# Surah 1
1 In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds,
3 The Beneficent, the Merciful.
4 Master of the Day of Judgment,
5 Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help.
6 Show us the straight path,
7 The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not the (path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray.
# Surah 2
A.L.M. This is the Scripture whereof there is no doubt, a guidance unto those who ward off (evil). Who believe in the Unseen, and establish worship, and spend of that We have bestowed upon them; And who believe in that which is revealed unto thee (Mohammed) and that which was revealed before thee, and are certain of the Hereafter. These depend on guidance from their Lord. These are the successful.
284 Unto Allah (belongeth) whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth; and whether ye make known what is in your minds or hide it, Allah will bring you to account for it. He will forgive whom He will and He will punish whom He will. Allah is Able to do all things.
285 The messenger believeth in that which hath been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so do) believers. Each one believeth in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers - We make no distinction between any of His messengers - and they say: We hear, and we obey. (Grant us) Thy forgiveness, our Lord. Unto Thee is the journeying.
286 Allah tasketh not a soul beyond its scope. For it (is only) that which it hath earned, and against it (only) that which it hath deserved. Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget, or miss the mark! Our Lord! Lay not on us such a burden as thou didst lay on those before us! Our Lord! Impose not on us that which we have not the strength to bear! Pardon us, absolve us and have mercy on us, Thou, our Protector, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk.
# Surah 3
Allah! There is no God save Him, the Alive, the Eternal.
He hath revealed unto thee (Mohammed) the Scripture with truth, confirming that which was (revealed) before it, even as He revealed the Torah and the Gospel. Aforetime, for a guidance to mankind; and hath revealed the Criterion (of right and wrong). Lo! those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, theirs will be a heavy doom. Allah is Mighty, Able to Requite (the wrong).
199 And lo! of the People of the Scripture there are some who believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto you and that which was revealed unto them, humbling themselves before Allah. They purchase not a trifling gain at the price of the revelations of Allah. Verily their reward is with their Lord. Lo! Allah is swift to take account.
200 O ye who believe! Endure, outdo all others in endurance, be ready, and observe your duty to Allah, in order that ye may succeed.
# Surah 4
O mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord Who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and from them twain hath spread abroad a multitude of men and women. Be careful of your duty toward Allah in Whom ye claim (your rights) of one another, and toward the wombs (that bare you). Lo! Allah hath been a watcher over you. Give unto orphans their wealth. Exchange not the good for the bad (in your management thereof) nor absorb their wealth into your own wealth. Lo! that would be a great sin. And if ye fear that ye will not deal fairly by the orphans, marry of the women, who seem good to you, two or three or four; and if ye fear that ye cannot do justice (to so many) then one (only) or (the captives) that your right hands possess. Thus it is more likely that ye will not do injustice.
174 O mankind! Now hath a proof from your Lord come unto you, and We have sent down unto you a clear light;
175 As for those who believe in Allah, and hold fast unto Him, them He will cause to enter into His mercy and grace, and will guide them unto Him by a straight road.
176 They ask thee for a pronouncement. Say: Allah hath pronounced for you concerning distant kindred. If a man die childless and he have a sister, hers is half the heritage, and he would have inherited from her had she died childless. And if there be two sisters, then theirs are two-thirds of the heritage, and if they be brethren, men and women, unto the male is the equivalent of the share of two females. Allah expoundeth unto you, so that ye err not. Allah is Knower of all things.
# Surah 5
O ye who believe! Fulfil your indentures. The beast of cattle is made lawful unto you (for food) except that which is announced unto you (herein) game being unlawful when ye are on the pilgrimage. Lo! Allah ordaineth that which pleaseth Him.
O ye who believe! Profane not Allah's monuments nor the Sacred Month nor the offerings nor the garlands, nor those repairing to the Sacred House, seeking the grace and pleasure of their Lord. But when ye have left the sacred territory, then go hunting (if ye will). And let not your hatred of a folk who (once) stopped your going to the inviolable place of worship seduce you to transgress; but help ye one another unto righteousness and pious duty. Help not one another unto sin and transgression, but keep your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is severe in punishment.
119 Allah saith: This is a day in which their truthfulness profiteth the truthful, for theirs are Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they are secure for ever, Allah taking pleasure in them and they in Him. That is the great triumph.
120 Unto Allah belongeth the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and whatsoever is therein, and He is Able to do all things.
# Surah 6
Praise be to Allah, Who hath created the heavens and the earth, and hath appointed darkness and light. Yet those who disbelieve ascribe rivals unto their Lord. He it is Who hath created you from clay, and hath decreed a term for you. A term is fixed with Him. Yet still ye doubt! He is Allah in the heavens and in the earth. He knoweth both your secret and your utterance, and He knoweth what ye earn. Never came there unto them a revelation of the revelations of Allah but they did turn away from it. And they denied the truth when it came unto them. But there will come unto them the tidings of that which they used to deride.
161 Say: Lo! As for me, my Lord hath guided me unto a straight path, a right religion, the community of Abraham, the upright, who was no idolater.
162 Say: Lo! my worship and my sacrifice and my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
163 He hath no partner. This am I commanded, and I am first of those who surrender (unto Him).
164 Say: Shall I seek another than Allah for Lord, when He is Lord of all things ? Each soul earneth only on its own account, nor doth any laden bear another's load. Then unto your Lord is your return and He will tell you that wherein ye differed.
165 He it is Who hath placed you as viceroys of the earth and hath exalted some of you in rank above others, that He may try you by (the test of) that which He hath given you. Lo! Thy Lord is swift in prosecution, and Lo! He verily is Forgiving, Merciful.
# Surah 7
A.L.M.S. (It is) a Scripture that is revealed unto thee (Muhammad) - so let there be no heaviness in thy heart therefrom - that thou mayst warn thereby, and (it is) a Reminder unto believers. (Saying): Follow that which is sent down unto you from your Lord, and follow no protecting friends beside Him. Little do ye recollect!
196 Lo! my Protecting Friend is Allah Who revealeth the Scripture. He befriendeth the righteous.
197 They on whom ye call beside Him have no power to help you, nor can they help you, nor can they help themselves.
198 And if ye (Muslims) call them to the guidance they hear not; and thou (Muhammad) seest them looking toward thee, but they see not.
199 Keep to forgiveness (O Muhammad), and enjoin kindness, and turn away from the ignorant.
200 And if a slander from the devil wound thee, then seek refuge in Allah. Lo! He is Hearer, Knower.
201 Lo! those who ward off (evil), when a glamour from the devil troubleth them, they do but remember (Allah's Guidance) and behold them seers!
202 Their brethren plunge them further into error and cease not.
203 And when thou bringest not a verse for them they say: Why hast thou not chosen it ? Say: I follow only that which is inspired in me from my Lord. This (Qur'an) is insight from your Lord, and a guidance and a mercy for a people that believe.
204 And when the Qur'an is recited, give ear to it and pay heed, that ye may obtain mercy.
205 And do thou (O Muhammad) remember thy Lord within thyself humbly and with awe, below thy breath, at morn and evening. And be not thou of the neglectful.
206 Lo! those who are with thy Lord are not too proud to do Him service, but they praise Him and adore Him.
# Surah 8
They ask thee (O Muhammad) of the spoils of war. Say: The spoils of war belong to Allah and the messenger, so keep your duty to Allah, and adjust the matter of your difference, and obey Allah and His messenger, if ye are (true) believers. They only are the (true) believers whose hearts feel fear when Allah is mentioned, and when His revelations are recited unto them they increase their faith, and who trust in their Lord; who establish worship and spend of that We have bestowed on them. Those are they who are in truth believers. For them are grades (of honour) with their Lord, and pardon, and a bountiful provision.
73 And those who disbelieve are protectors one of another - If ye do not so, there will be confusion in the land, and great corruption.
74 Those who believed and left their homes and strove for the cause of Allah, and those who took them in and helped them - these are the believers in truth. For them is pardon, and bountiful provision.
75 And those who afterwards believed and left their homes and strove along with you, they are of you; and those who are akin are nearer one to another in the ordinance of Allah. Lo! Allah is Knower of all things.
# Surah 9
Freedom from obligation (is proclaimed) from Allah and His messenger toward those of the idolaters with whom ye made a treaty. Travel freely in the land four months, and know that ye cannot escape Allah and that Allah will confound the disbelievers (in His Guidance). And a proclamation from Allah and His messenger to all men on the day of the Greater Pilgrimage that Allah is free from obligation to the idolaters, and (so is) His messenger. So, if ye repent, it will be better for you; but if ye are averse, then know that ye cannot escape Allah. Give tidings (O Muhammad) of a painful doom to those who disbelieve, excepting those of the idolaters with whom ye (Muslims) have a treaty, and who have since abated nothing of your right nor have supported anyone against you. (As for these), fulfil their treaty to them till their term. Lo! Allah loveth those who keep their duty (unto Him).
128 There hath come unto you a messenger, (one) of yourselves, unto whom aught that ye are overburdened is grievous, full of concern for you, for the believers full of pity, merciful.
129 Now, if they turn away (O Muhammad) say: Allah sufficeth me. There is no God save Him. In Him have I put my trust, and He is Lord of the Tremendous Throne.
# Surah 10
A.L.R. These are verses of the Wise Scripture. Is it a wonder for mankind that We have inspired a man among them, saying: Warn mankind and bring unto those who believe the good tidings that they have a sure footing with their Lord ? The disbelievers say: Lo! this is a mere wizard. Lo! your Lord is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days, then He established Himself upon the Throne, directing all things. There is no intercessor (with Him) save after His permission. That is Allah, your Lord, so worship Him. Oh, will ye not remind ? Unto Him is the return of all of you; it is a promise of Allah in truth. Lo! He produceth creation, then reproduceth it, that He may reward those who believe and do good works with equity; while, as for those who disbelieve, theirs will be a boiling drink and painful doom because they disbelieved.
104 Say (O Muhammad): O mankind! If ye are in doubt of my religion, then (know that) I worship not those whom ye worship instead of Allah, but I worship Allah Who causeth you to die, and I have been commanded to be of the believers.
105 And, (O Muhammad) set thy purpose resolutely for religion, as a man by nature upright, and be not of those who ascribe partners (to Allah).
106 And cry not, beside Allah, unto that which cannot profit thee nor hurt thee, for if thou didst so then wert thou of the wrong-doers.
107 If Allah afflicteth thee with some hurt, there is none who can remove it save Him; and if He desireth good for thee, there is none who can repel His bounty. He striketh with it whom He will of his bondmen. He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.
108 Say: O mankind! Now hath the Truth from your Lord come unto you. So whosoever is guided, is guided only for (the good of) his soul, and whosoever erreth erreth only against it. And I am not a warder over you.
109 And (O Muhammad) follow that which is inspired in thee, and forbear until Allah give judgment. And He is the Best of Judges.
# Surah 11
A.L.R. (This is) a Scripture the revelations whereof are perfected and then expounded. (It cometh) from One Wise, Informed, (Saying): Serve none but Allah. Lo! I am unto you from Him a warner and a bringer of good tidings. And (bidding you): Ask pardon of your Lord and turn to Him repentant. He will cause you to enjoy a fair estate until a time appointed. He giveth His bounty unto every bountiful one. But if ye turn away, lo! (then) I fear for you the retribution of an awful Day. Unto Allah is your return, and He is Able to do all things.
