 5:17, 17a, 72, 72a; 17:57a; 18:102, 102a; 9:30–31, 30b; doctrine of Sonship of, refuted, see Sonship; Arab unbelievers object to honouring of, 43:57–59, 57a, 59a; had his own responsibilities like every other mortal, 6:165a; exclusive innocence of, cannot be upheld, 19:14a; mistaken doctrines attributed to, are based on allegorical statements, 3:7a; 10:37a; is rejected by the Jews, 3:52; 5:71b; as a sign for the Jews, 19:21, 21a; 43:61, 61a; curses Israelites, 5:78; prophesies transference of Kingdom of God, 67:1a; 95:3a; helped by disciples, 3:52–53; 61:14; revelation to disciples of, 5:111; they ask for food from heaven, 5:112–113; prays for food, 5:114–115, 114b, 115a; followers of, promised triumph over rejectors, 3:55, 55d; 61:14, 14a; compassion in hearts of followers of, 57:27; Jewish plans against life of, 3:54; enemies of, withheld, 5:110; 3:54b; cleared of false charges, 3:55, 55c; is promised deliverance from death on cross, 3:55, 55a; did not die while on the cross, 4:157, 157a; only apparently killed, 2:72–73, 72a-73b; 4:157, 157b; granted spiritual exaltation, not raised bodily, 3:55, 55b; 4:158, 158a; died a natural death, 3:55, 55a; 5:117, 117a; is not alive, further proof, 3:144, 144a; 5:75, 75a; 21:7–8, 8a, 34; 16:20–21, 21a; 5:17, 17a; 7:25, 25a; finds shelter in Kashmir, 23:50, 50a; tomb of, in Srinagar, 23:50a; travels of, in the East, 3:45b; not equal to Holy Prophet's task, 7:143a; prophesies advent of Holy Prophet, 36:14, 14a; 61:6, 6a; sees prophetically the glory of the Holy Prophet, 2:253a
Jethro 28:25a, 27a
Jews see Israelites.
Jibril see Gabriel.
Jihad primary significance of, is not fighting but striving, 9:73a; 16:110a; 25:52a; 66:9a; as meaning spiritual striving to attain nearness to God, 22:78; 29:69; applied to the bearing of persecution at Makkah, 29:6, 6a; as struggle in a general sense, 2:218; 8:72, 74; excellence and importance of, 3:142; 4:95; 9:20, 88; 49:15; 61:11; see also Muslim wars.
Jinn significance of, 6:128a, 130a; 72:1a; creation of, from fire, 15:27, 27a; 55:15, 15a; as spirits of evil, 72:1a; as signifying leaders of evil, 6:112a; 11:13a; 17:88a; 34:41; 37:158a; as applying to strange people, 34:12c; applied to foreigners, 38:38a; listen to the Quran, 46:29; 72:1; as leaders of some Jewish tribes, 46:30–31, 29a; subjugated by Solomon, 27:17, 17a; 21:82a; 38:38a; as applied to non-Israelite tribes, 34:14a
Jizyah (tax) 9:29a
Job 21:83–84; 38:41–44, 41a–44a; 4:163, 164a; 6:84
John of Damascus 5:116a
John the Baptist 3:35a, 39, 39a, 39b; 6:85; 19:7–15; 21:90; greatness of, 19:7a; sinlessness of, 19:13–14, 14a; Christians of, 2:62a
Jonah story of, 37:139–148; 21:87–88; 68:48–50; flight of, 37:140, 140a; was not in wrath with Allah, 21:87b; prayer of, 21:87d, 87e; not devoured by fish, 37:142a, 144a; people of, believe, 10:98, 98a; resemblance of, to the Prophet, 10:98a; see also 4:163, 164a; 6:86; ch. 10 intro.
Joseph sees the vision, 12:4–6; his brothers plot against him, 12:7–18; taken out of the pit by travellers, 12:19–20; in Potiphar's house, 12:21; granted wisdom, 12:22; remains firm under temptations, 12:23–25; his innocence established, 12:26–29; further temptations, 12:30–34; cast into prison, 12:35; Joseph and the two prisoners, 12:36; preaches to them, 12:37–40; interprets their visions, 12:41; interprets the king's vision, 12:43–49; cleared of false charges, 12:50–53; raised to dignity, 12:54–56; his brothers go to him and he helps them, 12:58–62; the youngest brother, 12:63–69; incident of the cup, 12:70–77; Jacob's grief for, 12:84–86; reveals himself to his brothers, 12:88–91; forgives them, 12:92; prayer of, 12:101; history of, repeated in Prophet's history, 12:102–103, 102a; see also 6:84; 40:34
Joseph husband of Mary, 3:45b; 19:32a
Joseph of Arimathæa 18:13a (3rd); 36:20a
Joshua 5:23a; 18:60a
Judgment day of, see Day, the Last.
Judi 11:44, 44a
Justice to be done between people, 4:58, 58a; 38:26; 42:15; to be done between Muslims and non-Muslims, 4:105–106, 105a, 106a; towards enemy, 5:2, 2c, 8, 42, 42a; to be done in Muslim disputes, 49:9, 9a; no partiality even for relatives, 4:135, 135a; 6:152, 152b; broadest possible conception of, 7:29, 29a; 16:90, 90a; see also Evidence.
Juwairiyah 33:50a (5th)
# K
Kab son of Ashraf, 59:2a
Kab ibn Malik 9:106, 106a, 118a
Kabah meaning of, 5:97a; made a resort for people, 2:125; as House of God, 2:125, 125a; 22:26; first House of worship on earth, 3:96, 96b; great antiquity of, 2:125a; 22:29a; connection of, with Abraham and Ishmael, 2:125c; 14:37a; rebuilt by Abraham, 2:127; Maqam (Place) of Abraham, 2:125, 125b; 3:97, 97a; see also Abraham; appointed as Qiblah, 2:125b, 142–145, 142a; to become the Muslim centre, 2:144, 144a; reasons for, 2:148, 148a, 150a; not worshipped, 2:149a; a support for men, 5:97, 97b; a sign, 7:73c (2nd); idolators' practice of going naked round, 7:28a, 31a; 9:1a, 28a; shall not be approached by unbelievers, 9:28; service of, cannot compare with struggle to propagate truth, 9:19–22; a prophecy of its clearance from idols, 22:73a; freed from idols, 9:17a; 17:81a; 34:49a; sacrifice of animals at, 22:33, 36, 36a; 5:2b, 95; protection of, against enemies, 105:1a
Kahin see Astrologers.
Kauthar 108:1, 1a
Kedar 2:125c; 26:199a
Khabbab p. I-58
Khadijah 33:50a; 80:2a
Khaibar 48:18, 18b
Khalid ibn Walid converted to Islam, 3:127a
Khaulah wife of Aus ibn Samit, 58:1a
Khazraj tribe of, see Aus.
Khul` (woman's right of divorce) 2:229d
KhuzaAh 9:15a
Kingdom of heaven granted to Muslims, 4:54, 54a; inaccessible to unbelievers, 7:40, 40a
Kisra Persian emperor, bracelets of, 22:23a; prophecy regarding palaces of, 25:10, 10a; 33:22a
Knowledge (See also Intellectual development.)
Reading and use of pen recommended, 68:1; 96:1–5; raises man in dignity, 39:9; 58:11; possessors of, recognize the truth of revelation, 4:162; 17:107–109; 22:54; 29:49, 49a; 34:6; they testify to Divine unity, 3:18, 18a, 18b; they fear God, 35:28; acting without proper knowledge, condemned, 3:66, 66a; 4:83; 6:100, 119, 140, 148; 11:46–47; 17:36; 22:3–4; 24:15; 31:20; 49:6; travelling in search of knowledge, 3:137; 18:65–66; 29:20; Prophet told to pray for increase of, 20:114; given to man from God, 2:31, 31b, 31c; 96:3–5; 55:1–4; given to prophets and other elect, 2:247; 12:22; 18:65; 21:74, 79–80; 27:15; 28:14; Prophet raised to be a Teacher, 2:151; 62:2–3, 3a; wisdom is a great good, 2:269; study of nature, 3:190–191; 10:5–6; 13:3–4; 16:10–16, 66–69, 78–81; 17:12; 30:22; 45:3–5; study of the conditions of different countries, 22:46; 29:20; 35:27–28; gain knowledge of diversity of mankind, 30:22; 49:13, 13a; study of histories of different nations, 12:109–111; 30:9; 33:62; 35:43–44; 40:21, 82; man can rule forces of nature with, 2:30, 30c, 34, 34a; see also under Man; mankind excels other creation, on account of, 7:140; 17:70; three degrees of, 102:5–8, 8a
Korah 28:76–82, 76a; 29:39; 40:24, 24a
# L
Laban 28:25a, 27a
Lailat al-Qadr 97:1–5, 1a–5a; 44:3a
Land inheriting of the, by the righteous, 7:128; 21:105, 105a; 39:74, 74a; 70:40–41, 41a; see also 7:100; 19:40
Lat 4:117a; 53:19 Lauh Mahfuz, 85:22a
Law uniformity of, 67:3–4, 3a, 3b; 55:6a
LiAn (cursing the liar) 24:6–9, 6a; 3:61, 61a, 61b
Life (See also Civic Life.)
seriousness and great purpose of, 21:16, 16a; 23:115, 115a; 30:8; 67:2, 2a; 75:36, 36a; see also Humanity : service of; a struggle with difficulties, 90:4, 4a; greed for material life, 2:96; 3:14; 18:103–104, 104a; material life, a sport, 6:32; 29:64; 47:36; 57:20, 20a; material life deceives man, 6:70, 130; 7:51; 45:35; ultimate decay of physical life, 16:70; 30:54; 36:68; 10:23–24; 18:45; three states of, 23:100a; water as source of, see Water; created in pairs, see Pairs; man's physical life, see Man; physical and spiritual life, created by God, 2:28, 28a; 22:5–6, 5a–5e, 7a; 23:12–14, 12a; spiritual life given by Quran, 8:24, 24a; transitory physical life contrasted with spiritual, 2:212; 3:14–15; 9:38; 11:15–16; 17:18–21; 18:45–46, 103–108; 28:61; 40:39; 79:37–41; 87:16–17
Life after death see Introduction pp. I-43 to I-51; grows out of record of man's deeds, 17:13–14, 13a, 14a; 17:71, 71a, 71b; 50:3–4, 4a, 18; 82:10–12, 12a; 83:7–20, 7a, 18a; 13:11; 21:94; 43:80; 45:28–29; 50:17–18, 18a; 58:6; see also Book; begins in this life, 89:27–30, 30a; 3:198; 17:72, 72a; 41:30–32, 31a; 55:46, 46a; complete manifestation of hidden spiritual realities of this life, 6:28, 28a; 20:124–126, 124a; 24:24, 24a; 39:69–70, 69a; 50:22, 22a; 57:12, 12a; 69:18, 18a; 86:8–9, 9a; 99:6–8; a higher reality than this life, 17:21; 29:64; 40:39; progress in higher life is unceasing, 39:20, 20a; 66:8, 8a; see also Hell and Paradise.
Light of faith, 57:12, 12a, 28; 66:8; 2:257; 5:16; 6:122; 14:1; 33:43; 65:11; of the religion of Islam, 24:35, 35a; 9:32; 39:22; 61:8; Prophet called Light, 5:15, 15b; 33:46; Prophet sent with, 4:174; 7:157; 42:52; 64:8; contrasted with spiritual darkness, 13:16; 35:19–22; both light and darkness created by Allah, 6:1, 1a
Lord's prayer 5:114b; ch. 1 intro. (5th); contradicts doctrine of atonement, 19:92a
Lot was a prophet, 6:86, 84a; righteousness of, 21:74; 51:36a; falsely impugned in Biblical story, 7:80a; preaches and is rejected, 7:80–82; 26:160–168; 27:54–56; 29:28–30; evils of his people, 7:80–81; 26:165–166; 27:55; 29:28–29, 29a; coming of messengers to, 11:77; 15:61–64; 29:33–34; a stranger among the Sodomites, 11:78a; his people demand the guests, 11:78; 15:67–69; forbidden to shelter strangers, 15:70; offers his daughters as hostages, 11:78, 78a; 15:71, 71a; leaves the city, 11:81; 15:65–66; delivered along with his followers, while rejectors destroyed, 7:83–84, 84a; 11:82, 82a–82c; 15:73–74; 26:169–173; 27:57–58; 37:133–138; 54:33–39; wife of, exemplified evil, 66:10; wife destroyed with rejectors, 7:83; 11:81; 26:171; 27:57; 29:33; 37:135; see also 11:89; 21:71; 50:13
Love of Allah for man, see Allah: is Loving; of man for Allah, see Human soul.