123 And Allah's is the Invisible of the heavens and the earth, and unto Him the whole matter will be returned. So worship Him and put thy trust in Him. Lo! thy Lord is not unaware of what ye (mortals) do.
# Surah 12
A.L.R. These are verse of the Scripture that maketh plain. Lo! We have revealed it, a Lecture in Arabic, that ye may understand. We narrate unto thee (Muhammad) the best of narratives in that We have inspired in thee this Qur'an, though aforetime thou wast of the heedless.
108 Say: This is my Way: I call on Allah with sure knowledge. I and whosoever followeth me - Glory be to Allah! - and I am not of the idolaters.
109 We sent not before thee (any messengers) save men whom We inspired from among the folk of the townships - Have they not travelled in the land and seen the nature of the consequence for those who were before them ? And verily the abode of the Hereafter, for those who ward off (evil), is best. Have ye then no sense ? -
110 Till, when the messengers despaired and thought that they were denied, then came unto them Our help, and whom We would was saved. And Our wrath cannot be warded from the guilty.
111 In their history verily there is a lesson for men of understanding. It is no invented story but a confirmation of the existing (Scripture) and a detailed explanation of everything, and a guidance and a mercy for folk who believe.
# Surah 13
A.L.M.R. These are verses of the Scripture. That which is revealed unto thee from thy Lord is the Truth, but most of mankind believe not. Allah it is Who raised up the heavens without visible supports, then mounted the Throne, and compelled the sun and the moon to be of service, each runneth unto an appointed term; He ordereth the course; He detaileth the revelations, that haply ye may be certain of the meeting with your Lord.
42 Those who were before them plotted; but all plotting is Allah's. He knoweth that which each soul earneth. The disbelievers will come to know for whom will be the sequel of the (heavenly) Home.
43 They who disbelieve say: Thou art no messenger (of Allah). Say: Allah, and whosoever hath knowledge of the Scripture, is sufficient witness between me and you.
# Surah 14
A.L.R. (This is) a Scripture which We have revealed unto thee (Muhammad) that thereby thou mayst bring forth mankind from darkness unto light, by the permission of their Lord, unto the path of the Mighty, the Owner of Praise, Allah, unto Whom belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. and woe unto the disbelievers from an awful doom; Those who love the life of the world more than the Hereafter, and debar (men) from the way of Allah and would have it crooked: such are far astray. And We never sent a messenger save with the language of his folk, that he might make (the message) clear for them. Then Allah sendeth whom He will astray, and guideth whom He will. He is the Mighty, the Wise.
48 On the day when the earth will be changed to other than the earth, and the heavens (also will be changed) and they will come forth unto Allah, the One, the Almighty,
49 Thou wilt see the guilty on that day linked together in chains,
50 Their raiment of pitch, and the Fire covering their faces,
51 That Allah may repay each soul what it hath earned. Lo! Allah is swift at reckoning.
52 This is a clear message for mankind in order that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is only One God, and that men of understanding may take heed.
# Surah 15
A.L.R. These are verses of the Scripture and a plain Reading . It may be that those who disbelieve wish ardently that they were Muslims. Let them eat and enjoy life, and let (false) hope beguile them. They will come to know! And We destroyed no township but there was a known decree for it. No nation can outstrip its term nor can they lag behind.
98 But hymn the praise of thy Lord, and be of those who make prostration (unto Him).
99 And serve thy Lord till the Inevitable cometh unto thee.
# Surah 16
The commandment of Allah will come to pass, so seek not ye to hasten it. Glorified and Exalted be He above all that they associate (with Him). He sendeth down the angels with the Spirit of His command unto whom He will of His bondmen, (saying): Warn mankind that there is no God save Me, so keep your duty unto Me. He hath created the heavens and the earth with truth. High be He Exalted above all that they associate (with Him).
125 Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation, and reason with them in the better way. Lo! thy Lord is Best Aware of him who strayeth from His way, and He is Best Aware of those who go aright.
126 If ye punish, then punish with the like of that wherewith ye were afflicted. But if ye endure patiently, verily it is better for the patient.
127 Endure thou patiently (O Muhammad). Thine endurance is only by (the help of) Allah. Grieve not for them, and be not in distress because of that which they devise.
128 Lo! Allah is with those who keep their duty unto Him and those who are doers of good.
# Surah 17
Glorified be He Who carried His servant by night from the Inviolable Place of Worship to the Far distant place of worship the neighbourhood whereof We have blessed, that We might show him of Our tokens! Lo! He, only He, is the Hearer, the Seer.
110 Say (unto mankind): Cry unto Allah, or cry unto the Beneficent, unto whichsoever ye cry (it is the same). His are the most beautiful names. And thou (Muhammad), be not loud-voiced in thy worship nor yet silent therein, but follow a way between.
111 And say: Praise be to Allah, Who hath not taken unto Himself a son, and Who hath no partner in the Sovereignty, nor hath He any protecting friend through dependence. And magnify Him with all magnificence.
# Surah 18
Praise be to Allah Who hath revealed the Scripture unto His slave, and hath not placed therein any crookedness, (But hath made it) straight, to give warning of stern punishment from Him, and to bring unto the believers who do good works the news that theirs will be a fair reward, wherein they will abide for ever.
109 Say: Though the sea became ink for the Words of my Lord, verily the sea would be used up before the words of my Lord were exhausted, even though We brought the like thereof to help.
110 Say: I am only a mortal like you. My Lord inspireth in me that your God is only One God. And whoever hopeth for the meeting with his Lord, let him do righteous work, and make none sharer of the worship due unto his Lord.
# Surah 19
Kaf. Ha. Ya. Ain. Sad.
96 Lo! those who believe and do good works, the Beneficent will appoint for them love.
97 And We make (this Scripture) easy in thy tongue, (O Muhammad) only that thou mayst bear good tidings therewith unto those who ward off (evil), and warn therewith the froward folk.
98 And how many a generation before them have We destroyed! Canst thou (Muhammad) see a single man of them, or hear from them the slightest sound ?
# Surah 20
T.H. We have not revealed unto thee (Muhammad) this Qur'an that thou shouldst be distressed, But as a reminder unto him who feareth, A revelation from Him Who created the earth and the high heavens, The Beneficent One, Who is established on the Throne. Unto Him belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth, and whatsoever is between them, and whatsoever is beneath the sod. And if thou speakest aloud, then lo! He knoweth the secret (thought) and (that which is yet) more hidden. Allah! There is no God save Him. His are the most beautiful names.
133 And they say: If only he would bring us a miracle from his Lord! Hath there not come unto them the proof of what is in the former scriptures ?
134 And if we had destroyed them with some punishment before it, they would assuredly have said: Our Lord! If only Thou hadst sent unto us a messenger, so that we might have followed Thy revelations before we were (thus) humbled and disgraced!
135 Say: Each is awaiting; so await ye! Ye will come to know who are the owners of the path of equity, and who is right.
# Surah 21
1 Their reckoning draweth nigh for mankind, while they turn away in heedlessness.
2 Never cometh there unto them a new reminder from their Lord but they listen to it while they play,
3 With hearts preoccupied. And they confer in secret. The wrong-doers say: Is this other than a mortal like you ? Will ye then succumb to magic when ye see (it) ?
4 He saith: My Lord knoweth what is spoken in the heaven and the earth. He is the Hearer, the Knower.
105 And verily we have written in the Scripture, after the Reminder: My righteous slaves will inherit the earth:
106 Lo! there is a plain statement for folk who are devout.
107 We sent thee not save as a mercy for the peoples.
108 Say: It is only inspired in me that your God is One God. Will ye then surrender (unto Him) ?
109 But if they are averse, then say: I have warned you all alike, although I know not whether nigh or far is that which ye are promised.
110 Lo! He knoweth that which is said openly, and that which ye conceal.
111 And I know not but that this may be a trial for you, and enjoyment for a while.
112 He saith: My Lord! Judge Thou with truth. Our Lord is the Beneficent, Whose help is to be implored against that which ye ascribe (unto Him).
# Surah 22
1 O mankind! Fear your Lord. Lo! the earthquake of the Hour (of Doom) is a tremendous thing.
2 On the day when ye behold it, every nursing mother will forget her nursling and every pregnant one will be delivered of her burden, and thou (Muhammad) wilt see mankind as drunken, yet they will not be drunken, but the Doom of Allah will be strong (upon them).
3 Among mankind is he who disputeth concerning Allah without knowledge, and followeth each froward devil;
4 For him it is decreed that whoso taketh him for friend, he verily will mislead him and will guide him to the punishment of the Flame.
74 They measure not Allah His rightful measure. Lo! Allah is Strong, Almighty.
75 Allah chooseth from the angels messengers, and (also) from mankind. Lo! Allah is Hearer, Seer.
76 He knoweth all that is before them and all that is behind them, and unto Allah all things are returned.
77 O ye who believe! Bow down and prostrate yourselves, and worship your Lord, and do good, that haply ye may prosper.
78 And strive for Allah with the endeavour which is His right. He hath chosen you and hath not laid upon you in religion any hardship; the faith of your father Abraham (is yours). He hath named you Muslims of old time and in this (Scripture), that the messenger may be a witness against you, and that ye may be witnesses against mankind. So establish worship, pay the poor-due, and hold fast to Allah. He is your Protecting friend. A blessed Patron and a blessed Helper!
# Surah 23
1 Successful indeed are the believers
2 Who are humble in their prayers,
3 And who shun vain conversation,
4 And who are payers of the poor-due;
5 And who guard their modesty -
6 Save from their wives or the (slaves) that their right hands possess, for then they are not blameworthy,
7 But whoso craveth beyond that, such are transgressors -
8 And who are shepherds of their pledge and their covenant,
9 And who pay heed to their prayers.
10 These are the heirs
11 Who will inherit paradise. There they will abide.
116 Now Allah be Exalted, the True King! There is no God save Him, the Lord of the Throne of Grace.
117 He who crieth unto any other god along with Allah hath no proof thereof. His reckoning is only with his Lord. Lo! disbelievers will not be successful.
118 And (O Muhammad) say: My Lord! Forgive and have mercy, for Thou art Best of all who show mercy.
# Surah 24
1 (Here is) a surah which We have revealed and enjoined, and wherein We have revealed plain tokens, that haply ye may take heed.
62 They only are the true believers who believe in Allah and His messenger and, when they are with him on some common errand, go not away until they have asked leave of him. Lo! those who ask leave of thee, those are they who believe in Allah and His messenger. So, if they ask thy leave for some affair of theirs, give leave to whom thou wilt of them, and ask for them forgiveness of Allah. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
63 Make not the calling of the messenger among you as your calling one of another. Allah knoweth those of you who steal away, hiding themselves. And let those who conspire to evade orders beware lest grief or painful punishment befall them.
64 Lo! verily unto Allah belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth. He knoweth your condition. And (He knoweth) the Day when they are returned unto Him so that He may inform them of what they did. Allah is Knower of all things.
# Surah 25
1 Blessed is He Who hath revealed unto His slave the Criterion (of right and wrong), that he may be a warner to the peoples.
2 He unto Whom belongeth the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, He hath chosen no son nor hath He any partner in the Sovereignty. He hath created everything and hath meted out for it a measure.
3 Yet they choose beside Him other gods who create naught but are themselves created, and possess not hurt nor profit for themselves, and possess not death nor life, nor power to raise the dead.
63 The (faithful) slaves of the Beneficent are they who walk upon the earth modestly, and when the foolish ones address them answer: Peace;
64 And who spend the night before their Lord, prostrate and standing,
65 And who say: Our Lord! Avert from us the doom of hell; lo! the doom thereof is anguish;
66 Lo! it is wretched as abode and station;
67 And those who, when they spend, are neither prodigal nor grudging; and there is ever a firm station between the two;
68 And those who cry not unto any other god along with Allah, nor take the life which Allah hath forbidden save in (course of) justice, nor commit adultery - and whoso doeth this shall pay the penalty;
69 The doom will be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein disdained for ever;
70 Save him who repenteth and believeth and doth righteous work; as for such, Allah will change their evil deeds to good deeds. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.
71 And whosoever repenteth and doeth good, he verily repenteth toward Allah with true repentance -
72 And those who will not witness vanity, but when they pass near senseless play, pass by with dignity.
73 And those who, when they are reminded of the revelations of their Lord, fall not deaf and blind thereat.
74 And who say: Our Lord! Vouchsafe us comfort of our wives and of our offspring, and make us patterns for (all) those who ward off (evil).
75 They will be awarded the high place forasmuch as they were steadfast, and they will meet therein with welcome and the ward of peace,
76 Abiding there for ever. Happy is it as abode and station!
77 Say (O Muhammad, unto the disbelievers): My Lord would not concern Himself with you but for your prayer. But now ye have denied (the Truth), therefor there will be judgment.
# Surah 26
1 Ta. Sin. Mim.
2 These are revelations of the Scripture that maketh plain.
3 It may be that thou tormentest thyself (O Muhammad) because they believe not.
4 If We will, We can send down on them from the sky a portent so that their necks would remain bowed before it.
221 Shall I inform you upon whom the devils descend ?
222 They descend on every sinful, false one.
223 They listen eagerly, but most of them are liars.
224 As for poets, the erring follow them.
225 Hast thou not seen how they stray in every valley,
226 And how they say that which they do not ?
227 Save those who believe and do good works, and remember Allah much, and vindicate themselves after they have been wronged. Those who do wrong will come to know by what a (great) reverse they will be overturned!
# Surah 27
1 Ta. Sin. These are revelations of the Qur'an and a Scripture that maketh plain;
2 A guidance and good tidings for believers
3 Who establish worship and pay the poor-due and are sure of the Hereafter.
4 Lo! as for those who believe not in the Hereafter, We have made their works fairseeming unto them so that they are all astray.
5 Those are they for whom is the worst of punishment, and in the Hereafter they will be the greatest losers.
6 Lo! as for thee (Muhammad), thou verily receivest the Qur'an from the presence of One Wise, Aware.
91 (Say): I (Muhammad) am commanded only to serve the Lord of this land which He hath hallowed, and unto Whom all things belong. And I am commanded to be of those who surrender (unto Him),
92 And to recite the Qur'an. And whoso goeth right, goeth right only for (the good of) his own soul; and as for him who goeth astray - (Unto him) say: Lo! I am only a warner.
93 And say: Praise be to Allah Who will show you His portents so that ye shall know them. And thy Lord is not unaware of what ye (mortals) do.
# Surah 28
1 Ta. Sin. Mim.
2 These are revelations of the Scripture that maketh plain.
85 Lo! He Who hath given thee the Qur'an for a law will surely bring thee home again. Say: My Lord is Best Aware of him who bringeth guidance and him who is in error manifest.
86 Thou hadst no hope that the Scripture would be inspired in thee; but it is a mercy from thy Lord, so never be a helper to the disbelievers.
87 And let them not divert thee from the revelations of Allah after they have been sent down unto thee; but call (mankind) unto thy Lord, and be not of those who ascribe partners (unto Him).
88 And cry not unto any other god along with Allah. There is no God save Him. Everything will perish save His countenance. His is the command, and unto Him ye will be brought back.
# Surah 29
1 Alif. Lam. Mim.
2 Do men imagine that they will be left (at ease) because they say, We believe, and will not be tested with affliction ?
3 Lo! We tested those who were before you. Thus Allah knoweth those who are sincere, and knoweth those who feign.
4 Or do those who do ill-deeds imagine that they can outstrip Us ? Evil (for them) is that which they decide.
5 Whoso looketh forward to the meeting with Allah (let him know that) Allah's reckoning is surely nigh, and He is the Hearer, the Knower.
6 And whosoever striveth, striveth only for himself, for lo! Allah is altogether Independent of (His) creatures.
7 And as for those who believe and do good works, We shall remit from them their evil deeds and shall repay them the best that they did.
8 We have enjoined on man kindness to parents; but if they strive to make thee join with Me that of which thou hast no knowledge, then obey them not. Unto Me is your return and I shall tell you what ye used to do.
9 And as for those who believe and do good works, We verily shall make them enter in among the righteous.
68 Who doeth greater wrong than he who inventeth* a lie concerning Allah, or denieth the truth when it cometh unto him ? Is not there a home in hell for disbelievers ? [# Pride is cause of man’s fall: it means to make up a lie to earn praise from other, and also it means to not admit error proven wrong because it would lessen credibility. To win, man must speak the truth and accept the truth even if lies ensure all losses or big gains to self or children or parents.]
69 As for those who strive in Us, We surely guide them to Our paths, and lo! Allah is with the good.
# Surah 30
1 Alif. Lam. Mim.
2 The Romans have been defeated
3 In the nearer land, and they, after their defeat will be victorious
4 Within ten years - Allah's is the command in the former case and in the latter - and in that day believers will rejoice
5 In Allah's help to victory. He helpeth to victory whom He will. He is the Mighty, the Merciful.
6 It is a promise of Allah. Allah faileth not His promise, but most of mankind know not.
7 They know only some appearance of the life of the world, and are heedless of the Hereafter.
58 Verily We have coined for mankind in this Qur'an all kinds of similitudes; and indeed if thou camest unto them with a miracle, those who disbelieve would verily exclaim: Ye are but tricksters!
59 Thus doth Allah seal the hearts of those who know not.
60 So have patience (O Muhammad)! Allah's promise is the very truth, and let not those who have no certainty make thee impatient.
# Surah 31
1 Alif. Lam. Mim.
2 These are revelations of the wise Scripture,
3 A guidance and a mercy for the good*, [# bad men receive nothing from Quran]
4 Those who establish worship and pay the poor-due and have sure faith in the Hereafter.
5 Such have guidance from their Lord. Such are the successful.
6 And of mankind is he who payeth for mere pastime of discourse, that he may mislead from Allah's way without knowledge, and maketh it the butt of mockery. For such there is a shameful doom.
7 And when Our revelations are recited unto him he turneth away in pride as if he heard them not, as if there were a deafness in his ears. So give him tidings of a painful doom.
8 Lo! those who believe and do good works, for them are the gardens of delight,
9 Wherein they will abide. It is a promise of Allah in truth. He is the Mighty, the Wise.
33 O mankind! Keep your duty to your Lord and fear a Day when the parent will not be able to avail the child in aught, nor the child to avail the parent. Lo! Allah's promise is the very truth. Let not the life of the world beguile you, nor let the deceiver beguile you, in regard to Allah.
34 Lo! Allah! With Him is knowledge of the Hour. He sendeth down the rain, and knoweth that which is in the wombs. No soul knoweth* what it will earn to- morrow, and no soul knoweth in what land it will die. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware. [# man’s time of death and wealth are in God’s hands.]
# Surah 32
1 Alif. Lam. Mim
2 The revelation of the Scripture whereof there is no doubt is from the Lord of the Worlds.
28 And they say: When cometh this victory (of yours) if ye are truthful ?
29 Say (unto them): On the day of the victory the faith of those who disbelieve (and who then will believe) will not avail them, neither will they be reprieved.
30 So withdraw from them (O Muhammad), and await (the event). Lo! they (also) are awaiting (it).
# Surah 33
1 O Prophet! Keep thy duty to Allah and obey not the disbelievers and the hypocrites.* Lo! Allah is Knower, Wise. [# men who lie and do wrong are not worthy of trust and respect]
2 And follow that which is inspired in thee from thy Lord. Lo! Allah is Aware of what ye do.
3 And put thy trust in Allah, for Allah is sufficient as Trustee.
4 Allah hath not assigned unto any man two hearts within his body, nor hath He made your wives whom ye declare (to be your mothers) your mothers, nor hath He made those whom ye claim (to be your sons) your sons. This is but a saying of your mouths. But Allah saith the truth and He showeth the way.
70 O ye who believe! Guard your duty to Allah, and speak words straight to the point;* [# vague and evasive reply lowers credibility. Say whats in your heart. Speak your mind. Its healthy and beneficial to you and others.]
71 He will adjust your works for you and will forgive you your sins. Whosoever obeyeth Allah and His messenger, he verily hath gained a signal victory.
72 Lo! We offered the trust unto the heavens and the earth and the hills, but they shrank from bearing it and were afraid of it. And man assumed it. Lo! he hath proved a tyrant and a fool.
73 So Allah punisheth* hypocritical men and hypocritical women, and idolatrous men and idolatrous women. But Allah pardoneth believing men and believing women, and Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful. [# unjust people as well as liars are cursed by God. He loves honest and just souls, even if they make mistakes.]
# Surah 34
1 Praise be to Allah, unto Whom belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. His is the praise in the Hereafter, and He is the Wise, the Aware.
2 He knoweth that which goeth into the earth and that which cometh forth from it, and that descendeth from the heaven and that which ascendeth into it. He is the Merciful, the Forgiving.
3 Those who disbelieve say: The Hour will never come unto us. Say: Nay, by my Lord, but it is coming unto you surely. (He is) the Knower of the Unseen. Not an atom's weight, or less than that or greater, escapeth Him in the heavens or in the earth, but it is in a clear Record,
4 That He may reward those who believe and do good works. For them is pardon and a rich provision.
5 But those who strive against Our revelations, challenging (Us), theirs will be a painful doom of wrath.
6 Those who have been given knowledge see that what is revealed unto thee from thy Lord is the truth and leadeth unto the path of the Mighty, the Owner of Praise.
46 Say (unto them, O Muhammad): I exhort you unto one thing only: that ye awake, for Allah's sake, by twos and singly, and then reflect: There is no madness in your comrade. He is naught else than a warner unto you in face of a terrific doom.
47 Say: Whatever reward I might have asked of you is yours. My reward is the affair of Allah only. He is Witness over all things.
48 Say: Lo! my Lord hurleth the truth.* (He is) the Knower of Things Hidden.
49 Say: The Truth hath come, and falsehood showeth not its face and will not return.
50 Say: If I err, I err only to my own loss, and if I am rightly guided it is because of that which my Lord hath revealed unto me. Lo! He is Hearer, Nigh.
51 Couldst thou but see when they are terrified with no escape, and are seized from near at hand,
52 And say: We (now) believe therein. But how can they reach (faith) from afar off,
53 When they disbelieved in it of yore. They aim at the unseen from afar off.
54 And a gulf is set between them and that which they desire, as was done for people of their kind of old. Lo! they were in hopeless doubt.
# Surah 35
1 Praise be to Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, Who appointeth the angels messengers having wings two, three and four. He multiplieth in creation what He will. Lo! Allah is Able to do all things.