Luqman ch. 31 intro., 31:12–19, 12a, 19a
# M
Maarab bursting of the dyke of, 34:16a
Madinah name of, 33:13a; 59:9, 9a; emigrants to and helpers in, 9:100a; 33:6b; 59:9a; Prophet related to people of, 25:54a; Prophet's stay in, like Moses' in Midian, 28:27a; treaty between Muslims and others in, 2:84a; enriched by the advent of Muslims, 9:74b; proclamation in, of prohibition of intoxicants, 5:90b; and events relating to Badr, 8:5a, 7a, 67a; opinion regarding defence of, on occasion of Uhud, 3:121a, 143a; hypocrites' wish to remain in, instead of fighting, 3:154c–154f; besieged by allied forces in Ahzab battle, ch. 33 intro., 33:1a, 9a, 22a; two Jewish tribes of, betray Muslims, 33:26a; 59:2a; hypocrites in, 9:101; 63:8
Magians 22:17; dualistic doctrine of, 6:1, 1a, 100a
Magog see Gog.
Mahdi advent of, 75:9a
Mahr see Dowry. Maimunah, 33:50a (5th)
Majority age of, 4:6a; opinion of, to be followed in decisions, 3:154c, 159b; no sin to differ with, 4:115a
Makkah (See also Kabah.)
situation of, 2:126a; called Bakkah, 3:96, 96a; Abraham's prayer for, and its security, 2:126; 14:35; inviolability of, 2:191, 191d; inviolability of things relating to, 2:194, 194a; made sacred, 27:91; 29:67, 67a; 90:2a; made secure, 95:3; unproductive of fruit, 14:37; religious metropolis and trade centre of Arabia, 89:4a; 9:28c; invasion of, by Abrahah, 105:1a; not warned before Holy Prophet, 32:3, 3a; 36:6; warned by Prophet, 6:92; 7:4; 65:8–10; prophecy of punishment of, by famine, 44:10–15, 10a; 67:21a; 6:65a; famine overtakes, 16:112–113, 112a, 113a; 23:76a; Prophet's Flight from, see Flight; drives out Prophet, 47:13, 13a; prophecy of Prophet's return to, 28:27a, 85, 85a; prophecy of the conquest of, by Muslims, 2:196d; 14:14, 14a; 17:76, 76a, 81a; 90:2a; security of, prophesied, 28:57, 57a; prophecy that it shall be the Muslim centre, 22:27a; conquest of, by Holy Prophet, 12:92a; 48:19a; 57:10a; conquest of, effect on opponents, 7:4a; as the scene of fulfilment of early prophecies, ch. 110 intro.; a guidance for the nations, 3:96, 96b; its blessings to continue forever, 3:96b; three prophecies relating to the future of, 3:97, 97a; called mother of towns, 6:92; 42:7; to be made the universal spiritual centre, 6:92a; 42:7a
Malik the angel, 43:77, 77a
Mamun Al-, 2:62a
Man (See also Human soul.)
creation of: from dust or clay, 6:2, 2a; 7:11–12, 12a; 22:5, 5b; 32:7; 35:11; 37:11, 11a; 40:67; 55:14; from extract of clay, 23:12, 12a; from clay giving sound and fashioned in shape, 15:26–28, 27a, 33; from insignificant origin, 16:4; 32:8; 36:77; 53:46; 75:37; 76:1–2; 80:18–19; 96:2, 2a; from water, 25:54; 77:20; 86:5–7, 7a; see also Water; from a male and female, 42:11; 49:13; from single being, and its mate of same, 4:1, 1a; 7:189; 39:6; grows out of earth, 71:17, 17a; created out of God's love, 96:2a; creation of, from haste, 21:37, 37a; 7:12a; impatience of, 70:19; object of creation of, 11:7, 7b; 23:115, 115a; 51:56–57; 75:36, 36a; 76:2; 90:4, 4a; stages in the physical growth of, 22:5, 5c; 23:14, 14a; 40:67; in womb, 3:6; 39:6; 53:32; made complete, 18:37; 32:9; 38:72; 75:38; 82:6–8; made in goodly form, 40:64; 64:3; made to rule universe, 2:29; everything made subservient to, 13:2; 14:32–33, 32a; 16:12–14; 21:81; 22:65; 31:20; 43:12–13; 45:12–13; his excellence above creation due to discretionary power, 5:48c; unable to chalk out a moral code for himself, 16:67a; attains to perfection by Divine inspiration, 15:29, 29a; Divine spirit breathed into, see Human soul; greatness and vast capabilities of, 2:30b, 30c, 31b, 31c; 95:4–6, 6a; is taught language, 55:3–4, 3a; how he can rise to eminence, ch. 95 intro.; turns to Allah in affliction but forgets Him in ease, 7:189–190, 189b; 10:12; 16:53–55; 39:49; and is ungrateful in ease, 6:63–64; 10:22–23; 17:67, 67a, 83; 30:33–34; 31:32; 39:8; 41:49–51, 50a; ungratefulness of, 11:9; 22:66; 42:48; 43:15; 100:6; unfaithfulness of, to trust, 33:72, 72a; threefold duty of, 5:93, 93a; spiritual needs of, must be provided for, 6:38, 38a; must face death, 3:185; 7:25; 23:15; 55:26–27; 56:60; 80:21; best clothing granted to, is piety, 7:26, 26b
Manat 4:117a; 53:20
Manna and quails 2:57b
Mariolatry 5:116a
Marriage (See also Wives and Women.)
union of two natures one in essence, 4:1, 1a; a contract requiring free consent of both parties, 4:21, 21a; obligatory, 24:32–33, 32a, 33a; to be performed after maturity is attained, 4:6, 6a; divorced women and widows free to remarry, 2:232, 234–235; see also Divorce; women whom it is forbidden to marry, 4:23; conditions for marriage with slave girls, 4:25, 25a; concubinage not sanctioned, 4:25a; 24:32a; inter-marriages : with idolaters forbidden, 2:221, 221a, 221b; 60:10–11; with followers of scriptures, 5:5, 5b; Islamic, Jewish and Christian laws compared, 5:5b; polygamy, when allowed, see Polygamy.
— relation of husband and wife : of love and compassion, 25:74; 30:21; comfort each other, 7:189; apparel for one another, 2:187; mutual obligations : good fellowship and kindness, 2:228–229, 231; 4:19; giving of free gifts to each other, 2:237; lodge wife according to means, 65:6; dowry a free gift, 4:4; even if a heap of gold is given to wife it is hers, 4:19–21, 24; see also Dowry; men are maintainers of women, 4:34
— privacy of home life, 24:27–28, 58–59, 58a; 33:53, 53a
— intermingling of sexes, 24:30–31, 60; 33:59
— respect and love for parents and offspring, 6:151; 25:74; and see Parents and Children.
Marut see Harut.
Marwah see Safa.
Mary mother of Jesus, 3:35, 35a; birth of, 3:36; given in charge of Zacharias, 3:37; faith of, in God, 3:37, 37a; is chosen, 3:42; her marriage, 3:44, 44a; receives news of birth of a son, 3:45–47; 19:16–21; received news in vision, 19:17, 17a; conceives and gives birth, 19:22–26; suffers pains of childbirth, 19:23, 23a, 23b; why called sister of Aaron, 19:28a; 3:35a; guarding of chastity by, does not imply immaculate conception, 21:91, 91a; falsely charged with fornication, 4:156, 156a; lived and died like mortals, 5:17, 17a, 75, 75a; a truthful woman, 5:75; erroneous belief in divinity of, 5:73a, 116, 116a; given a shelter in Kashmir with Jesus, 23:50, 50a; set as an example to believers, 66:11–12, 12a; see also Women.
Mary the Coptic, 66:1a
Masonic societies 2:102f
Media and Persia kingdom of, 18:83a
Meekness see Morals : Humility.
Menstruation 2:222, 222b; see also Divorce.
Mercy see Allah : is merciful.
Messiah advent of, 9:33a (2nd); the Promised 61:9a; 62:3a; to be raised among the Muslims, 24:55a (2nd); 62:3a
Michael angel, 2:98, 97a
Midian Moses' stay in, 28:22–28, 27a; 20:40; likeness of, to Madinah, 28:27a, 45, 45a; see also 7:85, 85a; 9:70; 11:84; 22:44; 29:36
Miracles see Signs.
Mi`raj see Ascension.
Mistah 24:22a
Monkery 5:87, 87a; a Christian innovation, 57:27, 27a
Months number of, 9:36, 36a; sacred months, 2:189, 189a; 9:36–37, 36b, 37a
Moon rending asunder of, ch. 54 intro., 54:1, 1a; darkening of, 75:8, 8a; as standing for the Prophet's cause, 36:39, 39a; 84:18–19, 18a, 19a; see also Sun and Moon.
Morals picture of moral qualities, 3:134–135; 6:151–152; 17:23–39; 23:1–9; 25:63–76; 31:12–19; 33:35; 70:22–35
— truth : truthful ones, 5:119; 9:119; 33:24, 35, 70; bearing true witness, 4:135; 5:8; 6:152; 70:33; true to promises and covenants, 2:177, 177f; 3:75–76, 75b; 5:1, 1a; 8:27; 16:91; 17:34; 23:8; 33:23; 70:32; falsehood to be shunned, 16:116; 22:30; 25:72; liars condemned, 3:61; 24:7; 39:3, 32
— honest dealing, 4:105–107; 6:152; 17:35; 83:1–3
— sincerity, 2:139; 7:29; 39:2–3, 14; 74:6, 6a; 98:5; insincerity and show condemned, 107:4–6; 2:44; 2:264; 3:167; 4:142, 145–146; 61:2–3
— purity, 9:103, 103a, 108; 24:21, 21a; 33:33, 33a; 74:4–5, 4a; 87:14; 91:9, 10a; 2:222; 5:6; not to be ascribed to oneself, 4:49; 53:32
— unselfishness, 2:207, 262; 3:92; 4:53; 6:162; 11:51; 12:104; 25:57; 59:9; 64:16; 76:8–9; 92:19–20
— humility, 17:37–38; 25:63; 28:83; 31:18–19; 2:45–46; 6:63; 7:13, 55, 146, 205; 16:23, 29; 40:35; 57:16
— patience, 103:2–3; 2:153–157, 177, 249–250; 3:120, 146, 186, 200; 11:11; 13:22; 16:126–127; 28:80; 29:58–59; 39:10; 42:43; 49:5; perseverance, 11:112; 30:43; 41:6, 30–31
— thankfulness, 2:152, 172, 185, 243; 4:147, 147a; 5:6, 89; 14:7–8, 34; 16:18, 114; 25:62, 62a; 27:19, 40; 28:73; 31:12, 31; 34:13; 39:7, 66; 46:15
— self-control, 3:134; 4:135; 7:201; 18:28; 30:29; 38:26; 42:37; 79:40–41
— chastity, 17:32; 21:91, 91a; 23:5, 5a; 24:2a, 30–33; 25:68; 70:29
— courage, 3:172–175; 5:54; 6:80–82; 9:40; 20:46; 33:39; 39:36
— forgiveness, 2:109, 109a; 3:134, 159; 4:149, 149a; 5:13; 7:199; 12:92, 92a; 15:85, 85a; 24:22, 22a; 41:34–35; 42:37, 40, 40a, 43; 64:14
Mortgage 2:283, 283a
Moses revelation to mother of, 20:38–39; 28:7; cast into river, 20:39, 39a; 28:7; picked up by Pharaoh's people, 20:39; 28:8, 8a; brought back to his mother, 20:40; 28:12–13; journey of, to Khartum, 18:60–82; travels of, in search of knowledge, ibid.; Ethiopian wife of, 18:60b; ascension of, 18:60a, 60b; kills an Egyptian, 20:40; 26:14, 14a, 19–21; 28:15–21, 33; goes to Midian, 20:40; 28:22–28; serves Jethro for ten years, 28:27a; sees fire (in vision) in return journey, 20:10, 10a; 27:7; 28:29; is called, 19:52; 20:11–14; 27:8–9; 28:30; 79:16; sees in the visionary state that his staff has become a serpent and his hand is white, 20:17–23; 27:10–12; 28:31–32; significance of signs, 20:20a, 22a; 7:108a; commanded to go to Pharaoh, 7:103; 10:75; 11:96–97; 20:24; 23:45–46; 26:15; 27:12; 40:23–24; 51:38; 79:17; asks for a helper, Aaron, 20:25–35; 26:12–14; 28:33–34; commanded to demand deliverance of the Israelites, 7:104–105; 20:47; 26:16–17; 44:17–18; controversy with Pharaoh, 20:49–55; 26:18–31; shows signs to Pharaoh, 7:107–108; 20:56; 26:32–33; 43:46–47; 79:20; Pharaoh consults his chiefs and calls enchanters, 7:109–112; 10:76–79; 20:57–59; 26:34–37; Moses and the enchanters, 7:113–126; 10:80–82; 20:60–73; 26:38–51; nine signs of, 7:133b; 17:101, 101a; 27:12; Pharaoh's people plead with, to avert plague, 7:134–135; 43:48–50; exhorts his people to patience and prayer, 7:128; 10:84, 87, 87a; only few believe in, 10:83; a secret believer in, 40:28–45; commanded to depart by night, 20:77; 26:52; 44:23–24; crosses the sea, 7:138; 10:90; 20:78; 26:53–66; people of, ask him to make idols, 7:138–140; appointment of forty nights, 2:51, 51a; 7:142; retires to the mountain to receive the law, 7:143–145; 20:83–84; desires to see Allah, 7:143, 143a; is granted the Torah, 7:144–145; a book revealed to, 2:53; 6:91, 154; 11:110; 17:2; did not receive written tablets, 7:145a; returns with the law and finds his people worshipping a calf, 7:150; 20:86–90; is wroth with Aaron, 7:150; 20:92–94; prays for forgiveness of his people, 2:54; 7:155–156; burns the calf, 20:97, 97a; orders slaughter of a cow, 2:67–71; prays for drinking-water in the wilderness, 2:60; finds twelve springs, 2:60, 60a; identified with twelve wells at Elim, 2:60b; commands his people to march on Holy Land, and their response, 5:21–26; false imputations against, 33:69, 69a; 61:5, 5a; curses his followers for their transgressions, 2:159a; granted distinction or criterion, 2:53, 53a; 21:48, 48a; ascension of, ch. 18 intro., 18:60a, 60b; lays down basis of a great dispensation and a mighty kingdom, 5:20a; gives promise of delivery and the promised land, 7:129, 129a; followed by other Israelite messengers, 2:87; law of, amended by Israelite prophets, 3:50a; transgression of Israelites prophesied by, 7:145–147, 145b; prophesies advent of the Prophet, 2:41a; 3:81a; 28:44, 44a; 36:14, 14a; 61:6a (3rd, 4th); Holy Prophet appeared in likeness of, 73:15, 15a; see also Muhammad : Prophecies about; book of, bears testimony to truth of Quran, 11:17, 17a. See also 4:164, 164a; 6:84; 19:51–53; 25:35–36; 29:39; 42:13; 53:36; 87:19
Mosques preventers from, shall be abased, 2:114, 114a; Muslims to protect them along with all other places of worship, 22:40, 40a
Mountains creation of, 16:15, 15a; 13:3; 15:19; 21:31; 27:61; 31:10; 50:7; 77:27; as pegs of the earth, 78:7, 7a; provide food, 79:32–33; declaring Allah's glory, 21:79, 79a; 34:10, 10a; 38:18; 22:18; passing away, crumbling or crushing of, as signifying fall of great opponents, 13:31, 31a; 18:47, 47a; 20:105–106, 105a; 27:88, 88a; 52:10, 10a; 56:5; 69:14; 70:9; 73:14; 77:10; 78:20; 81:3; 101:5; habitations in, 7:74; 15:82; 16:68, 81; 26:149; trust offered to, 33:72; see also 35:27; 88:19
Muhajirin see Ansar.