2 That which Allah openeth unto mankind of mercy none can withhold it; and that which He withholdeth none can release thereafter. He is the Mighty, the Wise.
3 O mankind! Remember Allah's grace toward you! Is there any creator other than Allah who provideth for you from the sky and the earth ? There is no God save Him. Whither then are ye turned ?
4 And if they deny thee, (O Muhammad), messengers (of Allah) were denied before thee. Unto Allah all things are brought back.
5 O mankind! Lo! the promise of Allah is true. So let not the life of the world beguile you, and let not the (avowed) beguiler beguile you with regard to Allah.
6 Lo! the devil is an enemy for you, so treat him as an enemy. He only summoneth his faction to be owners of the flaming Fire.
7 Those who disbelieve, theirs will be an awful doom; and those who believe and do good works, theirs will be forgiveness and a great reward.
8 Is he, the evil of whose deeds is made fairseeming unto him so that he deemeth it good*, (other than Satan's dupe) ? Allah verily sendeth whom He will astray, and guideth whom He will; so let not thy soul expire in sighings for them. Lo! Allah is Aware of what they do! [# men who are abandoned by God are taken by Satan who counsels them in their wrong actions.]
44 Have they not travelled in the land and seen the nature of the consequence for those who were before them, and they were mightier than these in power ? Allah is not such that aught in the heavens or in the earth escapeth Him. Lo! He is the Wise, the Mighty.
45 If Allah took mankind to task* by that which they deserve, He would not leave a living creature on the surface of the earth; but He reprieveth them unto an appointed term, and when their term cometh - then verily (they will know that) Allah is ever Seer of His slaves. [# evil is permitted to exist only for a short time. It will be eliminated at expiry hour.]
# Surah 36
1 Ya Sin.
2 By the wise Qur'an,
3 Lo! thou art of those sent
4 On a straight path, *
5 A revelation of the Mighty, the Merciful,
6 That thou mayst warn a folk whose fathers were not warned, so they are heedless.
77 Hath not man seen that We have created him from a drop of seed ? Yet lo! he is an open opponent.
78 And he hath coined for Us a similitude, and hath forgotten the fact of his creation, saying: Who will revive these bones when they have rotted away ?
79 Say: He will revive them Who produced them at the first, for He is Knower of every creation,
80 Who hath appointed for you fire from the green tree, and behold! ye kindle from it.
81 Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the like of them ? Aye, that He is! for He is the All-Wise Creator,
82 But His command, when He intendeth a thing, is only that He saith unto it: Be! and it is.
83 Therefor Glory be to Him in Whose hand is the dominion* over all things! Unto Him ye will be brought back.
# Surah 37
1 By those who set the ranks in battle order
2 And those who drive away (the wicked) with reproof
3 And those who read (the Word) for a reminder,
4 Lo! thy Lord is surely One;
5 Lord of the heavens and of the earth and all that is between them, and Lord of the sun's risings.
180 Glorified be thy Lord, the Lord of Majesty, from that which they attribute (unto Him)
181 And peace be unto those sent (to warn).
182 And praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds!
# Surah 38
1 Sad. By the renowned Qur'an,
2 Nay, but those who disbelieve are in false pride and schism.* [# men of pride and ego are unreasonable. They are not logical. They fight each other all the time.]
3 How many a generation We destroyed before them, and they cried out when it was no longer the time for escape!
86 Say (O Muhammad, unto mankind): I ask of you no fee for this, and I am no simulating.
87 Lo! it is naught else than a reminder for all peoples
88 And ye will come in time to know the truth thereof.
# Surah 39
1 The revelation of the Scripture is from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise.
2 Lo! We have revealed the Scripture unto thee (Muhammad) with truth; so worship Allah, making religion pure* for Him (only). [# only good law is God’s law. Other laws are all false and harmful.]
3 Surely pure religion is for Allah only. And those who choose protecting friends beside Him (say): We worship them only that they may bring us near unto Allah. Lo! Allah will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ. Lo! Allah guideth not him who is a liar, an ingrate.
67 And they esteem not Allah as He hath the right to be esteemed, when the whole earth is His handful on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens are rolled in His right hand. Glorified is He and High Exalted from all that they ascribe as partner (unto Him).
68 And the trumpet is blown, and all who are in the heavens and all who are in the earth swoon away, save him whom Allah willeth. Then it is blown a second time, and behold them standing waiting!
69 And the earth shineth with the light of her Lord, and the Book is set up, and the prophets and the witnesses are brought, and it is judged between them with truth, and they are not wronged.
70 And each soul is paid in full for what it did. And He is Best Aware of what they do.
71 And those who disbelieve are driven unto hell in troops till, when they reach it and the gates thereof are opened, and the warders thereof say unto them: Came there not unto you messengers of your own, reciting unto you the revelations of your Lord and warning you of the meeting of this your Day ? they say: Yea, verily. But the word of doom of disbelievers is fulfilled.
72 It is said (unto them): Enter ye the gates of hell to dwell therein. Thus hapless is the journey's end of the scorners.
73 And those who keep their duty to their Lord are driven unto the Garden in troops till, when they reach it, and the gates thereof are opened, and the warders thereof say unto them: Peace be unto you! Ye are good, so enter ye (the Garden of delight), to dwell therein;
74 They say: Praise be to Allah, Who hath fulfilled His promise unto us and hath made us inherit the land, sojourning in the Garden where we will! So bounteous is the wage of workers.
75 And thou (O Muhammad) seest the angels thronging round the Throne*, hymning the praises of their Lord. And they are judged aright. And it is said: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds!
# Surah 40
1 Ha. Mim.
2 The revelation of the Scripture is from Allah, the Mighty, the Knower,
3 The Forgiver of sin, the Accepter of repentance, the Stern in punishment, the Bountiful. There is no God save Him. Unto Him is the journeying.
4 None argue* concerning the revelations of Allah save those who disbelieve, so let not their turn of fortune in the land deceive thee (O Muhammad). [# natural commonsense truths that are in Quran are denied only by liars and unjust men.]
81 And He showeth you His tokens. Which, then, of the tokens of Allah do ye deny ?
82 Have they not travelled in the land to see the nature of the consequence for those before them ? They were more numerous than these, and mightier in power and (in the) traces (which they left behind them) in the earth. But all that they used to earn availed them not.
83 And when their messengers brought them clear proofs (of Allah's Sovereignty) they exulted in the knowledge they (themselves) possessed. And that which they were wont to mock befell them.
84 Then, when they saw Our doom, they said: We believe in Allah only and reject (all) that we used to associate (with Him).
85 But their faith could not avail them when they saw Our doom. This is Allah's law which hath ever taken course for His bondmen. And then the disbelievers will be ruined.
# Surah 41
1 Ha. Mim.
2 A revelation from the Beneficent, the Merciful,
3 A Scripture whereof the verses are expounded*, a Lecture in Arabic for people who have knowledge, [# Divine laws are already clear in 3D to everyone in their own language. They are further elucidated in high definition. But, if you know 6th century Arabic, then the Quran will become alive and more visible in four dimensional glory.]
4 Good tidings and a warning. But most of them turn away so that they hear not.
5 And they say: Our hearts are protected from that unto which thou (O Muhammad) callest us, and in our ears there is a deafness, and between us and thee there is a veil. Act, then. Lo! we also shall be acting.
6 Say (unto them O Muhammad): I am only a mortal like you. It is inspired in me that your God is One God, therefor take the straight path unto Him and seek forgiveness of Him. And woe unto the idolaters,
7 Who give not the poor-due, and who are disbelievers in the Hereafter.
8 Lo! as for those who believe and do good works, for them is a reward enduring.
49 Man tireth not of praying for good, and if ill toucheth him, then he is disheartened, desperate.
50 And verily, if We cause him to taste mercy after some hurt that hath touched him, he will say: This is my own; and I deem not that the Hour will ever rise, and if I am brought back to my Lord, I surely shall be better off with Him - But We verily shall tell those who disbelieve (all) that they did, and We verily shall make them taste hard punishment.
51 When We show favour unto man, he withdraweth and turneth aside, but when ill toucheth him then he aboundeth in prayer.
52 Bethink you: If it is from Allah and ye reject it - Who is further astray than one who is at open feud (with Allah) ?
53 We shall show them Our portents on the horizons and within themselves until it will be manifest unto them that it is the Truth. Doth not thy Lord suffice, since He is Witness over all things ?
54 How! Are they still in doubt about the meeting with their Lord ? Lo! Is not He surrounding all things ?
# Surah 42
1 Ha. Mim.
2 A'in. Sin. Qaf.
3 Thus Allah the Mighty, the Knower inspireth thee (Muhammad) as (He inspired) those before thee. [# guidance comes to men whose heart is clean and open to light that descends from above]
4 Unto Him belongeth all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, and He is the Sublime, the Tremendous.*
5 Almost might the heavens above be rent asunder while the angels hymn the praise of their Lord and ask forgiveness for those on the earth. Lo! Allah, He is the Forgiver, the Merciful.
6 And as for those who choose protecting friends beside Him, Allah is Warden over them, and thou art in no wise a guardian over them.
7 And thus We have inspired in thee a Lecture in Arabic, that thou mayst warn the mother-town and those around it, and mayst warn of a day of assembling whereof there is no doubt. A host will be in the Garden, and a host of them in the Flame.
8 Had Allah willed, He could have made them one community, but Allah bringeth whom He will into His mercy. And the wrong-doers have no friend nor helper.
9 Or have they chosen protecting friends besides Him ? But Allah, He (alone) is the Protecting Friend. He quickeneth the dead, and He is Able to do all things.
10 And in whatsoever ye differ, the verdict therein belongeth to Allah. Such is my Lord, in Whom I put my trust, and unto Whom I turn.
11 The Creator of the heavens and the earth. He hath made for you pairs of yourselves, and of the cattle also pairs, whereby He multiplieth you. Naught is as His likeness; and He is the Hearer, the Seer.
12 His are the keys of the heavens and the earth. He enlargeth providence for whom He will and straiteneth (it for whom He will). Lo! He is Knower of all things.
13 He hath ordained for you that religion which He commended unto Noah, and that which We inspire in thee (Muhammad), and that which We commended unto Abraham and Moses and Jesus, saying: Establish the religion, and be not divided therein. Dreadful for the idolaters is that unto which thou callest them. Allah chooseth for Himself whom He will, and guideth unto Himself him who turneth (toward Him).
49 Unto Allah belongeth the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He createth what He will. He bestoweth female (offspring) upon whom He will, and bestoweth male (offspring) upon whom He will;
50 Or He mingleth them, males and females, and He maketh barren whom He will. Lo! He is Knower, Powerful.
51 And it was not (vouchsafed) to any mortal that Allah should speak to him unless (it be) by revelation or from behind a veil, or (that) He sendeth a messenger to reveal what He will by His leave. Lo! He is Exalted, Wise.
52 And thus have We inspired in thee (Muhammad) a Spirit of Our command. Thou knewest not what the Scripture was, nor what the Faith. But We have made it a light whereby We guide whom We will of Our bondmen. And lo! thou verily dost guide unto a right path,
53 The path of Allah, unto Whom belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Do not all things reach Allah at last ?