Muhammad the Holy Prophet:
— Mission of : raised to settle differences of all nations, 2:213, 213c, 213d; a mercy to the whole world, 21:107, 107a; brings men from darkness to light, 14:1; 57:9; 65:11; a light for the world, see Light; as a torch to wayfarers, 33:46, 46a; resplendence of the light of, 53:7, 7a; 81:23, 23a; is the comer by night, ch. 86 intro., 86:1–4, 3a; truth of his cause to shine forth gradually, 93:1–5, 3a, 5a; as an exemplar, 33:21, 21a; different capacities of, 33:21a; as a model in every walk of life, ibid.; asks no reward, 6:90; 12:104; 25:57; 34:47; 38:86–87; 42:23, 23a; bearer of good news and warner, 33:45–46, 46a; 2:119; 5:19; 11:1–2; 17:105; as teacher and purifier, 2:129, 151; 3:164; 62:2–3; a teacher of his immediate followers and those coming later, 62:2–3, 3a; as the Clear Evidence, 98:1–2, 1a; raising the dead to life, 3:49c; 6:122, 122a; 13:31, 31a; commanded to warn, 74:1–2, 2a; as a plain warner, 6:50a; 7:184; 15:89; 22:49; denies possession of superhuman powers, 6:50, 50a; 7:188, 188a; 10:49, 49a; 46:9, 9b; only a mortal, 17:93, 93a; 18:110; 41:6; 6:91a; stands above all low motives, 6:162, 162a; charged with the heaviest task, 73:5, 5a; corruption prevailing before advent of, 30:41, 41a; great anxiety and untiring zeal of, for bringing about a transformation of humanity, 9:128, 128a; 10:99, 99a; 12:103; 18:6, 6a; 26:3, 3a; 35:8; 93:7a; ch. 94 intro., 94:3, 3a; never despaired of regenerating his people, 109:6a; must deliver the message, 5:67; 46:35; only delivers message, 3:20; 5:92; 16:35; 24:54; 72:21–23; strives hard in the cause of truth, 9:73, 73a, 88; 25:52, 52a; 66:9, 9a; commanded to fight alone, 4:84, 84a; to remain upright, 10:105; sufferings of, 14:13, 13a; prayer of, after Ta'if, 72:24a; firmness of, under severest trials, 17:73a; consolation to, 20:1–4, 1a, 2a; told to seek comfort in prayer, 20:130, 130a; 50:39–40; enjoined to pray by night, 73:1–9, 6a, 20; 17:79, 79a, 79b; to be steadfast in preaching, 42:15; 46:35; to be patient, 11:49; 30:60; 38:17; 70:5; 74:7; sinlessness of, 53:2, 2a; enjoined to ask protection from faults, 40:55, 55a; the devil's inability to make evil suggestions to, 23:97a; truthfulness of, 10:16a; preaching of, shakes belief in idols, 25:42; hatred of false gods entertained by, 109:1–5; cannot guide whom he loves, 28:56, 56a; not to care for carpers, 33:1, 1a, 48, 48a; special Divine protection granted to, 3:145, 145a; 13:11a; 86:4, 4a; Divine help shall be granted to, 6:34, 34a; 22:15, 15a; abundant good granted to, 108:1a; opening of the breast of, 94:1a; eminence to which he was to be raised, 17:79b; 94:4, 4a; 96:3, 3a; is entitled to intercede, 43:86, 86a; 4:85a; as a practical benefactor of humanity, 2:177e; love of, was to be inspired in hearts of men, 19:96a; good manners to be observed towards, 33:53; 49:1–5, 2a, 4a; manners in assembly of, 58:11, 11a; consultation with, 58:12–13, 12a; obedience necessary to, 4:59, 64, 80; 24:54, 56; 64:12; 81:21, 21a; fruits of obedience to, 4:69, 69a; 3:31, 132; call of, to be strictly obeyed, 24:62–63, 63a; share of, in property gained in wars and how spent, 8:41a; 59:7a; made free from obligation with respect to Makkah, 90:2, 2a; uproots the evil of drink, 2:219a; holds out justice between Muslims and non-Muslims, 4:105, 105a; spiritual resurrection brought about by, 17:51–52, 51a, 51b; transformation wrought by, 2:117b; 14:48, 48a; 21:104a; 25:63–75, 63a; 82:4a; prophecy of final triumph of, 14:14, 14a; 20:2, 2a; 68:3a; 84:19a; mi`raj of, see Ascension; marvellous faith of, in ultimate triumph, 4:84a; 6:5, 10; all nations should submit to, 22:67; universality of the message of, 6:19, 19a, 90, 90a; 7:158, 158a; 13:7, 7a; 14:4a; 16:89a; ch. 25 intro. (2nd), 25:1–2, 1a, 2a; 34:28, 28a; 42:7, 7a; 68:52, 51a; 81:27, 27a; 95:3a (3rd); no prophet to be raised after, 4:69a; the last of prophets, 33:40, 40a
— and other prophets : excellence of, above other prophets, 2:253, 253a; 17:55a; truth of, testified to by all prophets, 3:81, 81a; requires faith in all prophets, 3:81a, 84; and see Prophets; coming after a cessation of the mission of prophets, 5:19, 19a; 21:30, 30a; to follow Abraham's faith, 4:125; 16:123; likeness of, to Moses, 2:146a; 4:176a; 46:10, 10a; 73:15, 15a; 95:3a; comparison drawn between Moses and, 52:1–7, 7a; see also under Moses; must be judged as a prophet, 46:9, 9a
— revelation of : received revelation through Gabriel, 2:97; 16:102, 102a; 26:192–195, 193a; revelations of, not outcome of desire, 2:143c; 53:3–4, 4a; 80:2a; given a mighty revelation, 53:10, 10a; to judge by Divine revelation, 5:49; had no doubt about truth of revelation, 10:94a; 2:147a; never forgot revelation, 87:6–7, 7a; relief afforded to by revelation, 94:1–8; faithfully follows the Quran, 10:15, 15b; 46:9; could not give up the Quran, 11:12, 12a; 17:73–74; 28:87
— Prophecies about : Abraham and Ishmael pray for appearance of, 2:129; 4:171a; covenant with prophets regarding advent of, 3:81, 81a; 33:7, 7a; as the Promised One, 2:41a; 4:164a; appearance of, waited for by Jews, 2:89, 89a; by Christians, 2:89a; recognized like son, 2:146, 146a; 6:20; prophecies about, in all ancient scriptures, 26:195–196, 196a; 37:37, 37a; prophecy of being an Arab, 26:198–199, 199a; 41:44, 44a; prophecies of Moses, 28:43–46, 44a, 46a; prophecies of Moses and Jesus as to the advent of, 7:157, 157b; 36:14a; as to the two distinct phases of life of, 61:6a (4th); advent of, prophesied by Jesus, 61:6, 6a; prophecies relating to, in Gospel, 5:14a; 17:81a
— Life of : year of birth of, 105:1a; an orphan, 93:6, 6a; known as Al-Amin, 6:33, 33a; 10:16a; 68:4a; 81:21, 21a; first revelation of, ch. 96 intro., 96:1a; could not read or write, 7:157, 157a; 29:48, 48a; 96:1a; previous life of, a testimony to truth, 10:16, 16a; warns his relatives, 26:214; 111:1a; addresses tribes on Mount Safa, 26:214a; the blind man's incident, 80:1–10, 2a; relationship of, to the Madinans, 25:54a; flies to Madinah, see Flight; passing three days in a cave, 9:40, 40a; 18:24a; prophecy of his return to Makkah after Flight, 28:85, 85a; enters into treaty with Jews, 2:84a; prayer of, at Badr, 8:7b; 54:45a; releases prisoners at Badr, 8:67a; vision of, regarding performing Pilgrimage, 48:27, 27a; allegiance sworn to, 48:10, 10a; misunderstandings regarding, and their removal by peace of Hudaibiyah, 48:2a; the incident of honey, 66:1a; his return to Makkah as a conqueror, 14:14a; see also Makkah; expedition of, against Roman Empire, 9:29a; lodges Christians in a mosque, 3:61b; invites them to test his truth by prayer, 3:61, 61b; writes a letter to Heraclius, 3:64a; triumph of, in Arabia, 110:1–3, 1a, 3a; variety of circumstances affecting the life of, 4:82a
— Qualities of : his gentle dealing with the greatest delinquents, 3:159, 159a; kindness of, to severest enemies, 9:80a; his compassion for believers, 9:128, 128a; gentle to his followers, 15:88, 88a; as ablest general, 3:159a; upholds principle of holding counsel in important matters, 3:159b; regard of, for the poor and the orphans, 4:2a; 80:2a; 89:18a; 93:9a; loved to be classed with the poor, 80:2a (2nd); magnanimity of, 80:2a; example of, in freeing slaves, 90:16a; wealth and embellishments of life had no attraction for, 15:88, 88a; 20:131; charity of, 15:88a; simplicity of life of, 25:7, 7a; helping others, 25:7a; sublime morals of, conforming to the Quran, 68:4, 4a; 26:194a; purity and perfection of, 33:45–46, 43a, 46a; breadth of mind of, 35:24a; heroic fortitude of, 43:88, 88a; moral greatness of, 43:31a, 32a; attainment of perfection by, 53:6–7, 6a, 7a; nearness of, to Allah, 53:8–9, 8a, 9a; utmost possible Divine knowledge of, 53:11–14, 14a; breadth of the heart of, 94:1a; greatness of, 81:19–21, 21a; Khadijah's estimate of the character of, 80:2a (2nd)
— false allegations against : his refuge in Allah from false imputations, 7:200, 200a; heart of, sealed against their abuses, 42:24, 24a; alleged "lapse" of, a false story, 22:52a; 53:21a; allegation against, as to learning the Quran from others, 16:103, 103a; 25:5, 5a; 44:14; charged with forgery, 10:37–38; 11:35, 35a; 25:4–6; 46:8, 8a; 52:33–34, 34a; called an enchanter, a dreamer, a forger, a poet, 21:3–5, 5a; 74:15a; conjectures regarding, 52:29–34, 34a; charges of being a poet or soothsayer refuted, 52:29–30; 69:38–52; not a poet, 36:69, 69a; 37:36–37; called mad : the answer, 68:1–7, 2a–4a; 68:51, 51a; 7:184; 15:6–8; 23:70; 81:22; slandered, 104:1a; 111:4a; objections against sinlessness of, 40:55a; 93:7a; false imputations against, 33:56–57, 56a, 57a; character of, attacked by Christian writers, 66:1a
— Companions of : his concern for their safety, 22:58a; their zeal in propagating Islam, 25:51a; they loved virtue and hated evil, 49:7; were purified from sins, 24:21, 21a; 98:7–8, 8a; were strengthened with Holy Spirit, 58:22; compared, to stars, 6:97a; 82:4a; followers of Prophet : to be raised to greatness, 95:6; ch. 96 intro.; has a greater claim on the faithful than themselves, 33:6, 6a; mercy specially ordained for, 7:156, 156a
— Wives of : marriages of the Prophet, 33:50, 50a; object of marriages of, 33:28a, 53b; marries Zainab, 33:37a; not to divorce his wives, 33:52, 52b; wives of, not to be remarried, 33:53, 53b; separation of, for one month, from his wives, 66:1a; affectionate treatment of his wives by, 66:1a, 3a; are mothers of believers, 33:6, 6a; to be teachers of religion to Muslims, 33:32a, 34a; should retain simplicity, 33:28–29, 28a; should not display their finery, 33:33–34; purity enjoined on, 33:30–32
— Opposition to : to judge with equity among enemies, 5:42, 42a; 42:15; secret counsels against, 2:102f (2nd); see also Secret counsels; prays even for those who do not accept him, 14:36b; forgives enemies, 5:13; 12:92a; 15:85, 85a; enjoined to ask forgiveness for his oppressors, 110:3, 3a; to bear abuse with patience and take no notice, 20:130; 33:48; 46:35; 50:39; 73:10; prays for famine to overtake persecutors, 16:112a; 44:10a; protection granted to, against all enemies, 5:67, 67a; should strive against unbelievers and hypocrites, 9:73, 73a; 66:9, 9a; plans against, by opponents, 12:102, 102a; 13:10a; 16:26, 26a; 77:39; plans to tempt, 17:73, 73a; Quraish plan to kill, 8:30, 30a; 10:71a; 27:49, 49a; attempts on life of, 2:61e, 87b; 3:21–22, 21a, 22a; 5:11, 11a, 27a, 32a; doom of opponents of, 7:182–187; 8:52a; 18:59, 59a; 38:67, 67a; 51:59–60; 69:1–10; 77:12–40; opposition to, shall be brought to naught, 18:47, 47a; 22:47–54, 47a; 23:62–67, 93–95, 95a; 52:42, 42a; 68:17–33, 17a; 75:10–13; 79:7–9, 7a; 81:6a; 84:16–18, 18a; nine chief opponents of, 27:48a; abasement of opponents of, 27:87, 87a; 42:45; 73:11–14, 14a
— Wars fought by, see Muslim wars.