# Surah 43
1 Ha. Mim.
2 By the Scripture which maketh plain, * [# men who want to know what god wills for them find it ultra clear in Quran. Knowing old Arabic give extra dimension to the clarity which gains high definition]
3 Lo! We have appointed it a Lecture, in Arabic that haply ye may understand.
4 And Lo! in the Source of Decrees, which We possess, it is indeed sublime, decisive.
84 And He it is Who in the heaven is God, and in the earth God. He is the Wise, the Knower.
85 And blessed be He unto Whom belongeth the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, and with Whom is knowledge of the Hour, and unto Whom ye will be returned.
86 And those unto whom they cry instead of Him possess no power of intercession, saving him who beareth witness unto the Truth knowingly.
87 And if thou ask them who created them, they will surely say: Allah. How then are they turned away ?
88 And he saith: O my Lord! Lo! these are a folk who believe not.
89 Then bear with them (O Muhammad) and say: Peace. But they will come to know.
# Surah 44
1 Ha. Mim.
2 By the Scripture that maketh plain
3 Lo! We revealed it on a blessed night - Lo! We are ever warning –
4 Whereon every wise command is made clear
5 As a command from Our presence - Lo! We are ever sending - * [# new information is sent even after Quran. More benefit can be gained on a special night decaled sacred by God. Men can know clearly what is ordered and what is advised. No confusion.]
6 A mercy from thy Lord. Lo! He, even He is the Hearer, the Knower,
7 Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, if ye would be sure.
8 There is no God save Him. He quickeneth and giveth death; your Lord and Lord of your forefathers.
51 Lo! those who kept their duty will be in a place secured.
52 Amid gardens and watersprings,
53 Attired in silk and silk embroidery, facing one another.
54 Even so (it will be). And We shall wed them unto fair ones with wide, lovely eyes.
55 They call therein for every fruit in safety.
56 They taste not death therein, save the first death. And He hath saved them from the doom of hell,
57 A bounty from thy Lord. That is the supreme triumph.
58 And We have made (this Scripture) easy in thy language only that they may heed.
59 Wait then (O Muhammad). Lo! they (too) are waiting.
# Surah 45
1 Ha. Mim.
2 The revelation of the Scripture is from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise.
3 Lo! in the heavens and the earth are portents for believers.
4 And in your creation, and all the beasts that He scattereth in the earth, are portents for a folk whose faith is sure.* [# signs are visible clearly to those who have no doubts about God]
5 And the difference of night and day and the provision that Allah sendeth down from the sky and thereby quickeneth the earth after her death, and the ordering of the winds, are portents for a people who have sense.
6 These are the portents of Allah which We recite unto thee (Muhammad) with truth. Then in what fact, after Allah and His portents, will they believe ?
7 Woe unto each sinful liar,
8 Who heareth the revelations of Allah recited unto him, and then continueth in pride as though he heard them not. Give him tidings of a painful doom.
9 And when he knoweth aught of Our revelations he maketh it a jest. For such there is a shameful doom.
10 Beyond them there is hell, and that which they have earned will naught avail them, nor those whom they have chosen for protecting friends beside Allah. Theirs will be an awful doom.
11 This is guidance*. And those who disbelieve the revelations of their Lord, for them there is a painful doom of wrath. [# direction to hell is given. Men who are on it cannot claim ignorance]
31 And as for those who disbelieved (it will be said unto them): Were not Our revelations recited unto you ? But ye were scornful and became a guilty folk.
32 And when it was said: Lo! Allah's promise is the truth, and there is no doubt of the Hour's coming, ye said: We know not what the Hour is. We deem it naught but a conjecture, and we are by no means convinced.
33 And the evils of what they did will appear unto them, and that which they used to deride will befall them.
34 And it will be said: This day We forget you, even as ye forgot the meeting of this your day; and your habitation is the Fire, and there is none to help you.
35 This, forasmuch as ye made the revelations of Allah a jest, and the life of the world beguiled you. Therefor this day they come not forth from thence, nor can they make amends.
36 Then praise be to Allah, Lord of the heavens and Lord of the earth, the Lord of the Worlds.
37 And unto Him (alone) belongeth Majesty in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.
# Surah 46
1 Ha. Mim.
2 The revelation of the Scripture is from Allah the Mighty, the Wise.
3 We created not the heavens and the earth and all that is between them save with truth, and for a term appointed. But those who disbelieve turn away from that whereof they are warned.
4 Say (unto them, O Muhammad): Have ye thought on all that ye invoke beside Allah ? Show me what they have created of the earth. Or have they any portion in the heavens ? Bring me a scripture before this (Scripture), or some vestige of knowledge (in support of what ye say), if ye are truthful.
5 And who is further astray than those who, instead of Allah, pray unto such as hear not their prayer until the Day of Resurrection, and are unconscious of their prayer,
6 And when mankind are gathered (to the Judgment) will become enemies for them, and will become deniers of having been worshipped.
31 O our people! respond to Allah's summoner and believe in Him. He will forgive you some of your sins and guard you from a painful doom.
32 And whoso respondeth not to Allah's summoner he can nowise escape in the earth, and he hath no protecting friends instead of Him. Such are in error manifest.
33 Have they not seen that Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth and was not wearied by their creation, is Able to give life to the dead ? Aye, He verily is Able to do all things.
34 And on the day when those who disbelieve are exposed to the Fire (they will be asked): Is not this real ? They will say: Yea, by our Lord. He will say: Then taste the doom for that ye disbelieved.
35 Then have patience (O Muhammad) even as the stout of heart among the messengers (of old) had patience, and seek not to hasten on (the doom) for them. On the day when they see that which they are promised (it will seem to them) as though they had tarried but an hour of daylight. A clear message. Shall any be destroyed save evil-living folk ?
# Surah 47
1 Those who disbelieve and turn (men) from the way of Allah, He rendereth their actions vain.
2 And those who believe and do good works and believe in that which is revealed unto Muhammad - and it is the truth from their Lord - He riddeth them of their ill-deeds and improveth their state.
3 That is because those who disbelieve follow falsehood and because those who believe follow the truth from their Lord. Thus Allah coineth their similitudes for mankind.
32 Lo! those who disbelieve and turn from the way of Allah and oppose the messenger after the guidance hath been manifested unto them, they hurt Allah not a jot, and He will make their actions fruitless.
33 O ye who believe! Obey Allah and obey the messenger, and render not your actions vain.
34 Lo! those who disbelieve and turn from the way of Allah and then die disbelievers, Allah surely will not pardon them.* [# after death there is no chance of another chance. There is only hell. Opportunity of reform in now, death can come any time. Do not dely in doing the right thing.]
35 So do not falter and cry out for peace when ye (will be) the uppermost, and Allah is with you, and He will not grudge (the reward of) your actions.
36 The life of the world is but a sport and a pastime. And if ye believe and ward off (evil). He will give you your wages, and will not ask of you your wordly wealth.
37 If He should ask it of you and importune you, ye would hoard it, and He would bring to light your (secret) hates.
38 Lo! ye are those who are called to spend in the way of Allah, yet among you there are some who hoard. And as for him who hoardeth, he hoardeth only from his soul. And Allah is the Rich, and ye are the poor. And if ye turn away He will exchange you for some other folk, and they will not be the likes of you.
# Surah 48
1 Lo! We have given thee (O Muhammad) a signal victory,
2 That Allah may forgive thee of thy sin that which is past and that which is to come, and may perfect His favour unto thee, and may guide thee on a right path,
3 And that Allah may help thee with strong help -
4 He it is Who sent down peace of reassurance into the hearts of the believers that they might add faith unto their faith. Allah's are the hosts of the heavens and the earth, and Allah is ever Knower, Wise -
5 That He may bring the believing men and the believing women into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide, and may remit from them their evil deeds - That, in the sight of Allah, is the supreme triumph -
6 And may punish the hypocritical men and the hypocritical women, and the idolatrous men and the idolatrous women, who think an evil thought concerning Allah. For them is the evil turn of fortune, and Allah is wroth against them and hath cursed them, and hath made ready for them hell, a hapless journey's end.
7 Allah's are the hosts of the heavens and the earth, and Allah is ever Mighty, Wise.
8 Lo! We have sent thee (O Muhammad) as a witness and a bearer of good tidings and a warner,
9 That ye (mankind) may believe in Allah and His messenger, and may honour Him, and may revere Him,* and may glorify Him at early dawn and at the close of day. [# respect to prophet is respect to God.]
28 He it is Who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, that He may cause it to prevail* over all religion. And Allah sufficeth as a Witness. [# God’s law cannot be defeated. It is powerful and strict. It will win against all enemies. Islam will conquer west and east.]
29 Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves. Thou (O Muhammad) seest them bowing and falling prostrate (in worship), seeking bounty from Allah and (His) acceptance. The mark of them is on their foreheads from the traces of prostration. Such is their likeness in the Torah and their likeness in the Gospel - like as sown corn that sendeth forth its shoot and strengtheneth it and riseth firm upon its stalk, delighting the sowers - that He may enrage the disbelievers with (the sight of) them. Allah hath promised, unto such of them as believe and do good works, forgiveness and immense reward.
# Surah 49
1 O ye who believe! Be not forward in the presence of Allah and His messenger, and keep your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is Hearer, Knower.
2 O ye who believe! Lift not up your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor shout when speaking to him as ye shout one to another, lest your works be rendered vain while ye perceive not.
3 Lo! they who subdue their voices in the presence of the messenger of Allah, those are they whose hearts Allah hath proven unto righteousness. Theirs will be forgiveness and immense reward.
14 The wandering Arabs say: We believe. Say (unto them, O Muhammad): Ye believe not, but rather say "We submit,"* for the faith hath not yet entered into your hearts. Yet, if ye obey Allah and His messenger, He will not withhold from you aught of (the reward of) your deeds. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. [# God places true belief in your heart which gives it peace and rest. You have earn it by living according to God’s system that He has set.]
15 The (true) believers are those only who believe in Allah and His messenger and afterward doubt not*, but strive with their wealth and their lives for the cause of Allah. Such are the sincere. [# hearts that God have filled with His knowledge contain the desire to die for Him. God is more valuable than money and life.]
16 Say (unto them, O Muhammad): Would ye teach Allah your religion, when Allah knoweth all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, and Allah is Aware of all things ?
17 They make it a favour unto thee (Muhammad) that they have surrendered (unto Him). Say: Deem not your Surrender a favour unto me; but Allah doth confer a favour on you, inasmuch as He hath led you to the Faith, if ye are earnest.
18 Lo! Allah knoweth the Unseen of the heavens and the earth. And Allah is Seer of what ye do.
# Surah 50
1 Qaf. By the Glorious Qur'an,
2 Nay, but they marvel that a warner of their own hath come unto them; and the disbelievers say: This is a strange thing:
3 When we are dead and have become dust (shall we be brought back again) ? That would be a far return!
4 We know that which the earth taketh of them, and with Us is a recording Book.
5 Nay, but they have denied the truth when it came unto them, therefor they are now in troubled case.
43 Lo! We it is Who quicken and give death, and unto Us is the journeying.
44 On the day when the earth splitteth asunder from them, hastening forth (they come). That is a gathering easy for Us (to make).
45 We are Best Aware of what they say, and thou (O Muhammad) art in no wise a compeller over them. But warn by the Qur'an* him who feareth My threat. [# do not desire others to accept your views. Men have right to think you can be wrong. But honest men who take God seriously but maybe are in error, they will listen to God’s own words.]