Mujaddid (Reformer) 24:55a; 97:3a
Murarah ibn Rabi` 9:106a
Murder 2:178–179, 178a–179a; 5:32, 32a; 6:151; 17:33, 33a; 4:92–93
Muslim meaning of, 2:112, 112a; 10:25a; 19:62a
Muslims believe in all the prophets, see Prophets and Revelation; cosmopolitan belief of, 2:136a; unity of purpose of, 2:148a; grand object of, is to establish Divine Unity, 2:163a; true followers of Abraham, 2:135a; 3:68; 4:125; 16:123; love Allah most, 2:165; 9:24, 24a; see also under Human soul; champions of the religious liberty of nations, 2:193a; spend in the way of Allah, 2:195, 195a; 2:254a; goal of, 92:20a; should always have a missionary force, 3:104, 104a; 9:122, 122a; should study causes of rise and fall of nations, 3:137–138; are persecuted, 2:191c; 3:195; 4:75, 75a; 16:41–42, 41a; 22:39–40, 39a; 29:2–3, 2a; comforted in persecution, 29:56, 56a, 60, 60a; should be steadfast under persecutions, 29:10, 10a; those recanting under compulsion, 16:106, 106a; should forgive persecutors when they overcome, 22:60, 60a
— excellent qualities of : granted good visions, 10:62–64, 64a; strengthened by Holy Spirit, 16:102; 58:22; angels bring good news to, 41:30–32, 31a; strengthened by revelation, 9:124; Divine light to be met with in houses of, 24:36; see also Light; follow a middle course between worldliness and monkery, 57:27–29, 27a; 2:201, 201a; should be true to promises, see Morals : truth; should fulfil agreements with idolaters, 9:4, 4a; should practise highest good, 16:90, 90a; should help one another in goodness, not in sin, 5:2, 2c; should be just even against themselves and relatives, 4:135, 135a; should be strictly truthful, see Morals : truth; enjoined to respect each other, 49:11–12; to treat as Muslims those who offered Islamic salutation, 4:94, 94a, 94b; not to call one another as kafir, 2:148a; brotherhood of, 6:52; 9:11,71; 49:10; to help each other in religious matters, 8:72–73, 72a, 73a; not to kill one another intentionally, 4:92, 92a; should remain united, 3:103, 103a; divisions among, to be deprecated, 3:105; 16:92, 92a; should not become sects, 6:159, 159a; 30:31–32; peace to be made between quarrelling parties of, 49:9–10, 9a; must sacrifice their lives in the cause of truth and suffer privations, 2:154–156, 177, 214, 214a, 214b; 3:186, 186a, 200; 9:24, 24a; should strive hard in the cause of truth, 9:88; 22:78; 49:15; 61:11; exhorted to make sacrifices, 63:9–11; must undergo trials, 3:142; 29:2–3; 33:11; 47:31; vastness of the sympathy of, 4:36, 36a, 36b; limits of obedience to authority, 4:59, 59a; greetings of, to each other, 4:86; social relations with non-Muslims, 5:5, 5a, 5b; see also Belief : true believers and Morals.
— greatness of nation, and prophecies relating to its eminence : a most exalted nation, 2:143, 143a; the best of nations, 3:110; 98:7; shall be made a great nation, 22:65–66, 65a; three classes of, 35:32, 32a; made leaders for others, 22:78, 78b; grand kingdom granted to, 4:54, 54a; shall be exalted and granted kingdom, 3:26–27, 27a; prophecy that they shall be made eminent, 2:152, 152a; promise of conquests for, 2:115, 115a; prophecy of their future greatness, 2:258a; shall be made guardians and masters of Sacred Mosque, 8:34, 34a; 22:25, 25a; prophecy that they shall inherit the land, see Land; conquests promised to, outside Arabia, 33:27, 27a; 48:16, 16a, 21, 21a; prophecy that they shall be masters of the Holy Land, 21:105, 105a; prophecy of their being made rulers on earth, 24:55, 55a; 27:62, 62a; reformers to be raised amongst, 24:55a; prophecy relating to the supremacy of, over unbelievers, 83:34–35, 34a
— dealings of, with enemies : friendly relations of, with non-Muslims who are not enemies, not disallowed, 60:8–9, 8a; friendly relations with enemies forbidden, 60:1–3, 1a; 3:28, 28a, 118–120, 118a; not to take enemy Jews and Christians for friends, 5:51, 51a; not to be misled by Jews and Christians, 3:100–101; should be just to enemies, 5:2, 2c; should be upright and act equitably towards enemies, 5:8; not to turn their backs when facing enemy, 8:15–16; to meet tenfold numbers in battle, 8:65–66; to give protection to idolaters, 9:6, 6a; to be kind to unbelievers and not to mind their abuses, 17:53, 53a; see also Abuse; to be firm against enemies, compassionate among themselves, 48:29; some other guiding rules of life for, 3:15–17; 6:151–153; 13:19–22; 23:57–61; 25:63–75; 37:1a (2nd); 51:15–19; 61:2–3, 3a; 64:11–18, 14a; 70:22–35; 74:3–7, 4a, 6a
Muslim wars permission given, 2:190, 190a; 22:39–40; were defensive, 3:167, 167a; 8:65a; 22:39, 39a; allowed only when need was urgent, 2:216a; undertaken because enemy fought to force Muslims back from their faith, 2:217, 217a; necessary for the help of the weaker members, 2:215a; must not be aggressive, 2:190a; necessary to establish peace, 2:251, 251b; 8:60, 60a; and religious freedom for all, 22:40, 40a; clemency of, 2:192a; contrasted with Israelite wars, 33:26a; meaning of "fighting in the way of Allah", 2:190a; 3:167a; 4:75a; persecutors to be punished, 2:191; to cease when persecution stops and religious liberty is established, 2:193, 193a; 8:39, 39a; Muslims to accept peace if enemy sued for it, 8:61–62, 62a; to be continued till Makkah was taken, 2:191, 191b; not to be carried on within the precincts of Makkah unless enemy does it first, 2:191, 191d; against idolaters, due to violation of treaties, 9:4–5, 4a, 5a; with followers of the Book, aim of, 9:29, 29a; what unbelievers were to be fought against, 9:123, 123a; also served as punishment, 23:77a; acquisitions made in (ghanimah and fai'), 8:1, 1a, 41, 41a, 69; 59:7–8, 7a, 8a; an early prophecy relating to, 79:1–9, 5a; prophecy of Makkans waging war against Muslims, 100:1–6, 6a; prisoners taken in, released by Holy Prophet, 8:67–70, 67a; 47:4, 4a; see also names of individual battles.
Mutim ibn Adiyy 27:48a
# N
Nadar ibn al-Harth 27:48a
Na'ilah idol, 2:158b; 71:23a
Najran deputation of Christians from, 3:61b
Naml valley of, 27:18, 18a
Nasr idol, 71:23, 23a
Nations doom of, 7:34, 34a; raising of, to life after death, 2:258–260, 258b, 259a, 260a; how and why punished, 6:42–45; 7:94–96; not punished until warned by a messenger, 6:131, 131a; 17:15; 26:208; 28:59; 30:47; term of, 7:34; 10:49; 15:4–5; destroyed when they transgress, 17:16, 16a; do not rise until they amend themselves, 13:11; to be called to their record, 45:28, 28a
(and ecology) the natural environment, 2:164; 13:17; growth of vegetation, 6:99, 141; 7:57–58; 10:24; 18:45; importance of climate, 24:43; 29:63; 35:9; 45:5; 78:14–16; survival of all creatures : all creatures are communities, 6:38; earth for all, 55:10; sustenance for all provided by God, 15:19–20; 20:53–54; 29:60; 32:27; 50:7–11; 79:31–33; 80:24–32; sustenance and places of habitation provided by God, 11:6; animal species are a "sign" for man, 42:29; 45:4; variety of animals, 24:45; trees, importance and function of, 14:24–25; 16:10–11; 27:60; 36:79–80; 56:71–72; benefit of whole grain, 55:12, 12a; signs in, for man to ponder, see Signs; see also under Knowledge.
Nebuchadnezzar 2:259a; 5:71a; 85:4a
Negus king of Abyssinia , 5:83a; 19:92a; 39:4a
Nicknames 49:11
Niggardliness condemned, 2:268, 268a; 3:180; 4:37; 9:75–77; 47:37–38, 37a; 57:23–24; 59:9; 92:8–11; 100:8
Noah main accounts of history of, 7:59–64; 10:71–73; 11:25–49; 23:23–29; 26:105–122; 37:75–82; 54:9–16; 71:1–28; and the ark, 11:37–41; 23:27–29; 29:15; 54:13–15, 14a, 15a; deluge of, was not worldwide, 7:64a; 11:42a; a son of, is drowned, 11:42–43; prayer of, for his son, 11:45–47; history of, is a history of the Prophet and a warning to his opponents, 11:35, 35a, 49a; see 7:59a (2nd) for further refs.
Nuaim 3:175a
# O
Oaths not to be taken against doing good, 2:224, 224a; vain oaths, 2:225, 225a; guarding of, 5:89, 89b; expiation of, 5:89, 89a; 66:2, 2a; not to be broken, 16:91; not to be made means of deceit, 16:92, 94; unnecessary oaths discouraged, 24:53
Oaths in the Quran, significance of, 37:1a; 77:7a
Olive-tree as a symbol of Islam, 23:20a; 24:35a; 95:3a
Orphans stress on kind treatment of, 89:17; 90:12–16, 16a; 93:9, 9a; 107:1–3, 3a; care of, 2:220, 220a, 220b; 4:2a; 8:41; 59:7; property of, not to be wasted, 4:2; 6:152; 17:34; should be educated and examined, 4:6; warning against swallowing property of, 4:10; justice should be done to, 4:127, 127a
# P
Pairs creation of things in, 36:36, 36a; 43:12; 51:49; in vegetation, 13:3; 20:53; in animals, 42:11; in mankind, 35:11; 42:11; 53:45; 78:8
Panther 4:156a
Parable setting forth of, 2:26; of the gnat, 2:26, 26a; of fire kindled, 2:17–18, 17a, 17b, 18a; of rain and lightning, 2:19–20, 19b; of one calling out to the deaf, 2:171; of birds obeying call, 2:260, 260a; of seed yielding manifold fruit, 2:261; compared to parable of sower in Gospel, 2:261b; of seed sown on stone, 2:264; of garden on elevated land, 2:265; of garden smitten by whirlwind, 2:266; of cold wind destroying harvest, 3:117; of one perplexed, 6:71, 71a; of one who rejects messages, 7:175–176, 175a; of the dog, 7:176; of rain producing luxuriant herbage and its withering away, 10:24; 18:45; 57:20; of the scum, 13:17, 17b; of ashes blown by wind, 14:18; of the good tree, 14:24–25, 24a; of the evil tree, 14:26, 26a; of milk and of wine, 16:66–67, 67a; of the bee, 16:68–69, 69a; of slave and master, 16:75, 75a; 30:28, 28a; 39:29; of the dumb man, 16:76, 76a; of one who unravels her yarn, 16:92; of a secure town, 16:112; of the rich man and the poor man, 18:32–44, 32a; of one who falls from on high, 22:31; of a fly, 22:73, 73a; of the pillar of light, 24:35, 35a; of mirage, 24:39; of intense darkness, 24:40, 40a; of the spider, 29:41, 41a; of the people of the town, 36:13–32, 14a; of the garden with rivers of milk, etc., 47:15, 15a; of the ass, 62:5; of the owners of the garden, 68:17–33, 17a
Paraclete 61:6a
fruits of, 2:25, 25c; 37:41–42, 41a; 69:23, 23a; nature of the blessings of, 2:25d; 37:49a; 38:52a; 52:20a; 78:33a; blessings of, not conceivable, 2:25d; 32:17, 17a; 52:23, 23a; purity, beauty and spiritual nature of blessings of, 37:41–49, 41a, 47a, 49a; description of blessings of, is only a parable, 13:35, 35a; 47:15, 15a; blessings tasted by righteous in this life, 2:25c; 37:41, 41a; 47:6, 6a; extensiveness of, 3:133; 57:21, 21a; shades of, stand for ease, 4:57a; 13:35b; drinks of, 37:45–47, 47a; 47:15, 15a; 56:18–19; 76:5–6, 5a, 6a, 17–18, 17a, 21, 21a; 83:25–28, 27a; highest bliss of, is sight of Allah, 7:143a; 50:35, 35a; nearness to Allah is a blessing of, 54:54–55; 56:11–12, 88–89; 83:21, 28; pleasure of Allah attained in, 3:15; 5:119; 9:21–22, 72, 100; 58:22; 89:27–30; 92:19–21; 98:8, 8a; perfect peace prevailing in, 6:127; 10:10, 10a, 25, 25a; 14:23; 19:62–63, 62a, 63a; 36:55–58, 58a; 50:34; 56:25–26, 26a; all one desires in, 25:16; 41:31; 42:22; 50:35, 35a; women equally entitled to blessings of, along with men, 4:124; 9:72; 13:23, 23a; 36:55–56; 40:8, 8a, 40; 43:70, 70a; 52:20a (2nd); 57:12; trees and rivers of, 14:24a; a true picture of, 15:45–48, 48a; is a place where there is no grief, toil, or fatigue, 7:49; 15:48; 35:34–35, 34a, 35a; 43:68; talk of those in paradise with those in hell, 37:50–60; unceasing progress in, 39:20, 20a; 66:8, 8a; wives and children of the faithful shall go to, 40:8, 8a; 52:21, 21a; hur in, 52:20, 20a; 55:70, 70a; 44:54; 56:22; everlasting, 11:108, 108a; 15:48, 48a; 38:54; 41:8; 44:56; stands for achievement of object, 78:31, 31a; a manifestation of, in this life, 81:13, 13a; when granted in this life, 89:27–30, 30a. See also 55:46–78; 76:5–22; 88:8–16
Paran ch. 14 intro.
Parents doing good to and giving thanks to, 17:23–24, 23a; 29:8, 8a; 31:14–15, 14a, 15a; 46:15; duty to God higher than duty to, 29:8, 8a; 31:15, 15a; see also Relationship.
Paul, St. prohibits intermarriages with unbelievers, 5:5b; introduces pagan doctrines into Christianity, 9:30b
Peace as meaning of Islam, 2:112a; 3:19a; 10:25a; in Islamic concept of paradise, see Paradise ; of mind, see Heart : contentment of; to be accepted in war if offered, see Muslim wars; as the Muslim salutation, 4:94, 94a
Pen a prophetical reference to abundant use of, 31:27a; see also 18:109, 109a; part played by, in propagation of Islam, 96:4, 4a; inkstand and, testify to Prophet's truth, ch. 68 intro., 68:1–2, 2a
People of
the Book (See also Christians and Israelites.)
claim exclusive salvation, 2:111, 111a, 135; 4:123, 123a; 5:18, 18a; denounce each other, 2:113, 113b; corruption of scriptures by, 2:75, 75a, 79, 79a; 3:78, 78a; 5:15, 15a; transgressions of, 3:187–188; 5:59–66; deviated from simple faith of Abraham, 3:65–68, 66a; early prophets of, were not Jews or Christians, 2:140, 140a; not true in following own scriptures, 5:66, 66a, 68, 68a; believe that Jesus died on the cross, 4:159, 159a; both good and bad among, 3:75, 113–115, 115a; 5:66, 66a; Holy Prophet appeared for, 5:15–16, 19; 98:1, 1a; recognize Prophet like their sons, 2:146, 146a; 6:20; called to submit to God, 3:20; recognize but reject truth, 2:144, 144b, 146, 146a; lead astray and hide truth, 3:69–71; disbelief of, 2:145, 145a; 3:19–20, 70, 98, 110; how they can attain salvation, 2:62, 62b; 5:69; Muslims prevail over, in argument, 3:73b; those who accepted Islam, 3:199; 13:36, 36a; 28:52–53, 52a; 29:47; hostility of, towards Muslims, 2:105, 109; 3:99–100, 99a, 186; Muslims not to take hostile as friends, 5:51, 51a, 57, 57a; Muslims to show forgiveness to, 2:109, 109a; Muslim wars against, 9:29, 29a; invited to common principles by Islam, 3:64, 64a; 42:15, 15a; how Muslims should argue with, 29:46, 46a; food of, allowed to Muslims, 5:5, 5a; chaste women among, may be married, 5:5, 5b
Peter Damian 5:116a
Pharaoh longer accounts relating to, 7:103–141; 10:75–92, 83a, 88b, 90a, 92a; 20:24, 39, 39a, 43–79, 48a; 26:10–68, 22a, 29a; 28:3–9, 5a, 6a, 38–42, 38a, 41a; 40:24–37, 24a, 25a; 43:46–56, 49a, 53a; tyranny and arrogance of, 10:83; 28:4, 39; 43:51–53; 79:23–24; threatens enchanters with punishment for believing, 7:123–126; 20:71–73; 26:49–51; asks for a tower to be built to see God, 28:38, 38a; 40:36–37, 37a; follows Israelites and is drowned, 10:90; 20:78; 26:63–66; acknowledges truth while drowning, 10:90; body of, cast ashore and preserved as sign, 10:92, 92a; prayer of wife of, 66:11, 11a. See also 2:49–50, 49b; 3:11; 8:52, 54; 11:96–99; 17:101–103; 29:39–40; 51:38–40; 54:41–42; 69:9–10; 73:15–16; 79:17–25; 89:10–13
Pilgrimage significance of, and directions relating to, 2:158, 158a, 158b; 2:196–203, 196a–203b; 5:1–2, 1b, 2a, 2b; 5:94–96, 95a; 22:26–33, 27a, 27b, 28a; the minor, 2:196a; the greater, 2:196a; 9:3, 3a; proclaimed, 3:97, 97a; 22:27, 27a; see also Sacrifice.
Plague shall not enter Makkah, 3:97a; as punishment for Pharaoh's people, 7:133a, 133b, 134; Israelites punished with, 2:59, 59b
Planets 81:16a; see also Heaven and Solar System.
Poets 26:224–227, 225a–227a; Prophet accused of being a poet, see Muhammad : false allegations against.
Polygamy permitted under exceptional circumstances, 4:3, 3a; allowed for the care of widows and orphans, 4:127, 127a; justice between wives, 4:129; Holy Prophet's marriages, reasons for, 33:50a
Polytheism (shirk, associating others with One God)
the gravest sin, 4:48, 48a, 116; 5:72; 31:13; different kinds of, 112:4a; blind following of desires is included in, 25:43, 43a; 45:23; not taught by any prophet, 3:79–80, 80a; 25:17–18, 18a; 34:44, 44a; 43:20–21, 45; called a forgery, 61:7a; prohibition of, 4:36; 6:56, 151; 17:22, 39; 18:110; 29:8; 31:15; 40:66; 51:51; 60:12; see also Idols and Gods.
Polytheists great error of, 46:5; have no authority for their beliefs, 7:33; 12:40; 22:71; 30:35, 35a; 42:21; follow only conjecture, 10:36, 66; blindly follow their forefathers, 7:70; 11:62, 87, 109; 14:10; 26:74; 34:43; 43:22–24; and see under Intellectual development; compared to slaves, 16:75, 75a; claim their idol-worship is God's will, see Predestination; claim their gods bring them near Allah, 17:42, 42a; 39:3, 3a; asked to "name" gods, 13:33, 33b; call on One God when in distress, 6:41, 41a; uncleanness of, 9:28, 28a; degradation of, 22:31; greed of, 2:96; devil's authority over, 16:100; do not help poor, 41:6–7; works of, rendered null, 6:88, 88a; 39:65; idolatrous customs of, see under Arabs; denial of gods on Day of Judgment 6:22–23; 7:37; 10:28; 16:27, 86; 28:62–64; 35:14; 40:73–74; 41:47–48; 46:6. See also 33:73; 42:13; 48:6; 68:41; 98:1–3
— relations of with Muslims : their hostility towards Muslims, 2:105; 3:186; 5:82; marriage with, prohibited, 2:221; Prophet to turn away from, 6:106–107; 15:94; war with, 9:5, 5a, 36, 36b; agreements made with, 9:1–12, 1a–12a; and Sacred House, 9:17–19; forgiveness not to be asked for those who die as, 9:113, 113a
Poor the care of, 90:11–16, 16a; 59:8–9, 8a, 9a; 69:33–34; 74:44; 89:18, 18a; 107:1–3, 3a; shall be raised to eminence through the Quran, 80:16a; see also Charity.
Poor-rate (Zakat) a fundamental principle of Islam, see under Charity.