# Surah 51
1 By those that winnow with a winnowing
2 And those that bear the burden (of the rain)
3 And those that glide with ease (upon the sea)
4 And those who distribute (blessings) by command,
5 Lo! that wherewith ye are threatened is indeed true,
6 And lo! the judgment will indeed befall.
56 I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me.* [# once created, there is no other option left but to submit to God and know him. God does not need worship. Therefore, He did not create for the purpose of worship, as verse appear to suggest. Why He created men is known only to wise men.]
57 I seek no livelihood from them, nor do I ask that they should feed Me.
58 Lo! Allah! He it is that giveth livelihood, the Lord of unbreakable might.
59 And lo! for those who (now) do wrong there is an evil day like unto the evil day (which came for) their likes (of old); so let them not ask Me to hasten on (that day).
60 And woe unto those who disbelieve, from (that) their day which they are promised.
# Surah 52
1 By the Mount,
2 And a Scripture inscribed
3 On fine parchment unrolled,
4 And the House frequented,
5 And the roof exalted,
6 And the sea kept filled,
7 Lo! the doom of thy Lord will surely come to pass;
8 There is none that can ward it off.
48 So wait patiently (O Muhammad) for thy Lord's decree, for surely thou art in Our sight; and hymn the praise of thy Lord when thou uprisest,
49 And in the night-time also hymn His praise, and at the setting of the stars.*
# Surah 53
1 By the Star when it setteth,
2 Your comrade erreth not, nor is deceived;
3 Nor doth he speak of (his own) desire.* [# this Quran is contains wishes of God, not of Muhammad.]
4 It is naught save an inspiration that is inspired,
5 Which one of mighty powers hath taught him,
55 Concerning which then, of the bounties of thy Lord, canst thou dispute ?
56 This is a warner of the warners of old.
57 The threatened Hour is nigh.
58 None beside Allah can disclose it.
59 Marvel ye then at this statement,
60 And laugh and not weep,* [# blessed are those who mourn injustices upon innocents for God shall love them]
61 While ye amuse yourselves ?
62 Rather prostrate yourselves before Allah and serve Him.
# Surah 54
1 The hour drew nigh and the moon was rent in twain.
2 And if they behold a portent they turn away and say: Prolonged illusion.
3 They denied (the Truth) and followed their own lusts. Yet everything will come to a decision
4 And surely there hath come unto them news whereof the purport should deter,
5 Effective wisdom; but warnings avail not.
6 So withdraw from them (O Muhammad) on the day when the Summoner summoneth unto a painful thing.
7 With downcast eyes, they come forth from the graves as they were locusts spread abroad,
8 Hastening toward the summoner; the disbelievers say: This is a hard day.
46 Nay, but the Hour (of doom) is their appointed tryst, and the Hour will be more wretched and more bitter (than their earthly failure).
47 Lo! the guilty are in error and madness.
48 On the day when they are dragged into the Fire upon their faces (it is said unto them): Feel the touch of hell.
49 Lo! We have created every thing by measure.
50 And Our commandment is but one (commandment), as the twinkling of an eye.
51 And verily We have destroyed your fellows; but is there any that remembereth ?
52 And every thing they did is in the scriptures,
53 And every small and great thing is recorded. * [# mens actions and intentions are are kept safe to be revealed later]
54 Lo! the righteous will dwell among gardens and rivers,
55 Firmly established in the favour of a Mighty King.
# Surah 55
1 The Beneficent
2 Hath made known the Qur'an.
3 He hath created man.
4 He hath taught him utterance.
77 Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny ? *
78 Blessed be the name of thy Lord, Mighty and glorious!
# Surah 56
1 When the event befalleth -
2 There is no denying that it will befall -
3 Abasing (some), exalting (others);
4 When the earth is shaken with a shock
5 And the hills are ground to powder
6 So that they become a scattered dust,
92 But if he is of the rejecters, the erring,
93 Then the welcome will be boiling water
94 And roasting at hell-fire.
95 Lo! this is certain truth.
96 Therefor (O Muhammad) praise the name of thy Lord, the Tremendous.
# Surah 57
1 All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifieth Allah; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.
2 His is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth; He quickeneth and He giveth death; and He is Able to do all things.
3 He is the First and the Last, and the Outward and the Inward*; and He is Knower of all things.
28 O ye who believe! Be mindful of your duty to Allah and put faith in His messenger. He will give you twofold of His mercy and will appoint for you a light* wherein ye shall walk, and will forgive you. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful; [# fear no darkness for light of God will be given to you when you need it most.]
29 That the People of the Scripture may know that they control naught of the bounty of Allah, but that the bounty is in Allah's hand to give to whom He will. And Allah is of Infinite Bounty.
# Surah 58
1 Allah hath heard the saying of her that disputeth with thee (Muhammad) concerning her husband, and complaineth unto Allah. And Allah heareth your colloquy. Lo! Allah is Hearer, Knower.
20 Lo! those who oppose Allah and His messenger, they will be among the lowest.
21 Allah hath decreed: Lo! I verily shall conquer*, I and My messengers. Lo! Allah is Strong, Almighty. [# enemies of God will all be defeated and doomed.]
22 Thou wilt not find* folk who believe in Allah and the Last Day loving those who oppose Allah and His messenger, even though they be their fathers or their sons or their brethren or their clan. As for such, He hath written faith upon their hearts and hath strengthened them with a Spirit from Him, and He will bring them into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide. Allah is well pleased with them, and they are well pleased with Him. They are Allah's party. Lo! is it not Allah's party who are the successful ? [# it is impossible to love truth and justice as well as parents and children engaged who maybe in lies and oppression. God wants men to stand up and speak against falsehood, in all situations and against every person.]
# Surah 59
1 All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth glorifieth Allah, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.
2 He it is Who hath caused those of the People of the Scripture who disbelieved to go forth from their homes unto the first exile. Ye deemed not that they would go forth, while they deemed that their strongholds would protect them from Allah. But Allah reached them from a place whereof they recked not, and cast terror in their hearts so that they ruined their houses with their own hands and the hands of the believers. So learn a lesson, O ye who have eyes!
21 If We had caused this Qur'an to descend upon a mountain, thou (O Muhammad) verily hadst seen it humbled, rent asunder by the fear of Allah. Such similitudes coin We for mankind that haply they may reflect.
22 He is Allah, than Whom there is no other God, the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible. He is the Beneficent, Merciful.
23 He is Allah, than Whom there is no other God, the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One, Peace, the Keeper of Faith, the Guardian, the Majestic,* the Compeller, the Superb. Glorified be Allah from all that they ascribe as partner (unto Him).
24 He is Allah, the Creator, the Shaper out of naught, the Fashioner. His are the most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifieth Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise. [# this information is pure beauty which can only have been given by God himself.]
# Surah 60
1 O ye who believe! Choose not My enemy and your enemy* for allies. Do ye give them friendship when they disbelieve in that truth which hath come unto you, driving out the messenger and you because ye believe in Allah, your Lord ? If ye have come forth to strive in My way and seeking My good pleasure, (show them not friendship). Do ye show friendship unto them in secret, when I am Best Aware of what ye hide and what ye proclaim ? And whosoever doeth it among you, he verily hath strayed from the right way. [# men and women who are liars and unjust, then do not trust them, nor love them, even if they are your parents and your children.]
2 If they have the upper hand of you, they will be your foes, and will stretch out their hands and their tongues toward you with evil (intent), and they long for you to disbelieve.
3 Your ties of kindred and your children will avail you naught upon the Day of Resurrection. He will part you. Allah is Seer of what ye do.
13 O ye who believe! Be not friendly* with a folk with whom Allah is wroth, (a folk) who have despaired of the Hereafter as the disbelievers despair of those who are in the graves. [# do not be close to liars and unfair people no matter who they may be.]
# Surah 61
1 All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth glorifieth Allah, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.
2 O ye who believe! Why say ye that which ye do not ?
3 It is most hateful* in the sight of Allah that ye say that which ye do not. [# act first then preach it to others, not before. Hypocrisy is detested by God.]
14 O ye who believe! Be Allah's helpers, even as Jesus son of Mary said unto the disciples: Who are my helpers for Allah ? They said: We are Allah's helpers. And a party of the Children of Israel believed, while a party disbelieved. Then We strengthened those who believed against their foe, and they became the uppermost.
# Surah 62
1 All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth glorifieth Allah, the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One*, the Mighty, the Wise.
2 He it is Who hath sent among the unlettered ones a messenger of their own, to recite unto them His revelations and to make them grow, and to teach them the Scripture and wisdom, though heretofore they were indeed in error manifest,
3 Along with others of them who have not yet joined them. He is the Mighty, the Wise.
4 That is the bounty of Allah; which He giveth unto whom He will. Allah is of Infinite Bounty.
9 O ye who believe! When the call is heard for the prayer of the day of congregation, haste unto remembrance of Allah and leave* your trading. That is better for you if ye did but know. [# Friday is day of gathering with other people to talk about God and learn and meet others. This is more important them money and profit.]
10 And when the prayer is ended, then disperse in the land and seek of Allah's bounty, and remember Allah much, that ye may be successful.
11 But when they spy some merchandise or pastime they break away to it and leave thee standing. Say: That which Allah hath is better than pastime and than merchandise, and Allah is the Best of providers.
# Surah 63
1 When the hypocrites come unto thee (O Muhammad), they say: We bear witness that thou art indeed Allah's messenger. And Allah knoweth that thou art indeed His messenger, and Allah beareth witness that the hypocrites indeed are speaking falsely*.
2 They make their faith a pretext so that they may turn (men) from the way of Allah. Verily evil is that which they are wont to do,
3 That is because they believed, then disbelieved, therefore their hearts are sealed so that they understand not.
9 O ye who believe! Let not your wealth nor your children distract you from remembrance of Allah. Those who do so, they are the losers.
10 And spend of that wherewith We have provided you before death cometh unto one of you and he saith: My Lord! If only thou wouldst reprieve me for a little while, then I would give alms and be among the righteous.
11 But Allah reprieveth no soul* when its term cometh, and Allah is Informed of what ye do.
# Surah 64
1 All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth glorifieth Allah; unto Him belongeth Sovereignty* and unto Him belongeth praise, and He is Able to do all things.
2 He it is Who created you, but one of you is a disbeliever and one of you is a believer, and Allah is Seer of what ye do.
3 He created the heavens and the earth with truth, and He shaped you and made good your shapes, and unto Him is the journeying.
4 He knoweth all that is in the heavens and the earth, and He knoweth what ye conceal and what ye publish. And Allah is Aware of what is in the breasts (of men).
14 O ye who believe! Lo! among your wives and your children there are enemies* for you, therefor beware of them. And if ye efface and overlook and forgive, then lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
15 Your wealth and your children are only a temptation*, whereas Allah! with Him is an immense reward.
16 So keep your duty to Allah as best ye can, and listen, and obey, and spend; that is better for your souls. And whoso is saved from his own greed, such are the successful.
17 If ye lend unto Allah a goodly loan, He will double it for you and will forgive you, for Allah is Responsive, Clement,
18 Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, the Mighty, the Wise.