Potiphar 12:21a, 30a
Prayer is answered, 2:186, 186a; 3:195; 40:60; 14:39; 19:4; 20:89a; 21:84, 88, 90; 27:62; 37:75; 42:26; benefit of, 29:45; 9:99, 103; 10:87; 11:52; 19:48; 25:77; 52:27–28; 71:10–12; to pray is in man's nature, 1:4; 6:41; 41:49–51; man's ungratefulness after acceptance of his, 6:63–64; 7:189–190; 10:12, 22–23; 16:53–54; 30:33–34; 39:8, 49; true spirit of, 2:45; 2:177a; 2:238, 238a; 6:63, 162; 7:55–56, 205; 19:3; 23:1–2; 32:15–16, 16a; 57:16; 73:8; sincerity in, 7:29; 29:65; 31:32; 40:14, 65; when devoid of spirit, 107:4–5, 5a; is a glorification of God, 20:130; 50:39–40; 76:25–26; comfort sought in, 20:130a; restrains from sins, 29:45, 45a; 2:186, 186a; efficacy of, 2:186a; as the means of obtaining great good, 108:2a; regularized by Islam, 2:3b; a fundamental duty in Islam, 2:177, 277; 7:170; 9:71; 13:22; 24:56; 30:31; meaning of, must be understood, 4:43, 43a; in danger, 2:239; to be shortened when travelling, 4:101; when actually fighting, 4:102; must be performed at fixed times, 4:103, 103a; the five times, 11:114, 114a; 17:78, 78a; 20:130, 130a; 30:17–18, 18a; 7:205a; the tahajjud, 17:79, 79a; 73:6, 6a, 20, 20a; 32:16; 51:17; middle course to be adopted with regard to, 17:110, 110b
— some prayers from the Quran : the ideal prayer, 1:1–7; prayers for guidance, 3:8; 5:83; for forgiveness and protection from sin and evil, 2:286; 3:191–194; 7:23; 7:155–156; 11:47; 21:87; 23:97–98, 118; 28:16; 40:7–9; 59:10; 71:28; for seeking refuge in Allah, ch. 113; ch. 114; for joining the righteous, 3:193; 7:47; 12:101; for help against enemy, 2:250, 286; 3:147; for seeking of good, 2:201; 7:156; for help in affairs, 17:80; 18:10; 20:25–28; for family, 3:38; 14:40–41; 25:74; 46:15; for believers, 14:41; 59:10; 71:28; when oppressed and persecuted, 4:75; 7:126; 10:85–86; 60:5; when in distress, 21:83, 87–88; 54:10; for a journey, 11:41; 23:29; for knowledge, 20:114; in gratitude, 27:19; 46:15; for acceptance of prayer, 2:127
Predestination man not compelled but given choice, 74:56a; 76:30a; see Religion : one is free; idol-worshippers try to use as argument, 6:148–149, 149a; 16:35, 35a; 43:20–22
Priests taken as gods, 3:64, 64a; 6:137; 9:31, 31a; 17:57, 57a; devouring people's property falsely, 9:34; falsely claim purity, 4:49, 49a; hypocrisy of, 2:44, 44a
Privacy see under Marriage.
Promised land 5:12b; see under Israelites.
Property to be treated as a means of support, 4:5, 5a; not to be acquired illegally, 4:29, 29a; respect for property rights, 2:188, 188a; to be respected and safeguarded, 2:282a; see Civic Life.
Prophethood finality of, 33:40, 40a; 4:69a; 5:3d
Prophets (See also Revelation.)
belief in, is essential, 2:177, 285; 3:179; 4:171; 57:19; raised among all nations, 2:213, 213a, 213b; 10:47, 47a; 16:36, 84, 84a, 89; 35:24, 24a; all prophets are not mentioned in the Quran, 4:164; 40:78; 14:9a; no distinction between, as regards belief in, 2:136, 285; 3:84; 4:150–152, 151a; all sent as part of one system, 2:87; 3:33–34; 5:19; 23:44; 57:26–27; granted book, judgment and prophecy, 6:89, 89a; sent with arguments and scriptures, 3:184, 184a; 16:43–44; 35:25; 57:25; as warners and bearers of good news, 2:213; 4:165; 6:48; 18:56; basic religion of all was submission to One God, 2:132–133; 3:19a; 42:13, 13a; all taught Unity of God, 21:24–25, 24a; 39:65–66; 43:45; 6:88, 88a; could not claim divinity, 3:79–80, 80a; 21:29; choice of, is made by Allah, 6:124, 124a; 22:75; 28:68; 40:15; sinlessness of, 21:25–28, 27a; cannot act unfaithfully, 3:161; Divine secrets are made known to, 72:26–27; revelation to, specially guarded, 72:27–28; had wives and children, 13:38; were mortals, 14:11; 36:15; and ate food, 21:7–8, 8a; 23:33; 25:20; to serve as models must be human beings, 23:33a; mocked at by enemies, 6:10, 10a; 13:32; 15:10–11; 21:41, 41a; 36:30; Divine promise of help to, 2:214, 214b; 14:13–20; receive Divine help, 12:110; 21:9; 30:47; 40:51; doom of the opponents of, 6:42–45; 14:13–20; 17:77; 43:6–8; 77:7, 7a; histories of, why related in the Quran, 7:59a; meant as a warning, 7:94a; 11:35a, 49a; 12:102a, 111; slaying of, see Israelites : try to kill prophets; from among jinn, 6:130, 130a; teachings of, corrupted by evil generations, 16:63–64, 64a; 19:59; 57:16; false prophets would not prosper, 69:44–47, 47a; differences of degrees of excellence, 2:253, 253a; 17:55, 55a; covenant with, 3:81, 81a; 33:7, 7a; all prophets testified to the truth of the Holy Prophet, 3:81, 81a
Prostitution 4:3a (2nd); 24:33, 33c
# Q
Qais 16:103a
Qiblah 2:125b; meaning of, 2:142a; previous to Flight, 2:142a; change in, 2:142, 142a; afforded a distinction, 2:143, 143d; differences of Jews and Christians with regard to, 2:145, 145a; as a symbol of the unity of Muslim brotherhood, 2:148a; see also Kabah.
Quba' mosque at, 9:108, 108a
Quraish who they were, 106:1, 1a; trade of, 106:2, 2a; advantages enjoyed by, 106:4, 4a; praying for a decision before going to Badr, 8:19a; the nine chiefs, 27:48a; doom of, 53:57, 57a; ch. 54 intro.; prophecy of the defeat of, 70:40–44, 44a; see also Muhammad : Opposition to.
Quran the Holy, significance of the name, 2:185b; names of, p. I-25; the most widely read book, 2:185b; is a revelation to Prophet from Allah, 20:2–4; 27:6; 39:41; 53:10; original or basis of, 43:4, 4a; 13:39, 39a; opponents challenged to produce the like of, 2:23–24, 23a; 10:37–38; 11:13–14, 13a; 17:88, 88a; 52:33–34, 34a; unique position of, among the books, 25:33a; 68:2a; a book whose blessings shall not be intercepted, 6:92, 155a; a warning for the whole world, 6:19, 19a; 25:1, 1a; settles all differences, 2:213c, 213d; 16:64; a book to be pondered over, 4:82; 23:68; 38:29; 47:24; a complete collection of best moral and spiritual teachings, 17:89, 89a; 29:48a; 39:27, 27a; 18:54; 30:58; a collection of all that is best in any religion and scripture, 16:69a; 98:3, 3a; contains the highest conceivable ideas, 29:49, 49a; is perfect and right-directing, 5:3d; 18:1–2, 2a; 39:28; is the truth, 6:66; 17:105; 23:90; 32:3; 35:31; truth of, recognized through knowledge, 22:54; 34:6; contains the best narratives, 12:1–3, 3a; explains everything necessary, 6:114; 10:37, 37a; 12:111; 16:89, 89b; 17:12; is a guidance, 2:2, 2c; 3:138; 39:23; 45:11; is a guidance and mercy, 10:57, 57a; 29:51, 51a; 7:52; 27:77; 31:3; is a guidance and good news, 2:97; 16:89, 102; 27:2; guides to what is upright, 17:9; contains guidance and arguments and affords a criterion, 2:185, 185c; contains answers to objections as well as arguments, 25:33, 33a; gives clear evidence and proof, 6:104; 7:203; 45:20; consists of clear messages, 2:99; 22:16; 24:1; 57:9; makes manifest, 15:1; 26:2, 2a; called Reminder, 15:6, 9; 16:43–44, 43a; 20:99; 21:50; 80:4, 11, 16a; Reminder for all nations, 6:90, 90a; 12:104; 38:87; 68:52; 81:27, 27a; a reminder of what is imprinted on human nature, 7:2b; is free from every discrepancy, 4:82, 82a; uniformity in, 39:23, 23a; rule of interpretation of, 3:7, 7a, 7b; ch. 3 intro.; falsehood shall not prevail against, 41:41–42; is a purifier, 29:45, 45a; gives life to dead hearts, 13:31a; 41:39a; a healing for spiritual diseases, 10:57, 57a; 17:82, 82a; 41:44, 44b; to be listened to with silence, 7:204; opponents of, try to prevent its hearing, 41:26; a book of wisdom, 10:1, 1b; 3:58; 11:1; 31:2; 36:2; knowledge of, taught by God, 55:1–2; 75:19; to be taught gradually, 17:106; duty of explaining message of, to people, 3:187; brings forth men from darkness into light, 14:1; 57:9; 65:11; not the work of a poet, 26:224–226, 226a; 36:69, 69a; 69:41; cannot be the work of devil, 26:210–212, 212a; 81:25, 25a; must achieve its object, 20:2–5, 2a, 4a; revealed to the Prophet's heart, 2:97; 26:193–194, 194a; revealed on a blessed night, 44:3, 3a; 97:1, 1a; revelation of, began in Ramadan, 2:185, 185a, 185b; revealed piece-meal, 25:32; 76:23; made to enter into hearts, 26:200, 200a; manifests glory of God, 29:45a (2nd); revealed in Arabic, 12:2; 16:103, 103a; 20:113; 26:195; 41:3, 44; 42:7; 43:3; 46:12, 12a; made easy in Arabic, 19:97; 44:58; made easy to remember, 54:40; Fatihah is essence of whole, ch. 1 intro.; 15:87, 87a; Divine promise to guard it against corruption, 15:9, 9a; 56:77–80, 79a; 85:21–22, 22a; 96:4a; abrogation of verses of, erroneous doctrine, see Abrogation; revelation of, was requirement of beneficence of Allah, 55:1–2, 2a; makes prophecy clearer gradually, 20:114a; 75:16a; Christian nations of future believing in truth of, 72:1–14, 1a, 3a; transformation wrought by, 2:23a; 13:31, 31a; 59:21; 84:1–5, 1a; will make its followers eminent, 7:2b; 21:10, 10a; 38:1b; scribes of, shall be honoured, 80:13–16, 16a
— and previous revelation : verifies previous revelation, 2:41, 41a, 89, 101; 6:92; 10:37; 35:31, 31a; fulfils previous prophecy, 10:94; 20:133; 26:196–197; 28:52–53, 52a; 46:12, 12a; verifies and guards all previous revelations, 5:48, 48a; abrogation, refers to abrogation of previous scriptures, 2:106, 106a; 16:101, 101a; connection of, with previous revelation, 28:51, 51a; borne testimony to by Moses, 11:17, 17a; 46:10, 10a
— differences of, with the Bible, regarding : Aaron, 2:51b, 93c; 20:90a; Abraham, 37:102a; 2:260a; God did not rest, 50:38a; Jesus, 3:55d; Jacob, 12:18a, 68a, 87a; Joseph, 12:28a, 70a; Moses, 7:108a, 126a, 154a, 155a; Noah, 11:42a; 7:64a; Solomon, 2:102d; 27:44c; alleged instances of anachronism, 2:249a; 28:25a, 27a; 71:23a
— collection of, p. I-26; in the time of Abu Bakr meant collection of manuscripts, p. I-59, pp. I-73 to I-77; internal evidence of collection of, 75:17–18, 17a; the whole was written in Prophet's lifetime, p. I-55; evidence of the writing of, 2:2b; 52:41a; 68:2a, 47a; 80:13–16, 16a; 98:2, 2a; scribes of, among the companions, pp. I-57, I-58; stress laid by Prophet on learning, pp. I-60, I-61; zeal of companions to preserve every word of, p. I-60; the whole, committed to memory in Prophet's lifetime, pp. I-60 to I-65; recited by Muslims in day and night prayers, p. I-64; 73:20, 20a; in how many days should it be finished, p. I-63; arrangement of verses and chapters of, pp. I-65 to I-73; allegations of absence of arrangement in the text, pp. I-67 to I-69; evidence that arrangement was meant to be different from order of revelation, p. I-66; arrangement of, by revelation, 25:32, 32a; seven manzils (divisions) of, pp. I-26, I-63, I-71; numbering of verses in the Prophet's time, p. I-70; arrangement of chapters in Prophet's time, p. I-71; no evidence of change having ever been made in arrangement of, pp. I-69, I-70; impossibility of error creeping into, p. I-77; differences in readings of, pp. I-81 to I-86; different readings allowed in reading, not meant to be permanent, p. I-83; Uthman made copies of Abu Bakr's collection, pp. I-77 to I-81; orders given by Uthman to write it in the language of Quraish in case of a difference, pp. I-78, I-80; Muir on the collection and arrangement of, pp. I-55, I-61, I-67, I-68, I-77, I-84; Dr. Mingana's discovery of stray leaves of, pp. I-85, I-86; present Quran is exactly as Holy Prophet left it, p. I-81; no variation in any Quran in Muslim world, pp. I-83 to I-85
# R
Rachael 12:77a
Ramadan 2:185a; revelation of the Quran in, 2:185, 185a; fasting the whole month necessary, 2:185; see also Fasting.