# Surah 65
1 O Prophet! When ye (men) put away women, put them away for their (legal) period and reckon the period, and keep your duty to Allah, your Lord. Expel them not from their houses nor let them go forth unless they commit open immorality. Such are the limits (imposed by) Allah; and whoso transgresseth Allah's limits, he verily wrongeth his soul. Thou knowest not: it may be that Allah will afterward bring some new thing to pass.
2 Then, when they have reached their term, take them back in kindness or part from them in kindness, and call to witness two just men among you, and keep your testimony upright for Allah. Whoso believeth in Allah and the Last Day is exhorted to act thus. And whosoever keepeth his duty to Allah, Allah will appoint a way out for him,
3 And will provide for him from (a quarter) whence he hath no expectation. And whosoever putteth his trust in Allah, He will suffice him. Lo! Allah bringeth His command to pass. Allah hath set a measure for all things.
8 And how many a community revolted against the ordinance of its Lord and His messengers, and We called it to a stern account and punished it with dire punishment,
9 So that it tasted the ill-effects of its conduct, and the consequence of its conduct was loss.
10 Allah hath prepared for them stern punishment; so keep your duty to Allah, O men of understanding! O ye who believe! Now Allah hath sent down unto you a reminder,
11 A messenger reciting unto you the revelations of Allah made plain, that He may bring forth those who believe and do good works from darkness unto light. And whosoever believeth in Allah and doeth right, He will bring him into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, therein to abide for ever. Allah hath made good provision for him.
12 Allah it is who hath created seven heavens, and of the earth the like* thereof. The commandment cometh down among them slowly, that ye may know that Allah is Able to do all things, and that Allah surroundeth all things in knowledge.
# Surah 66
1 O Prophet! Why bannest thou that which Allah hath made lawful for thee, seeking to please thy wives ? And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
10 Allah citeth an example for those who disbelieve: the wife* of Noah and the wife of Lot, who were under two of Our righteous slaves yet betrayed them so that they (the husbands) availed them naught against Allah and it was said (unto them): Enter the Fire along with those who enter.
11 And Allah citeth an example for those who believe: the wife* of Pharaoh when she said: My Lord! Build for me a home with thee in the Garden, and deliver me from Pharaoh and his work, and deliver me from evil-doing folk;
12 And Mary, daughter of 'Imran, whose body was chaste,* therefor We breathed therein something of Our Spirit. And she put faith in the words of her Lord and His scriptures, and was of the obedient.
# Surah 67
1 Blessed is He in Whose hand is the Sovereignty, and, He is Able to do all things.
2 Who hath created life and death that He may try you which of you is best in conduct; and He is the Mighty, the Forgiving,
29 Say: He is the Beneficent. In Him we believe and in Him we put our trust. And ye will soon know who it is that is in error manifest.
30 Say: Have ye thought: If (all) your water were to disappear into the earth, who then could bring you gushing water ?
# Surah 68
1 Nun. By the pen and that which they write (therewith),
2 Thou art not, for thy Lord's favour unto thee, a madman.
3 And lo! thine verily will be a reward unfailing.
4 And lo! thou art of a tremendous nature.
5 And thou wilt see and they will see
6 Which of you is the demented.
51 And lo! those who disbelieve would fain disconcert thee with their eyes when they hear the Reminder, and they say: Lo! he is indeed mad;
52 When it is naught else than a Reminder to creation.
# Surah 69
1 The Reality!
2 What is the Reality ?
3 Ah, what will convey unto thee what the reality is!
51 And lo! it is absolute truth.
52 So glorify the name of thy Tremendous Lord.
# Surah 70
1 A questioner questioned concerning the doom about to fall
2 Upon the disbelievers, which none can repel,
3 From Allah, Lord of the Ascending Stairways
4 (Whereby) the angels and the Spirit ascend unto Him in a Day whereof the span is fifty thousand years.
39 Nay, verily. Lo! We created them from what they know.
40 But nay! I swear by the Lord of the rising-places and the setting-places of the planets that We verily are Able
41 To replace them by (others) better than them. And we are not to be outrun.
42 So let them chat and play until they meet their Day which they are promised,
43 The day when they come forth from the graves in haste, as racing to a goal,
44 With eyes aghast, abasement stupefying them: Such is the Day which they are promised.
# Surah 71
1 Lo! We sent Noah unto his people (saying): Warn thy people ere the painful doom come unto them.
2 He said: O my people! Lo! I am a plain warner unto you
3 (Bidding you): Serve Allah and keep your duty unto Him and obey me,
4 That He may forgive you somewhat of your sins and respite you to an appointed term. Lo! the term of Allah, when it cometh, cannot be delayed, if ye but knew.
25 Because of their sins they were drowned, then made to enter a Fire. And they found they had no helpers in place of Allah.
26 And Noah said: My Lord! Leave not one of the disbelievers in the land.
27 If Thou shouldst leave them, they will mislead Thy slaves and will beget none save lewd ingrates.
28 My Lord! Forgive me and my parents and him who entereth my house believing, and believing men and believing women, and increase not the wrong-doers in aught save ruin.
# Surah 72
1 Say (O Muhammad): It is revealed unto me that a company of the Jinn gave ear, and they said: Lo! we have heard a marvellous Qur'an,
2 Which guideth unto righteousness, so we believe in it and we ascribe no partner unto our Lord.
3 And (we believe) that He - exalted be the glory of our Lord! - hath taken neither wife nor son,
4 And that the foolish one among us used to speak concerning Allah an atrocious lie.
25 Say (O Muhammad, unto the disbelievers): I know not whether that which ye are promised is nigh, or if my Lord hath set a distant term for it.
26 (He is) the Knower of the Unseen, and He revealeth unto none His secret,
27 Save unto every messenger whom He hath chosen, and then He maketh a guard to go before him and a guard behind him
28 That He may know that they have indeed conveyed the messages of their Lord. He surroundeth all their doings, and He keepeth count of all things.*
# Surah 73
1 O thou wrapped up in thy raiment!
2 Keep vigil the night long, save a little -
3 A half thereof, or abate a little thereof
4 Or add (a little) thereto - and chant the Qur'an in measure,
5 For we shall charge thee with a word of weight.
6 Lo! the vigil of the night is (a time) when impression is more keen and speech more certain.
7 Lo! thou hast by day a chain of business.
8 So remember the name of thy Lord and devote thyself with a complete devotion -
9 Lord of the East and the West; there is no God save Him; so choose thou Him alone for thy defender –
20 Lo! thy Lord knoweth how thou keepest vigil sometimes nearly two-thirds of the night, or (sometimes) half or a third thereof, as do a party of those with thee. Allah measureth the night and the day. He knoweth that ye count it not, and turneth unto you in mercy. Recite, then, of the Qur'an that which is easy for you.* He knoweth that there are sick folk among you, while others travel in the land in search of Allah's bounty, and others (still) are fighting for the cause of Allah. So recite of it that which is easy (for you), and establish worship and pay the poor-due, and (so) lend unto Allah a goodly loan. Whatsoever good ye send before you for your souls, ye will find it with Allah, better and greater in the recompense. And seek forgiveness of Allah. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
# Surah 74
1 O thou enveloped in thy cloak,
2 Arise and warn!
3 Thy Lord magnify,
4 Thy raiment purify,
5 Pollution shun!
6 And show not favour, seeking wordly gain!
7 For the sake of thy Lord, be patient!
53 Nay, verily. They fear not the Hereafter.
54 Nay, verily. Lo! this is an Admonishment.
55 So whosoever will may heed.
56 And they will not heed unless Allah willeth (it). He is the fount of fear. He is the fount of Mercy.*
# Surah 75
1 Nay, I swear by the Day of Resurrection;
2 Nay, I swear by the accusing soul (that this Scripture is true).
3 Thinketh man that We shall not assemble his bones ?
4 Yea, verily. We are Able to restore his very fingers!
36 Thinketh man that he is to be left aimless ?
37 Was he not a drop of fluid which gushed forth ?
38 Then he became a clot; then (Allah) shaped and fashioned
39 And made of him a pair, the male and female.
40 Is not He (Who doeth so) Able to bring the dead to life ?
# Surah 76
1 Hath there come upon man (ever) any period of time in which he was a thing unremembered ?
2 Lo! We create man from a drop of thickened fluid to test him; so We make him hearing, knowing.
3 Lo! We have shown him the way, whether he be grateful or disbelieving.
29 Lo! this is an Admonishment, that whosoever will may choose a way unto his Lord.
30 Yet ye will not, unless Allah willeth. Lo! Allah is Knower, Wise. *
31 He maketh whom He will to enter His mercy, and for evil-doers hath prepared a painful doom.
# Surah 77
1 By the emissary winds, (sent) one after another
2 By the raging hurricanes,
3 By those which cause earth's vegetation to revive;
4 By those who winnow with a winnowing,
5 By those who bring down the Reminder,
6 To excuse or to warn,
7 Surely that which ye are promised will befall.
49 Woe unto the repudiators on that day!
50 In what statement, after this, will they believe ?
# Surah 78
1 Whereof do they question one another ?
2 (It is) of the awful tidings,
3 Concerning which they are in disagreement.
4 Nay, but they will come to know!
5 Nay, again, but they will come to know!
37 Lord of the heavens and the earth, and (all) that is between them, the Beneficent; with Whom none can converse.
38 On the day when the angels and the Spirit stand arrayed, they speak not, saving him whom the Beneficent alloweth and who speaketh right.
39 That is the True Day. So whoso will should seek recourse unto his Lord.
40 Lo! We warn you of a doom at hand, a day whereon a man will look on that which his own hands have sent before, and the disbeliever will cry: "Would that I were dust!"
# Surah 79
1 By those who drag forth to destruction,
2 By the meteors rushing,
3 By the lone stars floating,
4 By the angels hastening,
5 And those who govern the event,
6 On the day when the first trump resoundeth.
7 And the second followeth it,
8 On that day hearts beat painfully
9 While eyes are downcast
42 They ask thee of the Hour: when will it come to port ?
43 Why (ask they) ? What hast thou to tell thereof ?
44 Unto thy Lord belongeth (knowledge of) the term thereof.
45 Thou art but a warner unto him who feareth it.
46 On the day when they behold it, it will be as if they had but tarried for an evening or the morn thereof.
# Surah 80
1 He frowned and turned away
2 Because the blind man came unto him.
3 What could inform thee but that he might grow (in grace)
4 Or take heed and so the reminder might avail him ?
40 And other faces, on that day, with dust upon them,
41 Veiled in darkness,
42 Those are the disbelievers, the wicked.
# Surah 81
1 When the sun is overthrown,
2 And when the stars fall,
3 And when the hills are moved,
4 And when the camels big with young are abandoned,
5 And when the wild beasts are herded together,
6 And when the seas rise,
7 And when souls are reunited,
8 And when the girl-child that was buried alive is asked
9 For what sin she was slain,
10 And when the pages are laid open,
11 And when the sky is torn away,
12 And when hell is lighted,
13 And when the Garden is brought nigh,
14 (Then) every soul will know what it hath made ready.
27 This is naught else than a reminder unto creation,
28 Unto whomsoever of you willeth to walk straight.
29 And ye will not, unless (it be) that Allah willeth, the Lord of Creation.*
# Surah 82
1 When the heaven is cleft asunder,
2 When the planets are dispersed,
3 When the seas are poured forth,
4 And the sepulchres are overturned,
5 A soul will know what it hath sent before (it) and what left behind.
17 Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Day of Judgment is!