Ramesus II identified with Pharaoh of Moses, 10:92a
Rass 25:38, 38a; 50:12
Receivers the two, 50:17–18, 18a; see also Life after death.
Record of deeds recorders of actions, see Life after death.
Reformer see Mujaddid.
Rehoboam 34:14a; 38:34a
Relationship ties of, to be respected, 4:1; 8:75; 9:10; 24:61; 25:54; 33:6; 42:23; doing good to relatives, 2:83, 177; 4:8, 36; 16:90; 17:26; 24:22; 30:38; must bear true witness even against relatives, 4:135, 135a; 6:152, 152b; duty to Allah above, 9:23–24, 113; 58:22; 63:9; 64:14–16, 14a; of no avail on Day of Judgment, 23:101; 60:3; 70:11–14; 80:33–37
Religion differences of, should not be a cause of dispute, 2:139, 139a; 22:17, 17a; 22:67–69; 29:46; 42:15; to be judged on Day of Judgment, see Day : of Resurrection; freedom of, 2:193, 193a; 2:256, 256a; 8:39, 39a; 10:99; 22:40, 40a; one is free to accept or reject truth, 6:104; 10:41, 108; 18:29; 27:92; 39:41; 73:19; 74:54–55; 76:3, 3a, 29; study of, 9:122, 122a; not to be followed blindly, see under Intellectual development; spirit of, more important than form of, 2:177, 177a; 3:92; 22:37, 37a; ch. 107 and notes.
Religious leaders see Priests.
Reminder see under Quran.
Repentance what is meant by, 2:37a; 2:160; 3:89; 4:145–146; 5:39; 16:119; 24:5; 28:67; 66:8; when not acceptable, 3:90, 90a; 4:17–18, 18a; see also Allah : Forgiving.
Resurrection three senses of, 22:5a; a manifestation of hidden realities, see under Life after death; a new growth, 23:14–16, 14a; 32:10–11; 36:78–81, 81a; 50:3–4, 4a; 56:60–61, 61a; 71:17–18, 18a; 75:36–40; 80:21–22; preservation of what is necessary for, 50:4, 4a; the spiritual resurrection, 30:19, 19a; 36:33, 33a; 82:4a; see also Day, the Last.
Retaliation law of, 2:178, 178a; allowed in Islam only in murder cases, ibid.; among pre-Islamite Arabs, ibid.; Jewish law modified, ibid.; alleviation of punishment, 2:178b; law of, in Torah, 5:45, 45a
Revelation is a universal experience of humanity, 4:163–165; 5:48b; 22:67a; and see Prophets : raised among all nations; Muslims must believe in all revelation, 2:4, 4a, 136, 177c, 285; 3:84; 4:136; 5:59; 29:46, 46a; 42:15a; a requirement of Divine attributes, 6:91, 91a; helps man to overcome evil, 2:38, 38a, 151; 5:65–66; 7:35; 17:82; 41:44, 44b; 47:2; 62:2; effect of, likened to rain on earth, 7:57, 57b; 16:65, 65a; 22:5, 5e; 29:63; 35:9; 36:33, 33a; 41:39, 39a; five kinds of, 16:69a; in broad sense granted to objects and beings other than man, 8:12; 16:68–69; 41:12; 99:4–5; granted to man in three ways, 42:51, 51a; descends upon the heart, 2:97; 26:192–194, 194a; 53:10–11
— revelation to non-prophets : to Moses' mother, 20:38; 28:7; to Mary, 3:42–43, 45–47; 19:17–21, 17a, 24–26; to disciples of Jesus, 5:111; continuance of, among Muslims, 1:6a; 33:40a; granted to companions of the Prophet, 58:22; granted to true believers, 10:62–64, 64a; 41:30–32, 31a; 12:108; as distinguished from revelation of prophets, 42:51a
Righteousness what it consists of, 2:177; 3:92; the righteous, 4:69, 69a; 76:5
Rock dwellers of the, 15:80, 80a; 7:74a; hearts likened to, 2:74, 74a
Romans the, 30:2a; prophecy about victory of, over Persians, 30:3a; Tabuk expedition against, see Tabuk.
Rukanah 2:230b
# S
Sab` al-MuAllaqat p. I-55
Sabbath violation of, by Israelites, 2:65, 65a; 4:47, 47a, 154; 7:163, 163a; 16:124, 124a; different Islamic concept of day of worship, 2:65a; 62:9a
Sabians 2:62, 62a; 5:69; 6:75a; 22:17
Sacred months 2:189a; wars not to be carried on in, except when enemy is aggressive, 2:194, 194a, 217, 217a; their postponement, 9:36–37, 36a, 37a
Sacrifice 22:28, 28a; meaning underlying, 22:34–37, 34a–37a; as the means of obtaining great good, 108:2, 2a
Sad ibn Abi Waqqas 2:180a; 29:8a
Sad ibn MuAdh 33:26a
Safa, and Marwah 2:158, 158a, 158b; 2:196a; 14:37a; Prophet addresses his kinsfolk from, 26:214a
Safiyyah 33:50a (5th); 66:1a
Safwan 24:11a
Saints worship of, 17:57, 57a; 18:21d; see also Priests.
Salih his preaching to Thamud, their rejection and destruction, 7:73–79; 11:61–68; 14:9–14; 26:141–159; 27:45–53; she-camel of, as a sign, 7:73, 73c; 11:64–65; 17:59; 26:155–158, 155a; 54:27–31, 28a; 91:13–14; see also Thamud.
Salman 16:103a; 62:3a
Salsabil 76:18, 18a
Salvation how attained, 2:38, 38a, 112, 112a; 89:27–30, 30a; 91:9–10, 10a
Samiri leads Israelites astray, 20:85, 85a; makes a calf, 20:87–88, 87a; confesses, 20:96, 96a; is punished by Moses, 20:97, 97a
Samuel 2:246–248, 246a
Saudah 33:50a (3rd)
Saul made a king, 2:247, 247a–247c; tranquillity in heart of, 2:248, 248a, 248c; tries Israelites by a river, 2:249, 249a
Scandal preventions against, 24:58–59, 58a
Science study of nature urged and man to conquer nature, see under Intellectual development, Knowledge and Man; see also Nature; law and order in nature, 67:3–4, 3a, 3b; unity in diversity of nature, 13:3–4, 4a; scientific disclosures in Quran : prophecy about spread of books and making of scientific discoveries, 81:10–11, 10a, 11a; 72:8a; 99:5a; laws of gravitation, 13:2, 2a; 31:10; 77:25–26, 26a; moon does not possess original light, 17:12, 12a; 91:2; life created from water, see Water; orbits of planetary bodies, 21:33; 23:17, 17a; 36:40, 40a; 51:7, 7a; life elsewhere in universe, see Heaven: living beings in; cosmography, 2:29b; 65:12a; sun's movement in space, 36:38, 38a; creation of universe and its stages, 21:30, 30a; 41:9–12, 10a; 79:30, 30a, 33a; unlimited creation, 31:27, 27a; heaven originally vapour, 41:11, 11a; geological convulsions in earth's history, 16:15, 15a; future forms of transport, 36:41–42, 42a; space travel, 15:14–15; 29:22; 55:33; 78:19; 81:11; creation of all things in pairs, see Pairs; growth of child in womb, 23:13–14, 14a; existence of sub-conscious mind, 20:7, 7a; existence of what is smaller than atom, 10:61, 61a; 34:3, 3a; work of honey bee, 16:68–69; evolution of man, see Evolution; atomic warfare, 17:58, 58a; 22:1–2; 55:35, 35a; 70:8–9; 73:14–18
Scythians 18:94a
Sea man to derive advantage from, 16:14; 35:12; ships running in, for man's benefit, 2:164; 14:32; 17:66; 22:65; 31:31; see also Ships; the two seas, 25:53, 53a; 35:12; 55:19–25, 20a
Seal of prophets 33:40, 40a; see also Prophethood.
Secret counsels condemned, 4:81, 81a, 108; 9:78; 13:10a; 17:47; 58:7–8, 10, 7a, 10a; private counsels for good causes, 4:114; 58:9, 9a
Sectarianism condemned, 3:103; 6:159, 159a; 30:31–32
Seeds growth of, brought about by God, 56:63–65; truth likened to sowing of, 6:95, 95a; 48:29; see also under Parable.
Sergius Nestorian monk, 16:103a
Seven, and Seventy significance of, 2:29b
Seven sleepers story of the, 18:13a
Shaibah ibn RabiAh 27:48a
ShiAh view of the Quran pp. I-84, I-85
Ships 36:41; 42:32–33; 43:12–14; see also Sea.
Shirk see Polytheism.
Shittim 2:58a
Shiva 43:59a
ShuAib 7:85–93; 11:84–95; 15:78–79; 26:176–191; 28:25a; 29:36–37
Sidrah the, 53:14, 14a
Signs demanded by unbelievers, 2:118, 118a; 6:35–37, 35a, 37a; 6:109, 109a; 10:20, 20a; 13:7, 27, 27a; 20:133; 21:5, 5a; shown in support of Islam, 13:38, 38a; 17:90a, 93a; 21:37, 38a; 26:4, 4a; 27:93, 93a; 41:53, 53a; 3:12, 12a (2nd); denied and scoffed at, 2:145, 145a; 6:25, 25a, 109, 109a, 111, 111a; 17:59, 59a; 30:58–59; 37:14–15; 54:2; punishment of opponents as, 11:103; 15:75, 75a; 26:67, 103 etc.; 27:52; 34:9; of spiritual revival, 16:65, 65a; 36:33, 33a, 37, 37a
— in nature, 10:6; 12:105; 17:12; 29:44; 45:3–4; 51:20–21; see also Intellectual development : signs in nature.
Sin division into Kabirah (major) and Saghirah (minor), 4:31a; release from the bondage of, 29:45a; open and secret denounced alike, 6:120, 120a, 151; 7:33; see Atonement, Evil, and Allah : Forgiving.
Sinlessness a stage in spiritual advancement, 2:82a; 76:5a; see also under Prophets.
Slander 4:112; 24:4, 4a, 23, 27a; 68:10–13; 104:1, 1a Slaughter, of animals, see Food.
Slaves freedom of, enjoined, 2:177e; 9:60, 60a; 24:33, 33b; 47:4; 90:13, 16a; slavery, disallowed, 47:4a; liberating, as expiation for sin, 4:92; 5:89; 58:3; relations with female slaves, see Concubinage and Female Slaves.
Solar system 23:17a; 78:12–13, 13a; see also Heaven.
Solomon was a prophet, 4:163, 164a; 6:84; fabrications against, 2:102, 102c, 102f (2nd); did not worship idols, 2:102, 102d; 27:44c; wind being made subservient to, refers to fleet of, 21:81, 81a; 34:12, 12a; jinn and devils working for, 21:82a; 34:12c; 38:37–38, 38a; understands speech of birds, 27:16, 16a; granted abundance, 27:16, 16b; hosts of, 27:17a; and the Naml, 27:18–19, 18a; reviews birds, 27:20; and the Queen of Sheba, the story of, 27:20–44; shows her the error of sun-worship by metaphor of palace of glass, 27:44, 44b; story of killing the horses, 38:33a; death of, 34:14; weak rule of the successor of, 34:14, 14a; 38:34–35, 34a; prays for a spiritual kingdom, 38:35, 35a
Son adopted is not real, 33:4, 4b; see also Parents.
Sonship doctrine of, rejected, 2:116, 116a; 6:101, 101a; 9:30, 30b; 10:68; 18:1a, 4–5; 19:35, 88–93, 92a; 21:17a, 26–27, 26a; 23:91; 43:81–82, 81a; 112:3, 4a; term son of God, metaphorical use of, 21:26, 26a; 39:4, 4a; 43:81a; use as meaning favourite, 5:18, 18a; 9:30a
Soothsayers 15:18a; 37:7–10, 7a–10a; see Astrologers.
Soul see Human soul.
Spirit as meaning Gabriel, 2:87, 87a; 16:102, 102a; 26:193, 193a; awakening of Divine, in man, 70:4, 4a; 78:38, 38a; descent of, 97:4, 4a; as meaning revelation, 4:171, 171b; 17:85, 85a; 40:15, 15a; 42:52, 52b; believers strengthened with, 58:22; Divine spirit breathed into man, see Human soul.
Spirit of truth Jesus' prophecy of coming of, 5:3d, 14a; 17:81, 81a; 61:6, 6a
Spiritual growth three stages of, 12:53a; ch. 75 intro.; animal stage, 12:53, 53a; self-accusing spirit, 75:2, ch. 75 intro.; final stage, soul at rest, 89:27–30, 30a
Spiritual majority attained at forty, 46:15, 15a
Star the, disappearance of, 53:1, 1a
Stars as means of conjectures for astrologers, 67:5, 5a; disappearance of, 77:8, 10a; darkening of, 81:2, 2a; dispersal of, 82:2, 4a; as direction guides for man, 6:97, 97a; 16:16; made subservient to man, 7:54; 16:12; worship of, condemned, 6:76; 37:88–89; make submission to God, 22:18; in Joseph's vision, 12:4
State Polity Intercommunal relations, 3:186; 60:8–9, 8a; form of government, 42:38, 38a; 3:159, 159b; who should be placed in authority, 4:58, 58a; fitness to rule, 2:247; 12:55–56; 22:41; 24:55; 38:17–20; those unfit to rule, 4:53, 53a; 38:34–35, 34a, 35a; rulers on trial, 10:14; obedience to authority, limits of, 4:59, 59a; 12:76, 76b; justice as the basis of rule, 4:58, 105–107, 105a, 135; 5:2, 2c, 8; 6:152, 152b; 16:90; 38:26; 42:15; faithfulness to treaties, 5:1, 1a; 9:4, 4a, 7, 7a; 16:92, 92b, 94; when war becomes necessary, 2:190–193, 190a–193b, 246, 251, 251b; 4:75, 75a; 8:39, 39a; 9:13, 29; 22:39–40, 39a, 40a; peace, 8:61–62, 62a; 8:58, 58a; 9:1–4
Submission, to God see Islam : significance of.
Sumayyah 16:106a
Sun total eclipse of, 7:188a; course of the, 36:38, 38a; folding up of, ch. 81 intro.; 81:1, 1a; Holy Prophet as sun of righteousness, 33:46, 46a; ch. 91 intro.; 91:1, 1a; worship of, 2:258c; 19:25a; 37:125a; see also Sun and moon.
Sun and moon function of, in nature, 6:96; 7:54; 10:5; 21:33; 36:38–40; 55:5; 71:15–16; submit to God, 22:18; made subservient to man, 13:2; 14:33; 16:12; 29:61; 31:29; 35:13; 39:5; not to be worshipped, 6:77–78; 41:37; in Joseph's vision, 12:4; brought together, 75:9, 9a; perfect man likened to, 91:1–2, 7a
Sunnah 16:89b; see Hadith.
Suraqah ibn Malik 8:48a; 22:23a; 35:33a
Suwa 71:23, 23a
# T
Tabari 53:21a
Tabuk expedition to, 9:38a; difficulties of the Muslims, ibid.; Muslims enjoined to march forth to, 9:41, 41a; length of journey, 9:42, 42a; subscriptions for the expedition to, 9:79a; called the expedition of straitness, 9:117a; brought about clear distinction between believers and hypocrites, 9:43–110
Ta'if 43:31a; Prophet's visit to, ch. 72 intro.; 72:24a
Tamah ibn Ubairaq 4:105a
Tamim Dari 5:106a
Taqdir significance of, as meaning making to a measure, 80:19, 19a; 87:3, 3a; 25:2; 54:49; as referring to measure in laws of nature, 15:21; 23:18; 43:11; see also Fatalism and Predestination.
Tasnim 83:27a
Taubah on the part of Allah, 9:117a; 2:37a; 4:17; 5:39; see also Repentance.
Taurat see Torah.
Tayammum 4:43, 43e; 5:6
Thabit ibn Qais 2:229d
Thalabah 9:83a, 84a
Thamud history of, 7:73a; borne out by remains of rock habitations, 7:74a; reject Salih and are destroyed, see Salih and 15:80–84; 17:59; 25:38; 29:38; 41:13–14, 17–18; 51:43–45; 53:51; 54:23–31, 31a; 69:4–5, 4a, 5a; 85:18; 89:9; 91:11–15, 11a
Thaqif 9:25a
Thaur Mount, 9:40a
Theft 5:38, 38a
Theodosius 18:13a
Throne see Arsh.Time
testimony of, that truth shall prosper, 103:1–3, 3a
Titus 5:78a; 17:7a
Torah 3:3; significance of, 3:3b; corruption of, see under Bible; retaliation in, 5:45, 45a; Jesus verified but made changes in law of, see Jesus; promises success for sacrifices made, 9:111, 111a; not observed by its followers, 5:43, 43a, 66, 68, 68a; 62:5; see also 3:65, 93; 7:157; 48:29; see Bible.
Trade is work and not like usury, 2:275, 275b; see topics under Civic Life; not to divert man from duty to God, 24:37; 62:9; high regard for honesty in, 4:69a (2nd) and see Civic Life: honesty.
Tranquillity see under Heart; see also 9:26, 40; 48:18, 26
Treaties stress laid on regard for, as opposed to modern loose views on, see Morals: true to covenants and State Polity.
Trees good and evil likened to, 14:24–26, 24a, 26a; metaphor of all being pens, 31:27; function of in nature, see Nature.
Trench companions of the, 85:4, 4a
Trinity doctrine of, refuted, 4:171, 171c; 5:73, 73a
Trumpet blowing of, 6:73, 73b; 18:99, 99a; 27:87, 87a; 39:68, 68a; 20:102; 36:51; 50:20; 78:18
Trust(s) to be given to those worthy of holding, 4:58, 58a; one must be faithful to, 8:27; 23:8; nature faithful to, but not so man, 33:72, 72a
Tubba people of, 44:37, 37a; 50:14
# U
Ubaid-Allah 33:50a (4th)
Ubayy ibn Kab alleged collection of Quran of, p. I-72
Ubayy ibn Khalf 30:3a (4th)
Uhud battle of, 3:121, 121a; hypocrites desert Muslims at, 3:122, 122b; assistance of angels at, 3:124, 124a; enemy returns disappointed, 3:127, 127a; served as a distinction, 3:140–143, 154–168; causes of the misfortune, 3:152–153; victory was first obtained, 3:152, 152b; the party who made default, 3:152c; enemy assumes offensive after retreat and Muslims in disorder, 3:153, 152d; Muslims rally round the Prophet at his call and defend themselves, 3:154; murmurings of hypocrites, 3:154, 154b–154f; delinquents pardoned, 3:152, 152d, 155, 155a; Prophet's gentle dealing, 3:159, 159a
Ukl 2:217b
Umar objects to funeral service for hypocrite, 9:80a; has misgivings about Hudaibiyah truce, 48:1a; and the incident of Prophet's separation from wives, 66:1a; some incidents when Caliph, 16:41a; 22:23a; 59:7a; expelled Jews from Arabia, 59:2a; story of conversion of, pp. I-56, I-58, I-59; emphasized necessity of collecting written manuscripts of the Quran, pp. I-74 to I-76
Umayyah ibn Abi Salt 7:175a
Umayyah ibn Khalf 27:48a; 53:62a
Umm Habibah 33:50a (4th)
Umm al-Kitab 13:39b; 43:4a; 3:7
Umm Salamah 33:50a (4th); 66:1a
Ummi significance of, 7:157a
Umrah see Pilgrimage, the minor.
Universe beginning and end of, 46:3, 3a; life elsewhere in, see Heaven : living beings in; see also topics under Science and Heaven.
Usaf idol, 2:158b; 71:23a
Usury 2:275–280, 275a–280a; 3:130, 130a; 30:39, 39a
Utbah ibn RabiAh 27:48a; 41:13a
Uthman at Uhud, 3:152d; testimony of, to the writing of the Quran, p. I-57; collection of, was simply a transcription of copies from Abu Bakr's collection, pp. I-77 to I-80; orders of, to destroy private copies of the Quran, pp. I-80, I-81
Uzza idol, 4:117a; 53:19
# V
Veil face-covering, not enjoined by Islam, 24:31a; between righteous and unrighteous, 7:46, 46a; removed from eyes after death, 50:22, 22a
Virtue see Good works and Morals.
Visions granted to righteous Muslims, 10:64a; 42:51a; instances of, seen by Abraham, Joseph, Moses and Mary, see under their names; Mi`raj was a vision, see Ascension; various kinds of, ch. 12 intro. (2nd); seen by ordinary people and unbelievers, 12:36–41, 43–49
# W
Wadd idol, 71:23, 23a
Walid ibn Mughirah 68:16a; 74:15a
Walid ibn Utbah 27:48a
Wall to keep out Gog and Magog, 18:94–98, 94a (7th); between hypocrites and believers, 57:13
Waqidi 53:21a
Wars modern, spoken of in Quran, 18:99, 99a; ch. 100 intro.; 100:6a; as precursors of a spiritual awakening, ibid.; see also Muslim Wars and under State Polity.
Water as source of life, 21:30, 30b; 24:45, 45a; 11:7, 7a; 25:54
Wealth see Civic Life.
Widows period of waiting for, 2:234, 234a; remarriage permitted, 2:234–235, 234b; provision for, in addition to share of inheritance, 2:240, 240a
Wills see Bequest.
Wine see Intoxicants; spiritual, in Paradise, see Paradise : drinks of.
Witnesses see Evidence.
Wives (See also Marriage, Widows and Women.)
rights of, 2:228, 228c; 4:34, 34a–34e; may claim divorce, 2:229, 229d; see also Divorce; as bringer up of children, 2:223, 223a; dowry must be given to, by husband, 4:4, 4a; see also Dowry; what women it is forbidden to marry, 4:23; marriage as means of raising women's status, 4:4a; desertion of, 4:34e; must not be abused but treated kindly, 4:19–20; relation of husband and wife, 2:187, 187a; 30:21, 21a
Women (See also Marriage and Wives.)
Introduction pp. I-52 to I-54; can receive revelation, 3:42; 19:17; 20:38; 28:7; Mary is listed with prophets, 21:91–92 in context of 21:76–90; is mentioned in terms for prophets, 19:16; is set as example to all believers, 66:11–12; Prophet's wives as religious teachers of all Muslims, 33:32a, 34a; women given equal reward to men, 3:195; 4:124; 16:97; 40:40; have same moral qualities as men, 33:35; equals in Muslim fraternity, 9:71–72; equally entitled to blessings of Paradise as men, see under Paradise; complaint of ordinary woman against husband heard by Allah, 58:1–4, 1a; take pledge with Prophet, 60:12; daughters given precedence over sons, 42:49–50, 50a; earning and property rights of, 4:4, 4a, 7, 7a, 32; injunction regarding dress of, 24:31, 31a, 31b, 60, 60a; 33:59, 59a; position of, in pre-Islamic Arabia, 4:7a, 19a, 19b, 20a; 33:4, 4b; 58:1–4, 1a; burying alive of infant girls before Islam, see under Arabs; prophecy of greater awareness of women's rights in future times, 81:8–9, 9a
Word(s) of Allah significances of, 3:39b; word as meaning prophecy fulfilled by John, 3:39, 39b; and by Jesus, 3:45, 45a; 4:171, 171a; words as meaning prophecies sure to be fulfilled, 6:34, 34a, 115; 10:64, 64b; 18:27, 27a; as creation, 18:109, 109a; 31:27
Wudu' see Ablution.
# Y
Yaghuth idol, 71:23, 23a
Yaish 16:103a
Yaman 27:20a; 34:19a; 85:4a
Yambros 7:126a
Yanos 7:126a
Yasir a Christian slave, 16:103a, 106a
Yathrib 33:13, 13a; see Madinah.
YaUq idol, 71:23, 23a
Yuz Asaf identified with Jesus Christ, 23:50a
# Z
Zacharias was a prophet, 6:85; Mary given into charge of, 3:37; prays for a son, 3:38; 19:2–6; 21:89–90; birth of John announced to, 3:39–40; 19:7–9; a sign granted to, 3:41, 41a; 19:10, 10a
Zaid ibn Thabit scribe of Holy Prophet, p. I-57; collected manuscripts of Quran written in Prophet's presence, pp. I-59, I-60, I-65; gives account of how collection came to be ordered, pp. I-74, I-75; searches for manuscripts, pp. I-75 to I-77; appointed, with others, by Uthman to make copies from original collection, pp. I-78 to I-80
Zaid son of Harithah, 33:36a; divorces Zainab, 33:37, 37a
Zainab 33:36–37, 36a, 37a, 50a (4th)
Zainab daughter of Khuzaimah, 33:50a (4th)
Zakat see under Charity.
Zamzam 14:37a; 37:105a
Zaqqum tree of, 17:60, 60c; 37:62, 62a; 44:43
Zerubbabel 17:6a
Zihar 33:4, 4b; 58:1–4, 1a
Zoroaster Darius a believer in the religion of, 18:83a
Zoroastrians 2:96a
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