18 Again, what will convey unto thee what the Day of Judgment is!
19 A day on which no soul hath power at all for any (other) soul. The (absolute) command on that day is Allah's.
# Surah 83
1 Woe unto the defrauders:
2 Those who when they take the measure from mankind demand it full,
3 But if they measure unto them or weight for them, they cause them loss.
4 Do such (men) not consider that they will be raised again
5 Unto an Awful Day,
6 The day when (all) mankind stand before the Lord of the Worlds ?
36 Are not the disbelievers paid for what they used to do ?
# Surah 84
1 When the heaven is split asunder
2 And attentive to her Lord in fear,
3 And when the earth is spread out
4 And hath cast out all that was in her, and is empty
5 And attentive to her Lord in fear!
6 Thou, verily, O man, art working toward thy Lord a work which thou wilt meet (in His presence).
22 Nay, but those who disbelieve will deny;
23 And Allah knoweth best what they are hiding.
24 So give them tidings of a painful doom,
25 Save those who believe and do good works, for theirs is a reward unfailing.
# Surah 85
1 By the heaven, holding mansions of the stars,
2 And by the Promised Day.
3 And by the witness and that whereunto he beareth testimony,
4 (Self-)destroyed were the owners of the ditch
5 Of the fuel-fed fire,
6 When they sat by it,
7 And were themselves the witnesses of what they did to the believers.
8 They had naught against them save that they believed in Allah, the Mighty, the Owner of Praise,
21 Nay, but it is a glorious Qur'an.
22 On a guarded tablet.*
# Surah 86
1 By the heaven and the Morning Star
2 - Ah, what will tell thee what the Morning Star is!
3 - The piercing Star!
15 Lo! they plot a plot (against thee, O Muhammad)
16 And I plot a plot (against them).
17 So give a respite to the disbelievers. Deal thou gently with them for a while.
# Surah 87
1 Praise the name of thy Lord the Most High,
2 Who createth, then disposeth;
3 Who measureth, then guideth;
4 Who bringeth forth the pasturage,
5 Then turneth it to russet stubble.
18 Lo! This is in the former scrolls.
19 The Books of Abraham and Moses.
# Surah 88
1 Hath there come unto thee tidings of the Overwhelming ?
2 On that day (many) faces will be downcast,
3 Toiling, weary,
4 Scorched by burning fire,
5 Drinking from a boiling spring,
6 No food for them save bitter thorn-fruit
7 Which doth not nourish nor release from hunger.
23 But whoso is averse and disbelieveth,
24 Allah will punish him with direst punishment.
25 Lo! unto Us is their return
26 And Ours their reckoning.
# Surah 89
1 By the Dawn
2 And ten nights,
3 And the Even and the Odd,
4 And the night when it departeth,
5 There surely is an oath for thinking man.
27 But ah! thou soul at peace!
28 Return unto thy Lord, content in His good pleasure!
29 Enter thou among My bondmen!
30 Enter thou My Garden!
# Surah 90
1 Nay, I swear by this city -
2 And thou art an indweller of this city -
3 And the begetter and that which he begat,
4 We verily have created man in an atmosphere:
5 Thinketh he that none hath power over him ?
17 And to be of those who believe and exhort one another to perseverance and exhort one another to pity.
18 Their place will be on the right hand.
19 But those who disbelieve Our revelations, their place will be on the left hand.
20 Fire will be an awning over them.
# Surah 91
1 By the sun and his brightness,
2 And the moon when she followeth him,
3 And the day when it revealeth him,
4 And the night when it enshroudeth him,
5 And the heaven and Him Who built it,
6 And the earth and Him Who spread it,
7 And a soul and Him Who perfected it
8 And inspired it (with conscience of) what is wrong for it and (what is) right for it.
9 He is indeed successful who causeth it to grow,
10 And he is indeed a failure who stunteth it.
15 He dreadeth not the sequel (of events).
# Surah 92
1 By the night enshrouding
2 And the day resplendent
3 And Him Who hath created male and female,
4 Lo! your effort is dispersed (toward divers ends).
18 Who giveth his wealth that he may grow (in goodness).
19 And none hath with him any favour for reward,
20 Except as seeking (to fulfil) the purpose of his Lord Most High.
21 He verily will be content.
# Surah 93
1 By the morning hours
2 And by the night when it is stillest,
3 Thy Lord hath not forsaken thee nor doth He hate thee,
4 And verily the latter portion will be better for thee than the former,
5 And verily thy Lord will give unto thee so that thou wilt be content.
6 Did He not find thee an orphan and protect (thee) ?
7 Did He not find thee wandering and direct (thee) ?
8 Did He not find thee destitute and enrich (thee) ?
9 Therefor the orphan oppress not,
10 Therefor the beggar drive not away,
11 Therefor of the bounty of thy Lord be thy discourse.
# Surah 94
1 Have We not caused thy bosom to dilate,
2 And eased thee of the burden
3 Which weighed down thy back;
4 And exalted thy fame ?
5 But lo! with hardship goeth ease,
6 Lo! with hardship goeth ease;
7 So when thou art relieved, still toil
8 And strive to please thy Lord.
# Surah 95
1 By the fig and the olive,
2 By Mount Sinai,
3 And by this land made safe;
4 Surely We created man of the best stature
5 Then we reduced him to the lowest of the low,
6 Save those who believe and do good works, and theirs is a reward unfailing.
7 So who henceforth will give the lie to thee about the judgment ?
8 Is not Allah the most conclusive of all judges ?
# Surah 96
1 Read: In the name of thy Lord Who createth,
2 Createth man from a clot.
3 Read: And thy Lord is the Most Bounteous,
4 Who teacheth by the pen,
5 Teacheth man that which he knew not.
19 Nay, Obey not thou him. But prostrate thyself, and draw near (unto Allah).
# Surah 97
1 Lo! We revealed it on the Night of Predestination.
2 Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Night of Power is!
3 The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
4 The angels and the Spirit descend therein, by the permission of their Lord, with all decrees.
5 (The night is) Peace until the rising of the dawn.
# Surah 98
1 Those who disbelieve among the People of the Scripture and the idolaters could not have left off (erring) till the clear proof came unto them,
2 A messenger from Allah, reading purified pages
3 Containing correct scriptures.
4 Nor were the People of the Scripture divided until after the clear proof came unto them.
5 And they are ordered naught else than to serve Allah, keeping religion pure for Him, as men by nature upright, and to establish worship and to pay the poor-due. That is true religion.
6 Lo! those who disbelieve, among the People of the Scripture and the idolaters, will abide in fire of hell. They are the worst of created beings.
7 (And) lo! those who believe and do good works are the best of created beings.
8 Their reward is with their Lord: Gardens of Eden underneath which rivers flow, wherein they dwell for ever. Allah hath pleasure in them and they have pleasure in Him. This is (in store) for him who feareth his Lord.
# Surah 99
1 When Earth is shaken with her (final) earthquake
2 And Earth yieldeth up her burdens,
3 And man saith: What aileth her ?
4 That day she will relate her chronicles,
5 Because thy Lord inspireth her.
6 That day mankind will issue forth in scattered groups to be shown their deeds.
7 And whoso doeth good an atom's weight will see it then,
8 And whoso doeth ill an atom's weight will see it then.
# Surah 100
1 By the snorting courses,
2 Striking sparks of fire
3 And scouring to the raid at dawn,
4 Then, therewith, with their trail of dust,
5 Cleaving, as one, the centre (of the foe),
6 Lo! man is an ingrate unto his Lord
7 And lo! he is a witness unto that;
8 And lo! in the love of wealth he is violent.
9 Knoweth he not that, when the contents of the graves are poured forth
10 And the secrets of the breasts are made known,
11 On that day will their Lord be perfectly informed concerning them.
# Surah 101
1 The Calamity!
2 What is the Calamity ?
3 Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Calamity is!
4 A day wherein mankind will be as thickly-scattered moths
5 And the mountains will become as carded wool.
6 Then, as for him whose scales are heavy (with good works),
7 He will live a pleasant life.
8 But as for him whose scales are light,
9 A bereft and Hungry One will be his mother,
10 Ah, what will convey unto thee what she is! -
11 Raging Fire.
# Surah 102
1 Rivalry in worldly increase distracteth you
2 Until ye come to the graves.
3 Nay, but ye will come to know!
4 Nay, but ye will come to know!
5 Nay, would that ye knew (now) with a sure knowledge!
6 For ye will behold hell-fire.
7 Aye, ye will behold it with sure vision.
8 Then, on that day, ye will be asked concerning pleasure.
# Surah 103
1 By the declining day,
2 Lo! man is a state of loss,
3 Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.
# Surah 104
1 Woe unto every slandering traducer,
2 Who hath gathered wealth (of this world) and arranged it.
3 He thinketh that his wealth will render him immortal.
4 Nay, but verily he will be flung to the Consuming One.
5 Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Consuming One is!
6 (It is) the fire of Allah, kindled,
7 Which leapeth up over the hearts (of men).
8 Lo! it is closed in on them
9 In outstretched columns.
# Surah 105
1 Hast thou not seen how thy Lord dealt with the owners of the Elephant ?
2 Did He not bring their stratagem to naught,
3 And send against them swarms of flying creatures,
4 Which pelted them with stones of baked clay,
5 And made them like green crops devoured (by cattle) ?
# Surah 106
1 For the taming of Qureysh.
2 For their taming (We cause) the caravans to set forth in winter and summer.
3 So let them worship the Lord of this House,
4 Who hath fed them against hunger and hath made them safe from fear.
# Surah 107
1 Hast thou observed him who belieth religion ?
2 That is he who repelleth the orphan,
3 And urgeth not the feeding of the needy.
4 Ah, woe unto worshippers
5 Who are heedless of their prayer;
6 Who would be seen (at worship)
7 Yet refuse small kindnesses!
# Surah 108
1 Lo! We have given thee Abundance;
2 So pray unto thy Lord, and sacrifice.
3 Lo! it is thy insulter (and not thou) who is without posterity.
# Surah 109
1 Say: O disbelievers!
2 I worship not that which ye worship;
3 Nor worship ye that which I worship.
4 And I shall not worship that which ye worship.
5 Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
6 Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion.
# Surah 110
1 When Allah's succour and the triumph cometh
2 And thou seest mankind entering the religion of Allah in troops,
3 Then hymn the praises of thy Lord, and seek forgiveness of Him. Lo! He is ever ready to show mercy.
# Surah 111
1 The power of Abu Lahab will perish, and he will perish.
2 His wealth and gains will not exempt him.
3 He will be plunged in flaming Fire,
4 And his wife, the wood-carrier,
5 Will have upon her neck a halter of palm-fibre.
# Surah 112
1 Say: He is Allah, the One!
2 Allah, the eternally Besought of all!
3 He begetteth not nor was begotten.
4 And there is none comparable unto Him.
# Surah 113
1 Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the Daybreak
2 From the evil of that which He created;
3 From the evil of the darkness when it is intense,
4 And from the evil of malignant witchcraft,
5 And from the evil of the envier when he envieth.
# Surah 114
1 Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,
2 The King of mankind,
3 The God of mankind,
4 From the evil of the sneaking whisperer,
5 Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind,
6 Of the jinn and of mankind
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